Patrones de crecimiento, morfología, producción, asignación de recursos y arquitectura de planta en cinco poblaciones de Festuca dolichophylla
Paucar Sullca, Ysai
Para alimentar a una población humana creciente es necesario incrementar la producción animal y vegetal; el aumento del número de animales generaría mayor demanda de pastizales y pasturas, satisfacer esto es un reto para los especialistas en este campo. Por ello el objetivo fue estudiar los patrones de crecimiento, morfología, producción, asignación de recursos y arquitectura de planta en cinco poblaciones de Festuca dolichophylla en condiciones similares. Se trabajó con cinco matas de cada población: Comunidad Campesina Pastales Huando – Huancavelica (CCPH), Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Camélidos Sudamericanos Lachocc – Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica (CIDCSL), así como de las regiones de Junín, Pasco y Puno. Cada mata se dividió en seis plantas, se instalaron en un suelo uniforme de la CCPH y luego de 12 meses de establecimiento se estimó la tasa de sobrevivencia y se realizó el corte de uniformización. Los patrones de crecimiento fueron monitoreados durante el periodo de crecimiento (cinco meses); las características morfológicas, productivas, asignación de recursos y arquitectura de planta se evaluaron después del periodo de crecimiento. Las tasas de sobrevivencia fueron desde 43.3% en plantas del CIDCSL hasta 96.7% en plantas de Puno (p0.05), Festuca dolichophylla asigna el 14%, 18%, 29%, 35% y 4% de la materia seca a la raíz, corona, tallo, hojas e inflorescencia respectivamente. Todas las características mostraron elevadas variabilidades; la variabilidad y diferencias se deberían a la diferente constitución genética de cada población, ya que el ambiente fue similar. Estos resultados son importantes para la elaboración de un posible plan de mejoramiento genético o toma de decisiones de su uso en procesos de revegetación.
To feed a growing human population it is necessary to increase animal and plant production; The growth in animal number would generate greater demand for grasslands and pastures; to satisfy this demand is a challenge for specialists in this field. Therefore, the aim of this research was to study the growth patterns, morphology, production, resources allocation and plant architecture in five populations of Festuca dolichophylla under similar conditions. We worked with five bushes from each population: Comunidad Campesina Pastales Huando - Huancavelica (CCPH), Lachocc South American Camelid Research and Development Center - National University of Huancavelica (CIDCSL), as well as from the regions of Junín, Pasco and Puno. Each bush was divided into six plants, they were installed in a uniform CCPH soil and after 12 months of establishment the survival rate was estimated and the uniformization cut was made. Growth patterns were monitored during the growth period (five months); morphological, and productive characteristics, resource allocation and plant architecture were evaluated after the growth period. Survival rates were from 43.3% in CIDCSL plants to 96.7% in Puno plants (p0.05), Festuca dolichophylla allocates 14%, 18%, 29%, 35% and 4% of the dry matter to the root, crown, stem, leaves and inflorescence respectively. All characteristics showed high variability; the variability and differences would be due to the different genetic constitution of each population, since the environment was similar. These results are important for the development of a possible genetic breeding plan or decision-making regarding its use in revegetation processes.
To feed a growing human population it is necessary to increase animal and plant production; The growth in animal number would generate greater demand for grasslands and pastures; to satisfy this demand is a challenge for specialists in this field. Therefore, the aim of this research was to study the growth patterns, morphology, production, resources allocation and plant architecture in five populations of Festuca dolichophylla under similar conditions. We worked with five bushes from each population: Comunidad Campesina Pastales Huando - Huancavelica (CCPH), Lachocc South American Camelid Research and Development Center - National University of Huancavelica (CIDCSL), as well as from the regions of Junín, Pasco and Puno. Each bush was divided into six plants, they were installed in a uniform CCPH soil and after 12 months of establishment the survival rate was estimated and the uniformization cut was made. Growth patterns were monitored during the growth period (five months); morphological, and productive characteristics, resource allocation and plant architecture were evaluated after the growth period. Survival rates were from 43.3% in CIDCSL plants to 96.7% in Puno plants (p0.05), Festuca dolichophylla allocates 14%, 18%, 29%, 35% and 4% of the dry matter to the root, crown, stem, leaves and inflorescence respectively. All characteristics showed high variability; the variability and differences would be due to the different genetic constitution of each population, since the environment was similar. These results are important for the development of a possible genetic breeding plan or decision-making regarding its use in revegetation processes.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Doctorado en Ciencia Animal
Festuca dolichophylla
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