Morfometría de otolitos durante el desarrollo ontogénico de la merluza (Merluccius gayi peruanus) en la caleta Los Órganos, Piura
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Mendoza Junchaya, Almendra Stephanie
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Este estudio analizó la morfometría de los otolitos de Merluccius gayi peruanus para evaluar las variaciones durante su desarrollo ontogénico. Se realizaron 56 muestreos estratificados en Los Órganos, Piura, con un total de 537 individuos. Se extrajeron los otolitos sagitta, se fotografió el otolito derecho y se procesaron las imágenes para obtener medidas morfométricas, calculando los índices: Aspecto de Ratio (AR), Circularidad (C), Elipticidad (E), Rectangularidad (R), Ocupación del sulcus (OS) e Índice de rostrum (IR), clasificados en cinco rangos de talla. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas entre los rangos de talla para todos los índices (p < 0,05) excepto Factor de forma e Índice de rostrum. El índice de AR presentó una tendencia negativa, excepto en el rango III, donde los individuos maduros sexualmente mostraron una desviación, posiblemente relacionada con la actividad reproductiva. El índice de Circularidad aumentó con la talla, lo que podría reflejar adaptaciones a la posición en la columna de agua y las condiciones ambientales. El índice de Elipticidad mostró una ligera tendencia positiva, probablemente relacionada con los cambios en la dieta de los individuos. El índice de Rectangularidad disminuyó con el crecimiento, lo que sugiere la influencia de factores oceánicos y migratorios. Finalmente, el índice de OS aumentó con la talla, indicando que los adultos requieren mayor sensibilidad auditiva y equilibrio debido a su mayor actividad natatoria. Estos resultados destacan cómo las variaciones en la morfometría de los otolitos reflejan los cambios en los patrones ecológicos, de distribución y comportamiento de la merluza, proporcionando información valiosa para su ecología y sostenibilidad.
This study analyzed the morphometry of Merluccius gayi peruanus otoliths to evaluate variations during ontogenetic development. Fifty-six stratified samples were taken in Los Organos, Piura, with a total of 537 individuals. The sagitta otoliths were extracted, the right otolith was photographed, and the images were processed to obtain morphometric measurements, calculating the following indexes: Aspect Ratio (AR), Circularity (C), Ellipticity (E), Rectangularity (R), Sulcus occupancy (OS) and Rostrum index (IR), classified in five size ranges. The results showed significant differences between size ranges for all indices (p < 0.05) except Shape factor and Rostrum index. The AR index showed a negative trend, except in rank III, where sexually mature individuals showed a deviation, possibly related to reproductive activity. The Circularity index increased with length, which could reflect adaptations to position in the water column and environmental conditions. The Ellipticity index showed a slight positive trend, probably related to changes in the diet of individuals. The Rectangularity index decreased with growth, suggesting the influence of oceanic and migratory factors. Finally, the OS index increased with length, indicating that adults require greater hearing sensitivity and balance due to their increased swimming activity. These results highlight how variations in otolith morphometry reflect changes in the ecological, distribution and behavioral patterns of hake, providing valuable information for their ecology and sustainability.
This study analyzed the morphometry of Merluccius gayi peruanus otoliths to evaluate variations during ontogenetic development. Fifty-six stratified samples were taken in Los Organos, Piura, with a total of 537 individuals. The sagitta otoliths were extracted, the right otolith was photographed, and the images were processed to obtain morphometric measurements, calculating the following indexes: Aspect Ratio (AR), Circularity (C), Ellipticity (E), Rectangularity (R), Sulcus occupancy (OS) and Rostrum index (IR), classified in five size ranges. The results showed significant differences between size ranges for all indices (p < 0.05) except Shape factor and Rostrum index. The AR index showed a negative trend, except in rank III, where sexually mature individuals showed a deviation, possibly related to reproductive activity. The Circularity index increased with length, which could reflect adaptations to position in the water column and environmental conditions. The Ellipticity index showed a slight positive trend, probably related to changes in the diet of individuals. The Rectangularity index decreased with growth, suggesting the influence of oceanic and migratory factors. Finally, the OS index increased with length, indicating that adults require greater hearing sensitivity and balance due to their increased swimming activity. These results highlight how variations in otolith morphometry reflect changes in the ecological, distribution and behavioral patterns of hake, providing valuable information for their ecology and sustainability.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Pesquería. Departamento
Académico de Manejo Pesquero y Medio Ambiente
Otolitos sagittae
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