Análisis en el área de producto terminado del proceso de semiconservas de anchoveta, Engraulis ringens, tipo anchoa
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Valdivia Mantilla, Andrea Soledad
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El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo analizar el área de producto terminado de una planta productora de semiconserva de anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) tipo anchoa, utilizando como ejemplo la producción del Comunicado de Venta 057-006-2022 para el cliente “Bélgica”. En dicho comunicado se solicitó un pedido de 5,760 unidades de producto de filete de anchoas en aceite girasol en envase bauletto 28 onzas litografiado. Para desarrollar la evaluación, se llevó a cabo el análisis de las operaciones que se realizan en el área de producto terminado: Codificado, etiquetado, empacado y almacenado, siendo este último el tercer punto crítico de control según el manual HACCP de la empresa; por lo que su análisis es de gran importancia. Luego de ello, se procedió con la evaluación de los controles y verificaciones que se realizan como supervisora de aseguramiento de calidad. consultando los registros y formatos del área. El análisis del proceso productivo, facilita la toma de decisiones para la implementación de medidas preventivas y correctivas de las incidencias ocurridas en el área. Ya que los resultados obtenidos durante la producción, se presentan de forma objetiva; contribuyendo así a mejorar tanto la calidad como la eficiencia del área.
The objective of this study was to analyze the finished product area of an anchovy (Engraulis ringens) semi-preserved anchovy plant, using as an example the production of Sales Communiqué 057-006-2022 for the client "Belgium". In this communiqué, an order was requested for 5,760 units of anchovy fillet product in sunflower oil in 28-ounce lithographed bauletto packaging. To develop the evaluation, an analysis was made of the operations carried out in the finished product area: coding, labeling, packaging and storage, the latter being the third critical control point according to the company's HACCP manual; therefore, its analysis is of great importance. After that, we proceeded with the evaluation of the controls and verifications carried out as quality assurance supervisor, consulting the area's records and formats. The analysis of the production process facilitates decision making for the implementation of preventive and corrective measures for incidents occurring in the area. Since the results obtained during production are presented objectively, thus contributing to improve both the quality and efficiency of the área.
The objective of this study was to analyze the finished product area of an anchovy (Engraulis ringens) semi-preserved anchovy plant, using as an example the production of Sales Communiqué 057-006-2022 for the client "Belgium". In this communiqué, an order was requested for 5,760 units of anchovy fillet product in sunflower oil in 28-ounce lithographed bauletto packaging. To develop the evaluation, an analysis was made of the operations carried out in the finished product area: coding, labeling, packaging and storage, the latter being the third critical control point according to the company's HACCP manual; therefore, its analysis is of great importance. After that, we proceeded with the evaluation of the controls and verifications carried out as quality assurance supervisor, consulting the area's records and formats. The analysis of the production process facilitates decision making for the implementation of preventive and corrective measures for incidents occurring in the area. Since the results obtained during production are presented objectively, thus contributing to improve both the quality and efficiency of the área.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Pesquería. Departamento Académico de Acuicultura e Industrias Pesqueras
Engraulis ringens
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