Propuesta de mejora de requerimientos sanitarios según el D.S. N° 020-2022-produce para la reactivación del terminal pesquero de Lima Norte
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Figueroa Pereyra, Wilder Enrrique
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El presente trabajo tiene como principal objetivo, proponer mejoras en los requerimientos sanitarios según el Decreto Supremo N°020-2022-PRODUCE en las instalaciones del Terminal Pesquero de Lima Norte para su pronta reactivación. La metodología empleada se basó en la elaboración y aplicación de una Lista de Verificación con Requerimientos Sanitarios para Mercados Mayoristas y Minoristas que expenden Recursos y Productos Hidrobiológicos que el D.S. N°020-2022-PRODUCE describe. A partir de la información obtenida y del diagnóstico que resultó del análisis de la lista de verificación, se propuso una lista de mejoras en las distintas zonas del recinto y posteriormente se propuso el Manual de Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura cuyo objetivo es mantener un orden que permita alcanzar los estándares sanitarios correctos de las instalaciones y la inocuidad de los productos que serán ofrecidos en la venta al público consumidor. Se considera su pronta implementación no solo para garantizar el buen funcionamiento de la empresa por parte del personal, sino también para reducir los peligros por falta de inocuidad para nuestro público visitante.
The main objective of this work is to propose improvements in the health requirements according to Supreme Decree N°020-2022-PRODUCE in the facilities of the Lima Norte Fishing Terminal for its prompt reactivation. The methodology used was based on the preparation and application of a Checklist with Sanitary Requirements for Wholesale and Retail Markets that sell Hydrobiological Resources and Products that the D.S. N°020-2022- PRODUCE describes. Based on the information obtained and the diagnosis that resulted from the analysis of the checklist, a list of improvements was proposed in the different areas of the premises and subsequently the Manual of Good Manufacturing Practices was prepared, the purpose of which is to maintain an order that allows achieve the correct health standards of the facilities and the safety of the products that will be offered for sale to the consumer public. Its prompt implementation is considered not only to guarantee the proper functioning of the company by the staff, but also to reduce the dangers due to lack of safety for our visiting public.
The main objective of this work is to propose improvements in the health requirements according to Supreme Decree N°020-2022-PRODUCE in the facilities of the Lima Norte Fishing Terminal for its prompt reactivation. The methodology used was based on the preparation and application of a Checklist with Sanitary Requirements for Wholesale and Retail Markets that sell Hydrobiological Resources and Products that the D.S. N°020-2022- PRODUCE describes. Based on the information obtained and the diagnosis that resulted from the analysis of the checklist, a list of improvements was proposed in the different areas of the premises and subsequently the Manual of Good Manufacturing Practices was prepared, the purpose of which is to maintain an order that allows achieve the correct health standards of the facilities and the safety of the products that will be offered for sale to the consumer public. Its prompt implementation is considered not only to guarantee the proper functioning of the company by the staff, but also to reduce the dangers due to lack of safety for our visiting public.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Pesquería. Departamento
Académico de Manejo Pesquero y Medio Ambiente
Aseguramiento de la calidad
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