Experiencias con el uso de extractos de algas marinas en la calidad y rendimiento de cultivos de agroexportación en Ica
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Ramos Dionicio, Claudia Celina
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El presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional examina el efecto de diferentes extractos de algas en el crecimiento y desarrollo de cultivos agrícolas, con un enfoque particular en la uva de mesa var. Sweet Globe, arándano var. Ventura y Secoya Pop, granado var. Wonderful y páprika. Se analizaron los extractos de Ascophyllum nodosum, Ecklonia maxima y Durvillea potatorum, evaluando su efecto en variables clave como el crecimiento del brote, el enraizamiento y la producción a lo largo de varias etapas de desarrollo del cultivo. Los resultados muestran que A. nodosum, E. maxima y D. potatorum, tienen un impacto positivo sobre el crecimiento y desarrollo de los cultivos mencionados. En la uva de mesa var. Sweet Globe, A. nodosum muestra ventajas en el crecimiento del brote y número de nudos, mientras que la combinación de A. nodosum y E. maxima es beneficiosa para incrementar el crecimiento de brotes en arándanos Secoya Pop. Además, en paprika, estos extractos mejoran la altura, peso seco foliar y fresco de la cosecha, con efectos sinérgicos en el enraizamiento. Por último, en granado var. Wonderful, E. maxima destaca en la inducción floral y crecimiento del brote. Este hallazgo sugiere que la elección del tipo de extracto de alga puede influir significativamente en el rendimiento y desarrollo de cultivos y subrayan el potencial de los extractos de algas para optimizar la producción agrícola de manera sostenible y eficiente.
The present professional sufficiency work examines the effect of different algal extracts on the growth and development of agricultural crops, with a particular focus on table grape var. Sweet Globe, blueberry var. Ventura and Pop redwood, pomegranate var. Wonderful and paprika. Extracts of Ascophyllum nodosum, Ecklonia maxima and Durvillea potatorum were analyzed, evaluating their effect on key variables such as shoot growth, rooting and yield throughout various stages of crop development. The results show that A. nodosum, E. maxima and D. potatorum have a positive impact on the growth and development of the aforementioned crops. In table grape var. Sweet Globe, A. nodosum shows advantages in shoot growth and number of nodes, while the combination of A. nodosum and E. maxima is beneficial in increasing shoot growth in Secoya Pop blueberries. Furthermore, in paprika, these extracts improve height, leaf dry weight and fresh weight of the crop, with synergistic effects on rooting. Finally, in pomegranate var. Wonderful, E. maxima excels in flower induction and shoot growth. This finding suggests that the choice of algae extract type can significantly influence crop yield and development and underlines the potential of algae extracts to optimize agricultural production in a sustainable and efficient way.
The present professional sufficiency work examines the effect of different algal extracts on the growth and development of agricultural crops, with a particular focus on table grape var. Sweet Globe, blueberry var. Ventura and Pop redwood, pomegranate var. Wonderful and paprika. Extracts of Ascophyllum nodosum, Ecklonia maxima and Durvillea potatorum were analyzed, evaluating their effect on key variables such as shoot growth, rooting and yield throughout various stages of crop development. The results show that A. nodosum, E. maxima and D. potatorum have a positive impact on the growth and development of the aforementioned crops. In table grape var. Sweet Globe, A. nodosum shows advantages in shoot growth and number of nodes, while the combination of A. nodosum and E. maxima is beneficial in increasing shoot growth in Secoya Pop blueberries. Furthermore, in paprika, these extracts improve height, leaf dry weight and fresh weight of the crop, with synergistic effects on rooting. Finally, in pomegranate var. Wonderful, E. maxima excels in flower induction and shoot growth. This finding suggests that the choice of algae extract type can significantly influence crop yield and development and underlines the potential of algae extracts to optimize agricultural production in a sustainable and efficient way.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Académico de Suelos
Abonos orgánicos; Algas marinas; Cultivos
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