Elaboración y aceptabilidad de galletas en base a quinua y fibras soluble e insoluble y parámetros bioquímicos en ratas
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Sotelo Méndez, Alejandrina Honorata
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto de la inclusión de harina de quinua Altiplano cocida, endospermo de tara y harina de hojas de Agave americana sobre la aceptabilidad en galletas, así como sus parámetros bioquímicos en ratas Holtzman. Se desarrollaron cuatro formulaciones de galletas: el control (I), galletas con sustitución parcial de la harina de trigo por harina de quinua Altiplano cocida (II), galletas con (FSEST) y (FIHAA) (III) y galletas que incluían quinua y fibras (IV). Se utilizó una escala no estructurada para la evaluación sensorial en humanos. Se emplearon 20 ratas Holtzman, distribuidas en grupos de cinco, para la aplicación de las cuatro formulaciones. Durante 30 días se registró el peso vivo, consumo de alimento, y se colectaron heces y orina para la prueba biológica. Al finalizar, se determinaron niveles de glucosa, triglicéridos, HDL; posteriormente los animales fueron sacrificados, se extrajeron muestras de hígado e intestino que fueron almacenadas para su análisis de peroxidación lipídica. Se analizaron los datos no paramétricos por el método Friedman, los paramétricos bajo un Diseño Completamente al Azar y la comparación de medias por la prueba de Tukey. Se encontró diferencias (p<0.05) respecto a la humedad, fibra cruda y FDT en galletas de las formulaciones II, III, IV. La aceptabilidad global y textura sensorial mostraron mayor preferencia (p<0.05) para las galletas de la formulación II y IV. Mayor concentración de triglicéridos (p<0.05) se encontró en ratas que consumieron la dieta control, y que a su vez tuvo menor protección de peroxidación lipídica (p<0.05). Los parámetros de BN y VB, glucosa, CT, HDL, intestinal no fueron influenciados (p>0.05) por las dietas consumidas; sin embargo, la dieta que contiene harina de galletas con quinua Altiplano cocida presentó mejor digestibilidad (p<0.05). En conclusión, el consumo de galletas con las mencionadas sustituciones mejora en humanos las características sensoriales y en ratas reduce los niveles de triglicéridos y el daño oxidativo del intestino delgado e hígado.
The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of cooked Altiplano quinoa flour, tare endosperm and Agave americana leaf flour on the acceptability of cookies, as well as their biochemical parameters in Holtzman rats. Four cookie formulations were developed: the control(I), cookies with partial substitution of wheat flour by cooked Altiplano quinoa flour (II), cookies with (FSEST) and (FIHAA)(III) and cookies including quinoa and fibers (IV). An unstructured scale was used for sensory evaluation in humans. Twenty Holtzman rats were used, distributed in groups of five, for the application of the four formulations. Live weight and food consumption were recorded for 30 days, and feces and urine were collected for the biological test. At the end, glucose, triglyceride, and HDL levels were determined; Subsequently, the animals were sacrificed, liver and intestine samples were extracted and stored for analysis of lipid peroxidation. Non-parametric data were analyzed by the Friedman method, parametric data under a Completely Randomized Design and the comparison of means by Tukey's test. Differences (p<0.05) were found with respect to moisture, crude fiber and TDF in cookies of formulations II, III, IV. The global acceptability and sensory texture showed greater preference (p<0.05) for cookies of formulation II and IV. Higher triglyceride concentration (p<0.05) was found in rats consuming the control diet, which in turn had lower lipid peroxidation protection (p<0.05). BN and VB, glucose, CT, HDL, intestinal parameters were not influenced (p>0.05) by the consumed diets; however, the diet containing cookies flour with cooked Altiplano quinoa presented better digestibility (p<0.05).In conclusion, the consumption of cookies with the aforementioned substitutions improves sensory characteristics in humans and in rats reduces triglyceride levels and oxidative damage of the small intestine and liver.
The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of cooked Altiplano quinoa flour, tare endosperm and Agave americana leaf flour on the acceptability of cookies, as well as their biochemical parameters in Holtzman rats. Four cookie formulations were developed: the control(I), cookies with partial substitution of wheat flour by cooked Altiplano quinoa flour (II), cookies with (FSEST) and (FIHAA)(III) and cookies including quinoa and fibers (IV). An unstructured scale was used for sensory evaluation in humans. Twenty Holtzman rats were used, distributed in groups of five, for the application of the four formulations. Live weight and food consumption were recorded for 30 days, and feces and urine were collected for the biological test. At the end, glucose, triglyceride, and HDL levels were determined; Subsequently, the animals were sacrificed, liver and intestine samples were extracted and stored for analysis of lipid peroxidation. Non-parametric data were analyzed by the Friedman method, parametric data under a Completely Randomized Design and the comparison of means by Tukey's test. Differences (p<0.05) were found with respect to moisture, crude fiber and TDF in cookies of formulations II, III, IV. The global acceptability and sensory texture showed greater preference (p<0.05) for cookies of formulation II and IV. Higher triglyceride concentration (p<0.05) was found in rats consuming the control diet, which in turn had lower lipid peroxidation protection (p<0.05). BN and VB, glucose, CT, HDL, intestinal parameters were not influenced (p>0.05) by the consumed diets; however, the diet containing cookies flour with cooked Altiplano quinoa presented better digestibility (p<0.05).In conclusion, the consumption of cookies with the aforementioned substitutions improves sensory characteristics in humans and in rats reduces triglyceride levels and oxidative damage of the small intestine and liver.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Doctorado en Nutrición
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