Desempeño de materiales de las juntas en canales revestidos de concreto para mejorar la eficiencia de riego, irrigación Apata, Jauja
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Vargas Zacarias, André Bertolt
La escasez del agua en diferentes partes del mundo, ha llevado a realizar diversos estudios con nuevos materiales de revestimiento en los canales, con el fin de reducir las pérdidas de agua e incrementar la eficiencia de conducción de los canales. El presente estudio, aporta criterios técnicos y económicos para la elección adecuada de los materiales de relleno de juntas en los canales de concreto, en base al desempeño técnico y económico de diversos materiales. Se realizaron pruebas directas de campo como el test de estanqueidad y aforo; y pruebas indirectas utilizando las ecuaciones empíricas y modelo Seep/W, para la cuantificaron de las filtraciones en el Canal de conducción B, Apata - Jauja – Perú. Se evaluaron las pérdidas totales de agua en segmentos del canal con sellos en las juntas, en diferentes escenarios como el estado de conservación actual, crítico y recuperado, se emplearon los siguientes materiales: asfaltico, elastomérico y cementicio en el resellado. Utilizando el sello asfáltico, elastomérico y cementicio en la situación recuperada de los canales se logró una reducción de la infiltración de 93.170 l/d/m (0.074 m3/m2/d), 120.427 l/d/m (0.094 m3/m2/d), y 74.300 l/d/m (0.059 m3/m2/d), respectivamente; en comparación al estado actual. El coeficiente de permeabilidad de equilibrio en el estado recuperado se redujo a 2.145x10-6 m/s, 2.774x10-6 m/s y 1.711x10-6m/s, en comparación al estado actual. Las eficiencias de conducción del canal en el estado recuperado, incremento de 14.11%, 18.16% y 11.28%; en comparación al estado actual, para los tiempos de servicio estimados de 7.5, 15 y 5 años y la relación B/C obtenidos fueron 1.22, 2.48 y 1.03 para los tres diferentes materiales respectivamente. De los análisis técnicos y económicos se concluye que el sello elastomérico ha justificado su utilización en el planeamiento, construcción y mantenimiento de canales revestidos de concreto, seguido por los sellos asfáltico y cementicio.
Water scarcity in different parts of the world has led to various studies with new lining materials in the canals, in order to reduce water losses and increase the efficiency of channel conduction. This study provides technical and economic criteria for the appropriate choice of materials for filling joints in concrete channels, based on the technical and economic performance of various materials. Direct field tests were carried out, such as the tightness and flow test; and indirect tests using empirical equations and the Seep/W model, to quantify the leaks in the B channel conduction channel, Apata - Jauja - Peru. Total water losses were evaluated in channel segments with seals in the joints, in different scenarios such as the current state of conservation, critical and recovered, the following materials were used: asphalt, elastomeric and cementitious in the resealing. By using the asphalt, elastomeric and cementitious seal in the recovered state of the channels, a reduction of infiltration of 93.170 l/d/m (0.074 m3/m2/d), 120.427 l/d/m (0.094 m3/m2/d), and 74.300 l/d/m (0.059 m3/m2/d), respectively, was achieved; compared to the current state. The equilibrium permeability coefficient in the recovered state was reduced to 2.145x10-6 m/s, 2.774x10-6 m/s and 1.711x10-6 m/s, compared to the current state. The channel conduction efficiencies in the recovered state increased by 14.11%, 18.16% and 11.28%; Compared to the current state, for the estimated service times of 7.5, 15 and 5 years and the B/C ratio obtained were 1.22, 2.48 and 1.03 for the three different materials respectively. From the technical and economic analyses, it is concluded that the elastomeric seal has justified its use in the planning, construction and maintenance of concrete-lined channels, followed by asphalt and cement seals.
Water scarcity in different parts of the world has led to various studies with new lining materials in the canals, in order to reduce water losses and increase the efficiency of channel conduction. This study provides technical and economic criteria for the appropriate choice of materials for filling joints in concrete channels, based on the technical and economic performance of various materials. Direct field tests were carried out, such as the tightness and flow test; and indirect tests using empirical equations and the Seep/W model, to quantify the leaks in the B channel conduction channel, Apata - Jauja - Peru. Total water losses were evaluated in channel segments with seals in the joints, in different scenarios such as the current state of conservation, critical and recovered, the following materials were used: asphalt, elastomeric and cementitious in the resealing. By using the asphalt, elastomeric and cementitious seal in the recovered state of the channels, a reduction of infiltration of 93.170 l/d/m (0.074 m3/m2/d), 120.427 l/d/m (0.094 m3/m2/d), and 74.300 l/d/m (0.059 m3/m2/d), respectively, was achieved; compared to the current state. The equilibrium permeability coefficient in the recovered state was reduced to 2.145x10-6 m/s, 2.774x10-6 m/s and 1.711x10-6 m/s, compared to the current state. The channel conduction efficiencies in the recovered state increased by 14.11%, 18.16% and 11.28%; Compared to the current state, for the estimated service times of 7.5, 15 and 5 years and the B/C ratio obtained were 1.22, 2.48 and 1.03 for the three different materials respectively. From the technical and economic analyses, it is concluded that the elastomeric seal has justified its use in the planning, construction and maintenance of concrete-lined channels, followed by asphalt and cement seals.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en
Recursos Hídricos
Sello de juntas
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