Resistencia de la línea de cola en juntas elaboradas con residuos de madera de Pinus patula Schlecht. & Cham
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Rodriguez Huaytan, Fanny Solange
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A nivel mundial, las plantaciones forestales comerciales han aumentado significativamente en las últimas décadas, proporcionando aproximadamente un tercio de la madera destinada al uso industrial. Sin embargo, la producción maderable del Perú se basa principalmente en bosques naturales. La complejidad florística de estos bosques, junto con la irregularidad en el abastecimiento y la variabilidad en la calidad de la materia prima, resultan en una baja productividad industrial y un alto porcentaje de residuos, que contribuyen a la contaminación ambiental. Los productos de madera reconstituida son una alternativa viable para utilizar estos residuos, ya que permiten conservar los recursos forestales al emplear maderas de diferentes tamaños y formas, promoviendo un uso óptimo de los recursos del bosque y el desarrollo de productos con valor agregado. Esta investigación evaluó la calidad de las juntas encoladas de residuos de madera de Pinus patula para la elaboración de paneles EGP, utilizando tres adhesivos (PVA D3, PVA D4 y EPI) y tres gramajes (120 g/m², 150 g/m² y 180 g/m²). Se caracterizaron anatómica, física y químicamente los residuos, y se analizó la viscosidad, contenido de sólidos y pH de los adhesivos. Las juntas se encolaron con una presión de 0,8 MPa, utilizando 5 minutos para PVA y 60 minutos para EPI. Posteriormente, se ensayó la resistencia al cizallamiento en probetas sometidas a dos pre-tratamientos (ambiente seco y húmedo), según la norma UNEEN 13354. Los resultados mostraron que, en ambiente húmedo, solo la variable adhesiva es significativa. En ambiente seco, las variables adhesivo, gramaje y la interacción adhesivo-gramaje son significativas. El adhesivo EPI tuvo mejor desempeño que PVA D4 y PVA D3. Las juntas encoladas en ambiente seco con adhesivo EPI y gramajes de 120 g/m², 150 g/m² y 180 g/m² cumplen la norma UNE-EN 13353, siendo la opción más económica el gramaje de 120 g/m².
Worldwide, commercial forest plantations have rapidly increased in recent decades and are estimated to provide approximately one-third of the roundwood intended for industrial use. However, timber production in Peru primarily comes from natural forests, and due to the floristic complexity of natural tropical forests, irregular supply, and variability in raw material quality, it results in low industrial productivity and a high percentage of waste, leading to environmental pollution. Reconstituted wood products are a viable alternative for utilizing this waste, as they help conserve forest resources by employing wood of various sizes and shapes, promoting optimal use of forest resources and the development of value-added products. This research evaluated the quality of glued joints from wood waste of Pinus patula for the production of EGP panels, using three adhesives (PVA D3, PVA D4, and EPI) and three grammages (120 g/m², 150 g/m², and 180 g/m²). The wood waste was characterized anatomically, physically, and chemically. The viscosity, solids content, and pH of the adhesives were also analyzed. Joints were glued under a pressure of 0.8 MPa, using 5 minutes for PVA and 60 minutes for EPI. Subsequently, shear strength was tested on samples subjected to two pre-treatments (dry and humid environments) according to UNE-EN 13354. Results showed that in the humid environment, only the adhesive variable was significant. In the dry environment, adhesive, grammage, and the adhesive-grammage interaction were significant. The EPI adhesive performed better than PVA D4, which in turn outperformed PVA D3. Joints glued in the dry environment with EPI adhesive and grammages of 120 g/m², 150 g/m², and 180 g/m² met UNE-EN 13353 standards, with the 120 g/m² grammage being the most cost-effective option.
Worldwide, commercial forest plantations have rapidly increased in recent decades and are estimated to provide approximately one-third of the roundwood intended for industrial use. However, timber production in Peru primarily comes from natural forests, and due to the floristic complexity of natural tropical forests, irregular supply, and variability in raw material quality, it results in low industrial productivity and a high percentage of waste, leading to environmental pollution. Reconstituted wood products are a viable alternative for utilizing this waste, as they help conserve forest resources by employing wood of various sizes and shapes, promoting optimal use of forest resources and the development of value-added products. This research evaluated the quality of glued joints from wood waste of Pinus patula for the production of EGP panels, using three adhesives (PVA D3, PVA D4, and EPI) and three grammages (120 g/m², 150 g/m², and 180 g/m²). The wood waste was characterized anatomically, physically, and chemically. The viscosity, solids content, and pH of the adhesives were also analyzed. Joints were glued under a pressure of 0.8 MPa, using 5 minutes for PVA and 60 minutes for EPI. Subsequently, shear strength was tested on samples subjected to two pre-treatments (dry and humid environments) according to UNE-EN 13354. Results showed that in the humid environment, only the adhesive variable was significant. In the dry environment, adhesive, grammage, and the adhesive-grammage interaction were significant. The EPI adhesive performed better than PVA D4, which in turn outperformed PVA D3. Joints glued in the dry environment with EPI adhesive and grammages of 120 g/m², 150 g/m², and 180 g/m² met UNE-EN 13353 standards, with the 120 g/m² grammage being the most cost-effective option.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales. Departamento Académico de Industrias Forestales
Adhesivos; Ensayo; Harina de madera; Perú; Propiedades mecánicas; Tableros contrachapeados; Viscosidad
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