Buenas prácticas ganaderas en dos establos lecheros de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
Mizhquero Rivera, Edwin Geovanny
La manera como la sociedad valora los sistemas modernos de producción ganadera ha cambiado de forma importante durante las últimas décadas; manifestándose en la creciente preocupación por la forma cómo se desarrolla el proceso de producción. Estas preocupaciones se han materializado en la generación de normas que regulan las actividades de cada uno de los componentes del proceso de producción y procuran que estas se realicen de tal manera que se minimicen los impactos negativos que se pueden generar. Con las buenas prácticas ganaderas en los establos dedicados a la producción lechera, se asegura que la leche sea producida por animales sanos, de manera responsable y sostenible desde el punto de vista del bienestar animal, social, económico y medioambiental. Así, la aplicación de buenas prácticas en los establos lecheros supone una buena gestión del riesgo a corto y largo plazo en la empresa láctea (FAO y FIL, 2012). En la presente investigación los objetivos fueron determinar el cumplimiento de las buenas prácticas ganaderas de acuerdo a la guía FAO – FIL, 2012, de la cual se buscó verificar el cumplimiento de los indicadores de sanidad animal, identificar las buenas prácticas en la higiene del ordeño, analizar el cumplimiento de alimentación y suministro de agua a los animales, conocer la existencia de los principios de bienestar animal, determinar si existe una gestión equilibrada entre el entorno establo-medio ambiente y finalmente conocer la gestión socioeconómica del establo. El trabajo de investigación se llevó a cabo en dos establos de la UNALM, a los cuales se evaluó en dos ocasiones la existencia de las buenas prácticas ganaderas siendo las fechas agosto a octubre del 2016 y marzo a mayo del 2017. El primer establo evaluado fue el Establo San Isidro Labrador, ubicado en Herbay Alto - Cañete, y el otro fue el Establo La Molina de la Unidad Experimental de Zootecnia (UEZ), del Programa de Investigación y Proyección Social en Leche (PIPS-Leche), ubicado en Lima. La información fue recopilada a través de visitas a los establos, observación directa de cómo se realiza la producción de leche, cómo se suministra el alimento, manejo del ganado y demás actividades que se realizan en los establos. La validación de la información se realizó mediante entrevistas personales, verificando registros y realizando exámenes microbiológicos de agua y alimento. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva para procesar la información obtenida. Los resultados muestran una tendencia afirmativa, y a cada parámetro evaluado es representado en porcentaje. En cuanto al cumplimiento de las buenas prácticas ganaderas en los dos establos; en la primera evaluación realizada se determinó el incumplimiento de algunos requisitos, sin embargo en la segunda evaluación se constató una tendencia a la mejoría en cuanto al cumplimiento de las buenas prácticas ganaderas. Tanto el Establo San Isidro Labrador como el establo La Molina, deben implementar estrategias para identificar los aspectos en los cuales es necesaria y fundamental la pronta mejoría.
The way in which society values modern livestock production systems has changed significantly during the last decades, manifesting itself in the growing concern about the way in which the production process develops. These concerns have materialized in the generation of standards that regulate the activities of each of the components of the production process and ensure that they are carried out in such a way that the negative impacts that can be generated are minimized. With good livestock practices in dairy farms, it is ensured that milk is produced by healthy animals, in a responsible and sustainable manner from the point of view of animal, social, economic and environmental welfare. Thus, the application of good practices in dairy farms is good risk management in the short and long term in the dairy company (FAO and FIL, 2012). In the present investigation, the objectives were to determine compliance with good livestock practices according to the FAO - FIL guide, 2012, which sought to verify compliance with animal health indicators, identify good practices in milking hygiene, analyze the fulfillment of food and water supply to animals, know the existence of the principles of animal welfare, determine if there is a balanced management between the stable environment-environment and finally know the socio-economic management of the stable. The research work was carried out in two stables of the UNALM, to which the existence of the good cattle practices was evaluated on two occasions being the dates August to October of the 2016 and March to May of the 2017. The first stable evaluated was the San Isidro Labrador Stable, located in Herbay Alto - Cañete, and the other stable evaluated was the La Molina Stable of the Experimental Animal Husbandry Unit (UEZ), of the Program of Research and Social Projection in Milk (PIPS-Milk), located in Lima. The information was collected through visits to the stables, direct observation of how the production of milk is carried out, how the food is supplied, livestock management and other activities carried out in the stables. The validation of the information was carried out through personal interviews, verifying records and carrying out microbiological examinations of water and food. Descriptive statistics was used to process the information obtained. The results show an affirmative trend, and each parameter evaluated is represented as a percentage. Regarding compliance with good livestock practices in the two stables; in the first evaluation, the non-compliance of some requirements was determined, however in the second evaluation a tendency to improvement was observed in terms of compliance with good livestock practices. However, both the San Isidro Labrador Stable and the La Molina stable must implement strategies to identify the aspects in which the early improvement is necessary and fundamental.
The way in which society values modern livestock production systems has changed significantly during the last decades, manifesting itself in the growing concern about the way in which the production process develops. These concerns have materialized in the generation of standards that regulate the activities of each of the components of the production process and ensure that they are carried out in such a way that the negative impacts that can be generated are minimized. With good livestock practices in dairy farms, it is ensured that milk is produced by healthy animals, in a responsible and sustainable manner from the point of view of animal, social, economic and environmental welfare. Thus, the application of good practices in dairy farms is good risk management in the short and long term in the dairy company (FAO and FIL, 2012). In the present investigation, the objectives were to determine compliance with good livestock practices according to the FAO - FIL guide, 2012, which sought to verify compliance with animal health indicators, identify good practices in milking hygiene, analyze the fulfillment of food and water supply to animals, know the existence of the principles of animal welfare, determine if there is a balanced management between the stable environment-environment and finally know the socio-economic management of the stable. The research work was carried out in two stables of the UNALM, to which the existence of the good cattle practices was evaluated on two occasions being the dates August to October of the 2016 and March to May of the 2017. The first stable evaluated was the San Isidro Labrador Stable, located in Herbay Alto - Cañete, and the other stable evaluated was the La Molina Stable of the Experimental Animal Husbandry Unit (UEZ), of the Program of Research and Social Projection in Milk (PIPS-Milk), located in Lima. The information was collected through visits to the stables, direct observation of how the production of milk is carried out, how the food is supplied, livestock management and other activities carried out in the stables. The validation of the information was carried out through personal interviews, verifying records and carrying out microbiological examinations of water and food. Descriptive statistics was used to process the information obtained. The results show an affirmative trend, and each parameter evaluated is represented as a percentage. Regarding compliance with good livestock practices in the two stables; in the first evaluation, the non-compliance of some requirements was determined, however in the second evaluation a tendency to improvement was observed in terms of compliance with good livestock practices. However, both the San Isidro Labrador Stable and the La Molina stable must implement strategies to identify the aspects in which the early improvement is necessary and fundamental.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Producción Animal
Ganado de leche, Producción lechera, Ganadería, Manejo del ganado, Cobertizos para el ganado, Gestión por objetivos, Sanidad animal, Bienestar animal, Bienestar animal, Higiene de la leche, Medio ambiente, Evaluación, Perú, Buenas prácticas ganaderas, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
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