Validación del modelo numérico y físico del partidor hidráulico San Juan de Chincha
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Nieto García, Joseph Bertrand
El presente trabajo investigación compara y valida los modelos unidimensional, bidimensional y tridimensional de un partidor hidráulico con el modelo físico del mismo partidor, empleándose una metodología experimental. Se analiza las diferencias en los parámetros de superficie de agua, tirante y velocidad del modelo físico y numéricos 1D, 2D, 3D. El partidor hidráulico Conta es una estructura especial que divide el caudal del río San Juan y forma los ríos Chico y Matagente. Esta estructura está compuesta por dos vertederos: un vertedero laminador y un vertedero partidor. Experimentalmente, se realizaron 3 ensayos en el modelo físico para los caudales asociados a los periodos de retorno de 10, 50 y 100 años y para cada uno se tomaron los parámetros de superficie de agua y velocidad en 14 secciones de control. Esta información sirvió como partida para el comparativo de los modelos numéricos. Para los modelos computacionales se utilizaron los programas de código abierto Hec-Ras (versión 5.0.3) y OpenFoam (versión 3.0), que utilizan un análisis 1D, 2D y 3D respectivamente. Obteniéndose resultados de tirantes y velocidades para cada modelo en base a las simplificaciones que emplea cada modelo de las ecuaciones que gobierna el flujo en cada programa. Los tres programas aportaron información que se analizó en conjunto y permitió describir el comportamiento del flujo a través de los vertederos que conforman el partidor hidráulico. Los modelos computacionales desarrollados corresponden con modelos cinemáticos. Los resultados finales definieron que el modelo numérico que más se aproxima al comportamiento del modelo físico es el modelo 3D.
This research compares and validates the one-dimensional, two-dimensional, and three dimensional models of a hydraulic weir with its physical model, using an experimental methodology. Differences in water surface parameters, depth, and velocity between the physical and 1D, 2D, 3D numerical models are analyzed. The Conta hydraulic weir is a special structure that divides the flow of the San Juan River, forming the Chico and Matagente rivers. This structure consists of two spillways: a laminar weir and spillway weir. Experimentally, three tests were carried out in the physical model for the flow rates associated with return periods of 10, 50, and 100 years, and for each one, water surface and velocity parameters were measured at 14 control sections. This information served as a basis for comparing the numerical models. Open-source programs Hec-Ras (version 5.0.3) and OpenFoam (version 3.0) were used for computational modeling, employing 1D, 2D, and 3D analyses respectively. Depth and velocity results were obtained for each model based on the simplifications employed by each program's equations governing flow. All three programs provided information that was collectively analyzed to describe flow behavior through the weir. The computational models developed correspond to cinematographic models. The final results defined the 3D numerical model as the one that best approximates the behavior of the physical model.
This research compares and validates the one-dimensional, two-dimensional, and three dimensional models of a hydraulic weir with its physical model, using an experimental methodology. Differences in water surface parameters, depth, and velocity between the physical and 1D, 2D, 3D numerical models are analyzed. The Conta hydraulic weir is a special structure that divides the flow of the San Juan River, forming the Chico and Matagente rivers. This structure consists of two spillways: a laminar weir and spillway weir. Experimentally, three tests were carried out in the physical model for the flow rates associated with return periods of 10, 50, and 100 years, and for each one, water surface and velocity parameters were measured at 14 control sections. This information served as a basis for comparing the numerical models. Open-source programs Hec-Ras (version 5.0.3) and OpenFoam (version 3.0) were used for computational modeling, employing 1D, 2D, and 3D analyses respectively. Depth and velocity results were obtained for each model based on the simplifications employed by each program's equations governing flow. All three programs provided information that was collectively analyzed to describe flow behavior through the weir. The computational models developed correspond to cinematographic models. The final results defined the 3D numerical model as the one that best approximates the behavior of the physical model.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en
Recursos Hídricos
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