Vida útil sensorial de encurtidos de ají charapita (Capsicum chinense) mediante análisis de supervivencia con pruebas aceleradas
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Gonzales Rivera, Henry Joel
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Se realizó un estudio de vida útil de encurtidos de ají charapita (Capsicum chinense) en dos tipos de envase: laminado y polietileno de baja densidad, estos fueron evaluados mediante el método de análisis de supervivencia con pruebas aceleradas. El objetivo de la investigación fue encontrar la vida útil sensorial de los encurtidos a una temperatura de 25°C en cada envase. Los encurtidos se almacenaron a 28°C, 30°C, 35°C y 40°C con 80 % de humedad relativa (H.R) en distintos tiempos de almacenamiento y fueron evaluados sensorialmente por cien panelistas no entrenados. El color del ají fue el atributo de calidad escogido y el evento de interés fue el rechazo del consumidor cuando ocurrió un cambio perceptible de coloración en los ajíes. Se utilizó el programa estadístico R para la obtención de los parámetros mu (µ) y sigma (σ) de la distribución de Weibull, y beta 0 (β0), sigma (σ) y beta 1 (β1) del modelo Arrhenius-Weibull de la función de falla acelerada. Se obtuvo que la vida útil para un 50 % de probabilidad de rechazo en el envase laminado fue: 581.49 ± 65.30, 482.67 ± 62.61, 358.40 ± 51.59 y 233.18 ± 43.82 horas para 28°C, 30°C, 35°C y 40°C, respectivamente; así mismo, la vida útil para el envase de polietileno de baja densidad fueron: 157.62 ± 24.99, 121.46 ± 19.62, 104.78 ± 17.97 y 80.39 ± 13.99 horas para 28°C, 30°C, 35°C y 40°C, respectivamente. Finalmente, se estimó la vida útil de los encurtidos a 25°C con una probabilidad de rechazo del 50 %, obteniéndose 30.83 ± 4.68 y 7.31 ± 1.29 días, con energía de activación de 58.95 ± 12.3 y 40.35 ± 13.84 kJ/mol y niveles de significancia de la prueba chi-cuadrado de 2.21e -12 y 9.27e -06 para los envases laminado y polietileno de baja densidad, respectivamente.
A charapita chili pepper (Capsicum chinense) pickles shelf life study was carried out in two types of packaging: laminated and low-density polyethylene, these were evaluated using the survival analysis method with accelerated tests. The research aim was to find the sensory shelf life of the pickles at a 25°C temperature in each container. The pickles were stored at 28°C, 30°C, 35°C and 40°C with 80 % relative humidity (R.H.) at different storage times and were sensory evaluated by one hundred untrained panelists. The chili pepper color was the quality attribute chosen and the event of interest was consumer rejection when a perceptible color change happened in the chili peppers. The R statistical program was used to obtain the mu (µ) and sigma (σ) parameters of the Weibull distribution, and beta 0 (β0), sigma (σ) and beta 1 (β1) of the Arrhenius-Weibull model of the accelerated failure function. It was obtained that the useful life for a 50 % probability of rejection in the laminated container was: 581.49 ± 65.30, 482.67 ± 62.61, 358.40 ± 51.59 and 233.18 ± 43.82 hours for 28°C, 30°C, 35°C and 40°C, respectively; Likewise, the useful life for the low-density polyethylene container were: 157.62 ± 24.99, 121.46 ± 19.62, 104.78 ± 17.97 and 80.39 ± 13.99 hours for 28°C, 30°C, 35°C and 40°C, respectively. Finally, the useful life of the pickles at 25°C was estimated with a probability of rejection of 50 %, getting 30.83 ± 4.68 and 7.31 ± 1.29 days, with activation energy of 58.95 ± 12.3 and 40.35 ± 13.84 kJ/mol and significance levels of the chi-square test of 2.21e-12 and 9.27e -06 for laminated and lowdensity polyethylene packaging, respectively.
A charapita chili pepper (Capsicum chinense) pickles shelf life study was carried out in two types of packaging: laminated and low-density polyethylene, these were evaluated using the survival analysis method with accelerated tests. The research aim was to find the sensory shelf life of the pickles at a 25°C temperature in each container. The pickles were stored at 28°C, 30°C, 35°C and 40°C with 80 % relative humidity (R.H.) at different storage times and were sensory evaluated by one hundred untrained panelists. The chili pepper color was the quality attribute chosen and the event of interest was consumer rejection when a perceptible color change happened in the chili peppers. The R statistical program was used to obtain the mu (µ) and sigma (σ) parameters of the Weibull distribution, and beta 0 (β0), sigma (σ) and beta 1 (β1) of the Arrhenius-Weibull model of the accelerated failure function. It was obtained that the useful life for a 50 % probability of rejection in the laminated container was: 581.49 ± 65.30, 482.67 ± 62.61, 358.40 ± 51.59 and 233.18 ± 43.82 hours for 28°C, 30°C, 35°C and 40°C, respectively; Likewise, the useful life for the low-density polyethylene container were: 157.62 ± 24.99, 121.46 ± 19.62, 104.78 ± 17.97 and 80.39 ± 13.99 hours for 28°C, 30°C, 35°C and 40°C, respectively. Finally, the useful life of the pickles at 25°C was estimated with a probability of rejection of 50 %, getting 30.83 ± 4.68 and 7.31 ± 1.29 days, with activation energy of 58.95 ± 12.3 and 40.35 ± 13.84 kJ/mol and significance levels of the chi-square test of 2.21e-12 and 9.27e -06 for laminated and lowdensity polyethylene packaging, respectively.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Industrias Alimentarias. Departamento Académico de Tecnología de Alimentos y Productos Agropecuarios
Hortalizas; Procesamiento de productos agrícolas; Análisis de los alimentos; Vida de los productos
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