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Ítem Acceso Abierto Granos andinos: superalimentos en la cocinaRepo-Carrasco Valencia, Ritva; Solórzano, Flavio (2020)Este libro surge de la comprobación de dos tendencias referidas a la alimentación, cada vez más visibles pero aún no vinculadas entre sí. Por una parte, hay un mayor reconocimiento de la gastronomía peruana como una actividad económica floreciente y estratégica y que, además, estimula un sentimiento de orgullo nacional. Por otro lado, en el ambiente académico se evidencia un interés creciente por investigar los cultivos andinos para conocer mejor su valor nutricional y su empleo en la industria alimentaria.Ítem Acceso Abierto Rheological and textural properties of gluten - free doughts made from Andean grainsVidaurre-Ruiz, Julio; Salas Valerio, Francisco; Schoenlechner, Regine; Repo-Carrasco Valencia, Ritva (2020, Institute of Food, Science and Technology (IFSTTF))The objective of this research was to evaluate the rheological and textural properties of gluten-free doughs based on potato starch, which was partially substituted by different proportions of quinoa (10%, 30% and 50%), kiwicha (10%, 30% and 50%) or tarwi flour (10%, 20% and 30%). The influence of the substitution on the kinetics of the leavening process was studied as well. The back-extrusion technique was used to determine rheological and textural properties of the dough, and the leavening kinetics were modelled using the Gompertz equation. The results showed that textural properties such as firmness, consistency, cohesiveness and viscosity index, as well as the consistency index of the doughs increased as the level of substitution of the Andean grain flour in the formulation increased. It was determined that the formulations with an addition of 10% and 20% for quinoa or kiwicha flour, and 10% for tarwi flour would be most suitable for developing gluten-free breads.Ítem Acceso Abierto Profile and content of residual alkaloids in ten ecotypes of Lupinus mutabilis Sweet after aqueous debittering processCortés-Avendaño, Paola; Tarvainen, Marko; Jukka-Pekka, Suomela; Glorio-Paulet, Patricia; Yang, Baoru; Repo-Carrasco-Valencia, Ritva (2020, Springer)The evaluation of the level of alkaloids in edible Lupinus species is crucial from a food safety point of view. Debittering of lupin seeds has a long history; however, the control of the level of alkaloids after processing the seeds is typically only evaluated by changes in the bitter taste. The aim of this study was to evaluate the profile and residual levels of quinolizidine alkaloids (QA) in (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) after aqueous debittering process. Samples from 10 ecotypes from different areas of Peru were analyzed before and after the process. Based on results obtained by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, from eight alkaloids identified before the debittering process, only small amounts of lupanine (avg. 0.0012 g/100 g DM) and sparteine (avg. 0.0014 g/100 g DM) remained in the seeds after the debittering process, and no other alkaloids were identified. The aqueous debittering process reduced the content of alkaloids to levels far below the maximal level allowed by international regulations (≤ 0.2 g/kg DM).Ítem Acceso Abierto Morpho-densitometric traits for quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) seed phenotyping by two X-ray micro-CT scanning approachesGargiulo, Laura; Grimberg, Asa; Repo-Carrasco-Valencia, Ritva; Carlsson, Anders S.; Mele, Giacomo (2019, Elsevier)Recent studies are increasingly focusing on quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) as a high-quality protein-rich food source and, in general, on seed quality. This latter is a complex trait difcult to characterize with standard measurements or analyses. X-ray micro-CT allows to visualise the internal structure of small objects and has been already used in seed research, mostly for maize kernel characterization. To date this technique has not yet been applied to study quinoa seeds, despite the increasing interest for their nutritional properties. The aim of this work was to explore the use of X-ray icrotomography to provide new traits improving the seed phenotyping of quinoa. Two different scanning approaches have been compared: one based on the simultaneous scanning of multiple seeds (30) at lower resolution (20 μm voxel size) and one based on the scanning of a single seed at higher resolution (2 μm voxel size). Such approaches were tested on a study case consisting of four different quinoa genotypes. Among the measured morpho-densitometric parameters, the embryo volume and weight ratios (derived from bulk and single seed scanning, respectively) showed high positive correlation with the total protein content, while the thickest fraction of the pericarp was the best correlated with the presence of saponinsÍtem Acceso Abierto Influence of tara gum and xanthan gum on rheological and textural properties of starch-based gluten-free dough and breadVidaurre-Ruiz, Julio; Matheus-Diaz, Shessira; Salas-Valerio, Francisco; Barraza-Jauregui, Gabriela; Schoenlechner, Regina; Repo-Carrasco-Valencia, Ritva (2019, Springer Verlag)The aim of this research was to determine the influence of tara gum and xanthan gum on rheological and textural properties of gluten-free doughs and breads made from corn starch and potato starch. Four formulations were developed: corn starch with xanthan gum (CS-XG), corn starch with tara gum (CS-TG), potato starch with xanthan gum (PS-XG) and potato starch with tara gum (PS-TG) (XG and TG—0.5% of flour). Rheological and textural properties of doughs were evaluated, as well as specifc volume, alveolar structure and texture profle of breads. The results showed that the addition of tara gum increased pasting properties of the potato starch formulation, however, in the corn starch formulations, it was not signifcantly different from xanthan gum addition. All formulations showed more elastic than viscous behavior (G′>G″) and these viscoelastic properties had an influence on the kinetics of dough growth during the leavening process. The formulation PS-XG presented high specifc volume, low crumb hardness, and good crumb structure, while the PS-TG showed inferior properties. In contrast, in the corn starch formulations, CS-XG and CS-TG presented very similar physical characteristics. The application of tara gum in gluten-free breads is reported for the frst time and depending on the starch used it showed desirable properties for obtaining good quality productsÍtem Acceso Abierto Development of gluten‑free and egg‑free pasta based on quinoa (Chenopdium quinoa Willd) with addition of lupine four, vegetable proteins and the oxidizing enzyme POxLinares-García, Laura; Rep-Carrasco-Valencia, Ritva; Glorio Paulet, Patricia; Schoenlechner, Regine (2019-06, Springer Verlag)The aim of this research was to develop gluten-free (GF) and egg-free quinoa pasta with high nutritional value. Extruded and non-extruded quinoa (red and white) four, potato starch, tara gum, and potato, pea and rice protein isolates were investigated in diferent recipes, some of them included egg white as an initial reference point. Results showed that extruded quinoa four, potato starch and tara gum had deteriorating efects on GF and egg-free pasta frmness and cooking quality. Lupine four addition itself was not able to replace egg white when added in the same amounts, but after increasing the concentration to 12%, the frmness and cooking quality decreasing efects could be improved again, especially when tara gum was absent in the formulations. In the fnal recipe, the content of lupine four was increased to 30% because its protein is complementary to the quinoa protein. From the three studied protein isolates, pea protein was superior to potato or rice protein, addition of the oxidizing enzyme POx could even further improve texture frmness. After these trials, the fnal recipe containing lupine four, pea protein and POx showed satisfying GF noodle quality and possessed a valuable nutritional composition with high protein and dietary fbre content.Ítem Acceso Abierto Propiedades de pasta y texturales de las mezclas de harinas de quinua (Chenopodium quinoa), kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus) y tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis) en un sistema acuosoVidaurre-Ruíz, Julio Mauricio; Salas-Valerio, Walter Francisco; Repo-Carrasco-Valencia, Ritva (2019-03, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano)El objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar los efectos de interacción de las harinas de quinua, kiwicha y tarwi en las propiedades de pasta (viscosidad pico, VP; viscosidad mínima, VM; viscosidad de retrogradación, VR; viscosidad fnal, VF) y texturales (frmeza, consistencia cohesividad, índice de viscosidad) de los geles formados en un sistema acuoso utilizando el enfoque experimental del diseño de mezclas. Se formularon diez tratamientos, los cuales estuvieron compuestos por 3 ingredientes individuales, 3 mezclas binarias y 4 mezclas ternarias. Los resultados de esta investigación demuestran que la alta capacidad de absorción de agua y la ausencia de almidón de la harina de tarwi afectó signifcativamente los parámetros de viscosidad de las pastas, así como las propiedades texturales de los geles. La harina de kiwicha presentó mayor perfl de viscosidad (VP: 1188.5 cP; VM: 932.5 cP; VF: 1194.0 cP; R: 261.5 cP), que la harina de quinua (VP: 147.5 cP; VM: 137.5 cP; VF: 336.5 cP; VR: 189.0 cP), sin embargo; se evidenciaron efectos no aditivos y no lineales en las propiedades de pasta y texturales de los geles cuando estas harinas se mezclaron en proporciones iguales. Las propiedades de pasta de las mezclas estuvieron altamente correlacionadas con las propiedades texturales de los geles (r = 0.73–0.92; p<0.05). Debido a las características reológicas y texturales especiales que pueden presentar las mezclas entre las harinas de quinua con tarwi o las harinas de kiwicha con tarwi resultarían promisorias para el desarrollo de productos de panifcación libres de gluten