Fase instructora de un procedimiento administrativo sancionador en materia forestal, en un humedal costero de Pisco, ATFFS Ica – SERFOR
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Postigo Sobrevilla, Diana Carolina
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El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo desarrollar la fase instructora de un procedimiento administrativo sancionador (PAS) a cargo de la Administración Técnica Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre (ATFFS) Ica del Servicio Nacional Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre (SERFOR), vinculado a la afectación de recursos forestales no maderables de flora acuática emergente en un humedal costero ubicado en el sector Caucato, del distrito de San Clemente, provincia de Pisco, departamento de Ica. La metodología empleada contempló la realización de investigaciones preliminares, el inicio del PAS, la recepción de descargos, la actuación de pruebas y la emisión del informe final de instrucción (IFI). El trabajo permitió iniciar el PAS a partir de la evidencia de indicios de afectación en el humedal costero en mención y la identificación del presunto responsable como resultado de las investigaciones preliminares realizadas; así mismo, se demostró la responsabilidad del administrado sobre la comisión de la conducta imputada constitutiva de infracción a la legislación forestal y de fauna silvestre a partir del análisis del descargo y la actuación de pruebas, y se propuso una sanción administrativa de 1.6944 UIT y medidas correctivas orientadas a la reversión del daño a los recursos forestales, consistentes en actividades silviculturales.
The target was developing the instructor phase of an administrative sanctioning procedure (PAS) in charge of the Technical Forestry and Wildlife Administration (ATFFS) Ica of the National Forestry and Wildlife Service (SERFOR), related to the affectation of non-timber forest resources of emerging aquatic flora in a coastal wetland located at Caucato sector, San Clemente district, Pisco province, Ica. The methodology included the preliminary investigations, initiation of the PAS, receipt of disclaimers, proof performances and the final report of instruction. As a result of the preliminary investigations, it was possible to initiate the PAS based on the evidence of affectation in the coastal wetland and the identification of the alleged responsible; and based on the analysis of the defense and the proof performances, the responsibility of this person about the infringement of forestry and wildlife legislation could be proven. In addition, a penalty of 1.6944 UIT and corrective measures aimed at reversing the damage to forest resources consisting of sylviculture activities were proposed.
The target was developing the instructor phase of an administrative sanctioning procedure (PAS) in charge of the Technical Forestry and Wildlife Administration (ATFFS) Ica of the National Forestry and Wildlife Service (SERFOR), related to the affectation of non-timber forest resources of emerging aquatic flora in a coastal wetland located at Caucato sector, San Clemente district, Pisco province, Ica. The methodology included the preliminary investigations, initiation of the PAS, receipt of disclaimers, proof performances and the final report of instruction. As a result of the preliminary investigations, it was possible to initiate the PAS based on the evidence of affectation in the coastal wetland and the identification of the alleged responsible; and based on the analysis of the defense and the proof performances, the responsibility of this person about the infringement of forestry and wildlife legislation could be proven. In addition, a penalty of 1.6944 UIT and corrective measures aimed at reversing the damage to forest resources consisting of sylviculture activities were proposed.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales.
Departamento Académico de Manejo Forestal
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