Áreas potenciales para reforestaciones en macizo y en sistemas agroforestales en dos cooperativas agrarias cafetaleras de la Región Junín
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Salazar Rodríguez, José Luis
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El presente Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional consistió en identificar áreas potenciales para realizar reforestaciones en macizos y en sistemas agroforestales en las tierras de las cooperativas agrarias cafetaleras ACPC y Valle Ubiriki ubicadas en la región Junín, en la Selva Central del Perú. Para lo cual se realizó la clasificación de estas tierras por su Capacidad de Uso Mayor (CUM), destacando como potencial para reforestación las Tierras Aptas para Cultivo en Limpio (64,25 ha), Tierras Aptas para Pastos (34,5 ha), Tierras de Aptitud Forestal (1 714,15 ha) y las Tierras Aptas para Cultivos Permanentes (3 377,95 ha), con lo cual se obtuvo un potencial para reforestar 5 190,85 hectáreas. Se identificaron 162 especies forestales para ser usadas en macizos y en sistemas agroforestales, resaltando las de interés económico, especialmente aquellas para uso como madera aserrada, que alcanza un total de 82 especies. Se utilizaron las plataformas del Sistema de Información Rural del Ministerio de Agricultura y la de GEOBOSQUES del Ministerio del Ambiente para determinar la situación de las unidades productivas de las cooperativas. Se compararon los datos de la plataforma Geo Bosques con los del Sistema de Información Catastral Rural (SICAR), revelando discrepancias en la información de unidades productivas. Se sugiere el uso de la plataforma Open Forest Protocol para obtener financiamiento a través de créditos de carbono, gracias a la confiabilidad que brinda la tecnología blockchain en la recopilación de datos a lo largo del tiempo. Los resultados del presente trabajo aportan una información valiosa para el desarrollo sostenible en la selva central y ayudan a la planificación de la reforestación en cooperativas cafetaleras de la región Junín.
The present work of Professional Sufficiency consisted of identifying potential areas for reforestation in massifs and agroforestry systems in the lands of the agricultural coffee cooperatives ACPC and Valle Ubiriki located in the Junin region, in the Central Forest of Peru. These lands were classified according to their Capacity for Major Use (CUM), highlighting as potential for reforestation the Lands Suitable for Clean Cultivation (64.25 ha), Lands Suitable for Pasture (34.5 ha), Lands Suitable for Forestry (1,714.15 ha) and Lands Suitable for Permanent Crops (3,377.95 ha), which resulted in a potential for reforestation of 5,190.85 hectares. A total of 162 forest species were identified for use in forest stands and agroforestry systems, highlighting those of economic interest, especially those for use as sawn timber, which total 82 species. The platforms of the Rural Information System of the Ministry of Agriculture and GEOBOSQUES of the Ministry of Environment were used to determine the situation of the cooperatives' productive units. Data from the Geo Bosques platform were compared with those of the Rural Cadastral Information System (SICAR), revealing discrepancies in the information on productive units. The use of the Open Forest Protocol platform to obtain financing through carbon credits is suggested, thanks to the reliability provided by blockchain technology in the collection of data over time. The results of this work provide valuable information for sustainable development in the central jungle and help in the planning of reforestation in coffee cooperatives in the Junín region.
The present work of Professional Sufficiency consisted of identifying potential areas for reforestation in massifs and agroforestry systems in the lands of the agricultural coffee cooperatives ACPC and Valle Ubiriki located in the Junin region, in the Central Forest of Peru. These lands were classified according to their Capacity for Major Use (CUM), highlighting as potential for reforestation the Lands Suitable for Clean Cultivation (64.25 ha), Lands Suitable for Pasture (34.5 ha), Lands Suitable for Forestry (1,714.15 ha) and Lands Suitable for Permanent Crops (3,377.95 ha), which resulted in a potential for reforestation of 5,190.85 hectares. A total of 162 forest species were identified for use in forest stands and agroforestry systems, highlighting those of economic interest, especially those for use as sawn timber, which total 82 species. The platforms of the Rural Information System of the Ministry of Agriculture and GEOBOSQUES of the Ministry of Environment were used to determine the situation of the cooperatives' productive units. Data from the Geo Bosques platform were compared with those of the Rural Cadastral Information System (SICAR), revealing discrepancies in the information on productive units. The use of the Open Forest Protocol platform to obtain financing through carbon credits is suggested, thanks to the reliability provided by blockchain technology in the collection of data over time. The results of this work provide valuable information for sustainable development in the central jungle and help in the planning of reforestation in coffee cooperatives in the Junín region.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales. Departamento Académico de Manejo Forestal
Árboles forestales; Áreas degradadas; Perú; Plantones forestales; Reforestación; Rehabilitación de tierras
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