Relación entre clima organizacional y satisfacción laboral de la empresa Constructora e Inversiones Roma SAC en tiempos de covid-19
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Serrano Ayala, Roger Manuel
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal determinar y evaluar la relación que existe entre el clima organizacional y satisfacción Laboral de la empresa Constructora e Inversiones Roma SAC en tiempos de covid 19. El estudio es fue de tipo no experimental, por lo cual se usó una encuesta dirigida a toda la población de colaboradores del área operativa de la empresa (que corresponde a los 50 trabajadores de la empresa), esto permitió medir su percepción en base a 36 preguntas elaboradas (18 para medir Satisfacción Laboral y 18 para medir Clima Organizacional) que fueron validadas por expertos y se hizo su respectivo análisis de confiabilidad que nos dio un coeficiente alfa de Cronbach de 0.721 indicando una confiabilidad aceptable para las variables analizadas. Los resultados para esta investigación fueron que se obtuvo un coeficiente de correlación (cor) de 0.5716998, con un p-value de 1.447e-05 donde se concluye que si existe correlación lineal positiva entre ambas variables.
The main objective of this research is to determine and evaluate the relationship that exists between the organizational climate and Job satisfaction of the company Constructora e Inversiones Roma SAC in times of covid 19. The study is non-experimental, which is why a survey aimed at the entire population of collaborators in the company's operational area (corresponding to 50 workers), which allowed measuring their perception based on 36 questions prepared (18 to measure Job Satisfaction and 18 to measure Organizational Climate) that were validated by experts and its respective reliability analysis was carried out, which gave us a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.721, indicating acceptable reliability for the variables analyzed. The results for this research were that a correlation coefficient (cor) of 0.5716998 was obtained, with a p-value of 1.447e-05 where it is concluded that there is a positive linear correlation (association) between both variables.
The main objective of this research is to determine and evaluate the relationship that exists between the organizational climate and Job satisfaction of the company Constructora e Inversiones Roma SAC in times of covid 19. The study is non-experimental, which is why a survey aimed at the entire population of collaborators in the company's operational area (corresponding to 50 workers), which allowed measuring their perception based on 36 questions prepared (18 to measure Job Satisfaction and 18 to measure Organizational Climate) that were validated by experts and its respective reliability analysis was carried out, which gave us a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.721, indicating acceptable reliability for the variables analyzed. The results for this research were that a correlation coefficient (cor) of 0.5716998 was obtained, with a p-value of 1.447e-05 where it is concluded that there is a positive linear correlation (association) between both variables.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Economía y Planificación.
Departamento Académico de Gestión Empresarial
Clima organizacional
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