Modelo Bayesiano para estimación de curvas intensidad-duración-frecuencia basado en lluvia horaria y diaria en la Región Lima
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Vega Romero, Ronald Alex
Mediante la aplicación de técnicas de enfoque bayesiano a la variable aleatoria “intensidad máxima de lluvia anual” a escala temporal subdiaria, se obtiene menores grados de incertidumbre en el pronóstico de eventos extremos. Esto es verdad cuando se compara a las técnicas clásicas de la estadística, al disponer de un tamaño corto de datos horarios observados. Con ello se consigue una mejor decisión sobre el dimensionamiento de las obras hidráulicas y de drenaje pluvial tanto para un entorno urbano o rural. El objetivo del estudio es modelar la intensidad de lluvia con duración subdiaria, en la región Lima, bajo un enfoque bayesiano. El ámbito de estudio de la jurisdicción de la Autoridad Administrativa del Agua (AAA) Cañete Fortaleza, que está ubicada en la costa central de la vertiente del Pacifico. Es relevante porque en Lima se ubica la capital del país, que está experimentando una expansión urbana descontrolada especialmente hacia lugares de mayor altitud donde hay mayor posibilidad de ocurrir tormenta de verano que desencadenan flujos de detritos (huaycos) que afectan a poblaciones vulnerables cercanos a las quebradas. Empíricamente se ha demostrado el potencial de causar daños de estas tormentas. La lluvia con duraciones menores a un día son las más difíciles de cuantificar en todo el país, debido a la ausencia de un registro de datos históricos a escala subdiaria. Es recién en los últimos años, una nueva generación de estaciones climáticas automáticas registra datos históricos a escala horaria. Estos datos aun no superan los 20 años de longitud temporal. Hasta la fecha aún no se ha cuantificado el margen de error relacionado a estas metodologías, ya que se basan en métodos indirectos tomando de base las mediciones de estaciones climáticas convencionales a escala diaria. Es así que el modelo bayesiano propuesto supera esta limitación presentando grados de incertidumbre muy menores a pesar de contar con un máximo de 14 años de longitud de registro histórico.
Applying Bayesian approach techniques to the random variable of “maximum annual rainfall intensity” on a sub-daily time scale, lower degrees of uncertainty are achieved for the extreme events forecast. That is true in comparison to classical statistical techniques, when a short observed hourly data is only available. A better decision is achieved to a adequate hydraulic works and storm drainage design in both urban or rural environment. The objective of the study is to model the intensity of rainfall with sub-daily duration, in the Lima region, under a Bayesian approach. The study área is the jurisdiction of the Water Administrative Authority (AAA) Cañete Fortaleza, located on the central coast of the Pacific watershed. Its relevant because in Lima is located the capital country, which is experimenting an uncontrolled urban expansión towards higher altitude sites where occur likely summer storm that trigger debris flows (huaycos) toward vulnerable populations close to streams. Empirically, the potential of these storms to cause damage and casualties has been demonstrated. Rainfall with durations lower than one day are the most difficult to quantify throughout the country, due to the absence of a historical record data at sub-daily scale. Currently in recent years a new generation of automatic weather stations generates historical records at hourly scale. These data still do not exceed 20 years time length time. To date still, the real margin error related on these methodologies has not been quantified, since they are based on indirect methods based on measurements of conventional climatic stations at daily scale. Thus, the proposed bayesian model overcomes this limitation, presenting lower uncertainty degrees despite having a maximum 14 years length of historical record.
Applying Bayesian approach techniques to the random variable of “maximum annual rainfall intensity” on a sub-daily time scale, lower degrees of uncertainty are achieved for the extreme events forecast. That is true in comparison to classical statistical techniques, when a short observed hourly data is only available. A better decision is achieved to a adequate hydraulic works and storm drainage design in both urban or rural environment. The objective of the study is to model the intensity of rainfall with sub-daily duration, in the Lima region, under a Bayesian approach. The study área is the jurisdiction of the Water Administrative Authority (AAA) Cañete Fortaleza, located on the central coast of the Pacific watershed. Its relevant because in Lima is located the capital country, which is experimenting an uncontrolled urban expansión towards higher altitude sites where occur likely summer storm that trigger debris flows (huaycos) toward vulnerable populations close to streams. Empirically, the potential of these storms to cause damage and casualties has been demonstrated. Rainfall with durations lower than one day are the most difficult to quantify throughout the country, due to the absence of a historical record data at sub-daily scale. Currently in recent years a new generation of automatic weather stations generates historical records at hourly scale. These data still do not exceed 20 years time length time. To date still, the real margin error related on these methodologies has not been quantified, since they are based on indirect methods based on measurements of conventional climatic stations at daily scale. Thus, the proposed bayesian model overcomes this limitation, presenting lower uncertainty degrees despite having a maximum 14 years length of historical record.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Recursos Hídricos
Análisis Bayesiano; Curvas; Precipitación; Evaluación; Métodos Bayesianos; Métodos estadísticos; Perú
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