Modelo predictivo de los índices diversidad hidrobiológicos en los ríos Vizcacha-Titire, Moquegua, basado en parámetros fisicoquímicos del agua y contenido de metales en los sedimentos
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Valencia Quispe, Jerson Brian
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El presente estudio desarrolló un modelo predictivo de los índices de diversidad hidrobiológica en los ríos Vizcacha-Titire, Moquegua, basado en parámetros fisicoquímicos del agua, contenido de metales en sedimentos y comunidades hidrobiológicas (perifitón y macroinvertebrados bentónicos). Se recopilaron datos de monitoreos ambientales (2018- 2023) y se aplicaron análisis estadísticos, como PCA y regresión lineal múltiple, para evaluar la relación entre estos factores y los índices de Shannon-Wiener y equidad de Pielou. La calidad del agua fue evaluada mediante análisis de parámetros fisicoquímicos y diagramas de Piper y Wilcox. La mayoría de las estaciones presentaron agua de calidad excelente para riego, excepto TIT-1, donde se identificó una calidad mediocre. El análisis de metales en sedimentos reveló concentraciones medias elevadas de As y Cd en algunas estaciones, superando los valores de referencia de ISQG, PEL y niveles de fondo de Taylor. Además, estos valores referenciales fueron superados en al menos una estación durante una temporada, considerando los valores máximos reportados para metales como Cu, Cr, Pb y Zn, en cuanto al metal Hg, este se mantuvo por debajo de los límites establecidos. El modelo predictivo de los índices hidrobiológicos mostró variaciones según el escenario, siendo los mejores para Shannon-Wiener (H’) Perifiton, el Escenario 3 (R² = 0.584, RMSE = 0.912), Shannon-Wiener (H’) macroinvertebrados bentónicos, el Escenario 1 (R² = 0.455, RMSE = 0.771). En Pielou (J’) Perifiton (R² = 0.444, RMSE = 0.297) como para macroinvertebrados bentónicos (R² = 0.361, RMSE = 0.283) lograron mejores resultados en el Escenario 3.
The present study developed a predictive model of hydrobiological diversity indices in the Vizcacha-Titire rivers, Moquegua, based on physicochemical parameters of water, metal content in sediments, and hydrobiological communities (perifitón and benthic macroinvertebrates). Data from environmental monitoring (2018-2023) were collected and statistical analyses, such as PCA and multiple linear regression, were applied to evaluate the relationship between these factors and the Shannon-Wiener and Pielou equity indices. Water quality was assessed using physicochemical parameter analysis and Piper and Wilcox diagrams. Most stations presented excellent water quality for irrigation, except TIT-1, where a mediocre quality was identified. The analysis of metals in sediments revealed high average concentrations of As and Cd in some stations, exceeding the reference values of ISQG, PEL, and Taylor background levels. Furthermore, these reference values were exceeded in at least one station during a season, considering the maximum values reported for metals such as Cu, Cr, Pb, and Zn, while the metal Hg remained below the established limits. The predictive model of the hydrobiological indices showed variations according to the scenario, being the best for Shannon-Wiener (H') periphyton, Scenario 3 (R² = 0.584, RMSE = 0.912), Shannon-Wiener (H') benthic macroinvertebrates, Scenario 1 (R² = 0.455, RMSE = 0.771). In Pielou (J') periphyton (R² = 0.444, RMSE = 0.297) as for benthic macroinvertebrates (R² = 0.361, RMSE = 0.283) achieved better results in Scenario 3.
The present study developed a predictive model of hydrobiological diversity indices in the Vizcacha-Titire rivers, Moquegua, based on physicochemical parameters of water, metal content in sediments, and hydrobiological communities (perifitón and benthic macroinvertebrates). Data from environmental monitoring (2018-2023) were collected and statistical analyses, such as PCA and multiple linear regression, were applied to evaluate the relationship between these factors and the Shannon-Wiener and Pielou equity indices. Water quality was assessed using physicochemical parameter analysis and Piper and Wilcox diagrams. Most stations presented excellent water quality for irrigation, except TIT-1, where a mediocre quality was identified. The analysis of metals in sediments revealed high average concentrations of As and Cd in some stations, exceeding the reference values of ISQG, PEL, and Taylor background levels. Furthermore, these reference values were exceeded in at least one station during a season, considering the maximum values reported for metals such as Cu, Cr, Pb, and Zn, while the metal Hg remained below the established limits. The predictive model of the hydrobiological indices showed variations according to the scenario, being the best for Shannon-Wiener (H') periphyton, Scenario 3 (R² = 0.584, RMSE = 0.912), Shannon-Wiener (H') benthic macroinvertebrates, Scenario 1 (R² = 0.455, RMSE = 0.771). In Pielou (J') periphyton (R² = 0.444, RMSE = 0.297) as for benthic macroinvertebrates (R² = 0.361, RMSE = 0.283) achieved better results in Scenario 3.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento
Académico de Ingeniería Ambiental, Física y Meteorología
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