Influence of tara gum and xanthan gum on rheological and textural properties of starch-based gluten-free dough and bread

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Vidaurre-Ruiz, Julio
Matheus-Diaz, Shessira
Salas-Valerio, Francisco
Barraza-Jauregui, Gabriela
Schoenlechner, Regina
Repo-Carrasco-Valencia, Ritva

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The aim of this research was to determine the influence of tara gum and xanthan gum on rheological and textural properties of gluten-free doughs and breads made from corn starch and potato starch. Four formulations were developed: corn starch with xanthan gum (CS-XG), corn starch with tara gum (CS-TG), potato starch with xanthan gum (PS-XG) and potato starch with tara gum (PS-TG) (XG and TG—0.5% of flour). Rheological and textural properties of doughs were evaluated, as well as specifc volume, alveolar structure and texture profle of breads. The results showed that the addition of tara gum increased pasting properties of the potato starch formulation, however, in the corn starch formulations, it was not signifcantly different from xanthan gum addition. All formulations showed more elastic than viscous behavior (G′>G″) and these viscoelastic properties had an influence on the kinetics of dough growth during the leavening process. The formulation PS-XG presented high specifc volume, low crumb hardness, and good crumb structure, while the PS-TG showed inferior properties. In contrast, in the corn starch formulations, CS-XG and CS-TG presented very similar physical characteristics. The application of tara gum in gluten-free breads is reported for the frst time and depending on the starch used it showed desirable properties for obtaining good quality products


Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Industrias Alimentarias


Productos de panadería; Pan; Panificación; Goma de tara; Goma Xantan; Propiedades reológicas; Gluten; Textura; Evaluación; Perú


Vidaurre‑Ruiz, Julio; Matheus‑Diaz, Shesira; Salas-Valerio, Francisco; Barraza‑Jauregui, Gabriela; Schoenlechner, Regine; Repo‑Carrasco‑Valencia, Ritva. (2019). Influence of tara gum and xanthan gum on rheological and textural properties of starch-based gluten-free dough and bread. European Food Research and Technology (2019) 245:1347–1355.




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