Comercialización de productos pesqueros congelados en Lima por la empresa Karin Ecofish durante el 2021
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Abensur Montes De Oca, Karin Lucid
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El presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional consiste en describir la comercialización de productos pesqueros congelados en Lima por la empresa Karin Ecofish durante el año 2021, en donde se detalló el desarrollo de las operaciones que comprendió la recepción de los pedidos de productos pesqueros congelados por los clientes, compra de los insumos, pesado, envasado, almacenado, transporte y reparto de productos, venta de los productos pesqueros congelados, lavado y desinfección de los coolers y cuadre de caja. Asimismo, los principales productos pesqueros comercializados fueron los filetes de lomos de bonito, filetes de trucha salmonada y filetes de lomos de perico en cantidades de 2 400, 1 320 y 960 kg, respectivamente. Finalmente, el ingreso total en la comercialización de productos pesqueros congelados fue S/ 290 780.00, los costos totales de S/ 197 797.22 y obteniendo una utilidad en S/ 92 982.78 durante el año 2021.
This work of professional sufficiency consists of describing the marketing of frozen fish products in Lima by the company Karin Ecofish during the year 2021, detailing the development of operations that included the reception of orders of frozen fish products by customers, purchase of inputs, weighing, packaging, storage, transportation and delivery of products, sale of frozen fish products, washing and disinfection of coolers and cash register closing. The main fish products marketed were bonito fillets, salmon trout fillets, and perico fillets in quantities of 2 400 kg, 1 320 kg, and 960 kg, respectively. Finally, the total income from the commercialization of frozen fish products was S/. 290 780.00, the total costs were S/. 197 797.22 and a profit of S/. 92 982.78 was obtained during the year 2021.
This work of professional sufficiency consists of describing the marketing of frozen fish products in Lima by the company Karin Ecofish during the year 2021, detailing the development of operations that included the reception of orders of frozen fish products by customers, purchase of inputs, weighing, packaging, storage, transportation and delivery of products, sale of frozen fish products, washing and disinfection of coolers and cash register closing. The main fish products marketed were bonito fillets, salmon trout fillets, and perico fillets in quantities of 2 400 kg, 1 320 kg, and 960 kg, respectively. Finally, the total income from the commercialization of frozen fish products was S/. 290 780.00, the total costs were S/. 197 797.22 and a profit of S/. 92 982.78 was obtained during the year 2021.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Pesquería. Departamento
Académico de Manejo Pesquero y Medio Ambiente
Comercialización pesquera
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