Viabilidad reproductiva para el cultivo de Chondracanthus chamissoi proveniente de tres poblaciones del litoral peruano
Arbaiza Quispe, Samuel José
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Se ha realizado el análisis de viabilidad reproductiva para el cultivo de Chondracanthus chamissoi de tres poblaciones del litoral peruano: Paiján (7°46’ S; 79°25.4’ O), Ancón (11°46 S; 77°11.3’ O) y Mendieta (14°3.5’ S; 76°15.72’ O) bajo dos procedimientos de cultivo: a partir de carposporas y por propagación vegetativa a partir de formación de discos de fijación secundaria (DFS). Los individuos fueron colectados de poblaciones naturales y separados según su estadio de vida en cistocárpicas y vegetativas (sin estructuras reproductivas evidentes). Con los individuos cistocárpicos se prepararon “caldos” de carposporas luego fueron inoculados en sistemas de cultivo experimentales (bidones de 4L con sustratos artificiales de cuerdas de polipropileno) obteniéndose valores de asentamiento promedio de 750±100 carposporas/cm2 para Ancón, 450±50 carposporas/cm2 para Paiján y 600±100 carposporas/cm2 para Mendieta. Después de 120 días de cultivo el número de plántulas sobrevivientes fue de 31±17 talos/cm2 para Ancón, 18 ± 4 talos/cm2 para Paiján y 49 talos/ cm2 para Mendieta. Por otro lado, los individuos vegetativos fueron fijados sobre valvas de concha de abanico mediante ligas y puestos en los sistemas de cultivo. Después de 20 días se retiró el material vegetal y se evidenció formación de DFS en todas las poblaciones. Posteriormente después de 120 días el número de DFS al final del experimento fue 5.8 ± 1.9 DFS/valva para Ancón, 4.8 ± 2.2 DFS/valva para Paiján y 9.1 ± 7.8 DFS/valva para Mendieta. Los resultados experimentales han demostrado la viabilidad de las tres poblaciones para desarrollar cultivos vegetativos y a partir de carposporas. La población de Mendieta a la luz de los resultados fue la más adecuada para implementar tanto un cultivo vegetativo como a partir de carposporas. El cultivo a partir de carposporas resultó el más beneficioso dado su elevado potencial reproductivo, sin embargo ambas estrategias pueden ser ampliamente utilizadas
The analysis of reproductive viability for the cultivation of Chondracanthus chamissoi has been performed of three populations of the Peruvian coast: Paiján (7 ° 46 'S, 79 ° 25.4' W), Ancón (11 ° 46 S, 77 ° 11.3 'W) and Mendieta (14 ° 3.5 'S; 76 ° 15.72' W) under two cultivation methods: via carpospores and by vegetative propagation based on the formation of secondary attachment discs (SAD). Specimens were collected from the wild population and separated according to their life stage in cystocarpic and vegetative (no obvious reproductive structures). "Broths" of carpospores from cystocarpic specimens were prepared and then inoculated in culture experimental systems (bottle of 4L with artificial substrates of polypropylene ropes) obtaining values of average settlement of 750 ± 100 carpospores/cm2 in Ancón, 450 ± 50 carpospores/cm2 in Paiján and 600 ± 100 carpospores/cm2 in Mendieta. After 120 days of culture, the number of surviving seedlings was 31 ± 17 thalli/cm2 in Ancón, 18 ± 4 thalli/cm2 in Paiján and 49 thalli/cm2 in Mendieta. On the other hand, the vegetative specimens were fixed on scallop shells with rubber bands and placed in culture systems. After 20 days, fronds were removed and SAD formation was evident in all populations. After 120 days the number of SAD at the end of the experiment was 5.8 ± 1.9 SAD/shell to Ancón, 4.8 ± 2.2 SAD/shell to 9.1 ± 7.8 Paiján and SAD/shell to Mendieta. Experimental results have demonstrated the feasibility of the three populations to develop vegetative and via carpospores culture. The population of Mendieta in the light of the results was the most appropriate to implement vegetative and via carpospores culture. Cultivation based on carpospores proved the most beneficial given their high reproductive potential, though both strategies can be widely used
The analysis of reproductive viability for the cultivation of Chondracanthus chamissoi has been performed of three populations of the Peruvian coast: Paiján (7 ° 46 'S, 79 ° 25.4' W), Ancón (11 ° 46 S, 77 ° 11.3 'W) and Mendieta (14 ° 3.5 'S; 76 ° 15.72' W) under two cultivation methods: via carpospores and by vegetative propagation based on the formation of secondary attachment discs (SAD). Specimens were collected from the wild population and separated according to their life stage in cystocarpic and vegetative (no obvious reproductive structures). "Broths" of carpospores from cystocarpic specimens were prepared and then inoculated in culture experimental systems (bottle of 4L with artificial substrates of polypropylene ropes) obtaining values of average settlement of 750 ± 100 carpospores/cm2 in Ancón, 450 ± 50 carpospores/cm2 in Paiján and 600 ± 100 carpospores/cm2 in Mendieta. After 120 days of culture, the number of surviving seedlings was 31 ± 17 thalli/cm2 in Ancón, 18 ± 4 thalli/cm2 in Paiján and 49 thalli/cm2 in Mendieta. On the other hand, the vegetative specimens were fixed on scallop shells with rubber bands and placed in culture systems. After 20 days, fronds were removed and SAD formation was evident in all populations. After 120 days the number of SAD at the end of the experiment was 5.8 ± 1.9 SAD/shell to Ancón, 4.8 ± 2.2 SAD/shell to 9.1 ± 7.8 Paiján and SAD/shell to Mendieta. Experimental results have demonstrated the feasibility of the three populations to develop vegetative and via carpospores culture. The population of Mendieta in the light of the results was the most appropriate to implement vegetative and via carpospores culture. Cultivation based on carpospores proved the most beneficial given their high reproductive potential, though both strategies can be widely used
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Acuicultura
Chondracanthus chamissoi; Algas marinas; Cultivo de algas; Propagación vegetativa; Esporulación; Viabilidad; Evaluación; Perú; Yuyo; Viabilidad de cultivos
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