Análisis de la implementación del plan de erradicación de puntos críticos de residuos sólidos en el distrito de San Luis
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Pázos Machado, Gerardo Miguel
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El presente trabajo de titulación por suficiencia profesional se basa en mi experiencia laboral y tuvo como objetivo analizar la implementación del Plan de erradicación de puntos críticos de residuos sólidos en el distrito de San Luis, en el marco del Programa de Incentivos Municipales. Se empleó una metodología que incluyó etapas de diagnóstico, priorización, planificación, ejecución de medidas y evaluación de beneficios. Los resultados indicaron el cumplimiento satisfactorio de la meta del Programa de Incentivos y evidenciaron un cambio positivo en la conciencia ambiental de la comunidad, aunque persisten desafíos como la resistencia de algunos sectores a cambiar prácticas, limitaciones en infraestructura, falta de participación de actores clave y mejora en algunos procesos en el área de limpieza pública. El análisis también destaca las contribuciones que he brindado a la entidad gracias a mis competencias y habilidades profesionales, y se recomienda intensificar la sensibilización, mejorar la coordinación de acciones, fortalecer la participación ciudadana y garantizar recursos para mejorar la gestión de residuos sólidos en el distrito.
The present degree work for professional sufficiency is based on my work experience and aimed to analyze the implementation of the Plan for the eradication of critical points of solid waste in the district of San Luis, within the framework of the Municipal Incentive Program. A methodology was employed that included stages of diagnosis, prioritization, planning, execution of measures, and evaluation of benefits. The results indicated the satisfactory fulfillment of the Program's goal and evidenced a positive change in the environmental awareness of the community, although challenges persist such as resistance from some sectors to change practices, limitations in infrastructure, lack of participation from key actors, and improvement in some processes in the area of public cleaning. The analysis also highlights the contributions I have made to the organization through my professional competencies and skills, and recommends intensifying awareness, improving coordination of actions, strengthening citizen participation, and ensuring resources to improve solid waste management in the district.
The present degree work for professional sufficiency is based on my work experience and aimed to analyze the implementation of the Plan for the eradication of critical points of solid waste in the district of San Luis, within the framework of the Municipal Incentive Program. A methodology was employed that included stages of diagnosis, prioritization, planning, execution of measures, and evaluation of benefits. The results indicated the satisfactory fulfillment of the Program's goal and evidenced a positive change in the environmental awareness of the community, although challenges persist such as resistance from some sectors to change practices, limitations in infrastructure, lack of participation from key actors, and improvement in some processes in the area of public cleaning. The analysis also highlights the contributions I have made to the organization through my professional competencies and skills, and recommends intensifying awareness, improving coordination of actions, strengthening citizen participation, and ensuring resources to improve solid waste management in the district.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento
Académico de Ingeniería Ambiental, Física y Meteorología
Gestión de residuos sólidos
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