Emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en el transporte público de Lima
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Abanto Vilca, Cristhian Eloy
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El panel intergubernamental de cambio climático (IPCC) anunció que los compromisos climáticos mundiales conocidos como NDC no son suficientes y en el Perú tenemos 62 medidas de mitigación de las cuales 2 de ellas son especificas al transporte público de Lima donde se promueve el uso de combustibles más limpios como el Gas natural vehicular. Sin embargo, este trabajo pretende demostrar que el GNV contribuye con mayor cantidad de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero que sus competidores energéticos (Diesel, Diesel DB5 y electricidad) por lo que se busca analizar estas emisiones a partir de los rendimientos energéticos demostrando por consecuencia los beneficios de la electromovilidad. Actualmente, las estimaciones de GEI se realizan, en su mayoría, utilizando factores de emisión estándar o “TIER 1”. Con la finalidad de mejorar la confiabilidad de los resultados, se determinó la necesidad de hacer mediciones de campo para lo cualse diseñó una campaña de mediciones teniendo en cuenta aquellas variables que afectan el consumo de combustible utilizando 31 buses de propiedad del conglomerado Allin Group administradores de las rutas 201, 107 y 4515. La selección estuvo compuesta de 1 bus eléctrico, 5 buses diésel y 5 buses a GNV en el corredor rojo (ruta 201); 5 buses diésel y 5 buses GNV en el corredor amarillo (ruta 107) y 5 buses diésel y 5 GNV en el corredor Santa Rosa (ruta 4515). Los resultados de los factores de emisión muestran valores de 1.12 kgCO2eq/km para el GNV siendo un 10% mayor frente al diésel (1.01 kgCO2eq/km), 14% mayor frente al DB-5 (0.96 kgCO2/km) y 84% mayor frente al bus eléctrico (0.18 kgCO2eq/km) de forma similar el rendimiento energético del motor eléctrico de 273.53 Km/Gj frente al GNV con un valor de 54.68 Km/GJ siendo el combustible de menor rendimiento energético. Estos resultados son producto del mayor torque y el menor número de revoluciones de los motores Diesel en comparación a los motores que utilizan GNV dando paso a un menor consumo de combustible y por lo tanto mayores rendimientos.
The intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) announced that the global climate commitments known as NDC are not enough and in Peru we have 62 mitigation measures of which 2 of them are specific to public transportation in Lima where the use of low emission fuel is promoted like natural gas; However, this work aims to demonstrate that NDC contributes a greater amount of greenhouse gas emissions than its fuel competitors (Diesel, Diesel DB5 and electricity), which is why it seeks to analyze these emissions based on energy yields, thereby demonstrating the benefits of electromobility. Currently, GHG estimates are mostly made using standard or “TIER 1” emission factors. In order to improve the reliability of the results, the need to make field measurements was determined, for which a measurement campaign was designed taking into account those variables that affect fuel consumption using 31 buses owned by the conglomerate Allin Group administrators. of routes 201, 107 and 4515. The selection was made up of 1 electric bus, 5 diesel buses and 5 CNG buses in the red corridor (route 201); 5 diesel buses and 5 CNG buses in the yellow corridor (route 107) and 5 diesel buses and 5 CNG buses in the Santa Rosa corridor (route 4515). The results of the emission factors show values of 1.12 kgCO2eq/km for CNG, being 10% higher compared to diesel (1.01 kgCO2eq/km), 14% higher compared to DB-5 (0.96 kgCO2/km) and 84% higher compared to the electric bus (0.18 kgCO2eq/km), similarly the energy performance of the electric motor of 273.53 Km/Gj compared to CNG with a value of 54.68 Km/GJ, being the fuel with the lowest energy performance.
The intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) announced that the global climate commitments known as NDC are not enough and in Peru we have 62 mitigation measures of which 2 of them are specific to public transportation in Lima where the use of low emission fuel is promoted like natural gas; However, this work aims to demonstrate that NDC contributes a greater amount of greenhouse gas emissions than its fuel competitors (Diesel, Diesel DB5 and electricity), which is why it seeks to analyze these emissions based on energy yields, thereby demonstrating the benefits of electromobility. Currently, GHG estimates are mostly made using standard or “TIER 1” emission factors. In order to improve the reliability of the results, the need to make field measurements was determined, for which a measurement campaign was designed taking into account those variables that affect fuel consumption using 31 buses owned by the conglomerate Allin Group administrators. of routes 201, 107 and 4515. The selection was made up of 1 electric bus, 5 diesel buses and 5 CNG buses in the red corridor (route 201); 5 diesel buses and 5 CNG buses in the yellow corridor (route 107) and 5 diesel buses and 5 CNG buses in the Santa Rosa corridor (route 4515). The results of the emission factors show values of 1.12 kgCO2eq/km for CNG, being 10% higher compared to diesel (1.01 kgCO2eq/km), 14% higher compared to DB-5 (0.96 kgCO2/km) and 84% higher compared to the electric bus (0.18 kgCO2eq/km), similarly the energy performance of the electric motor of 273.53 Km/Gj compared to CNG with a value of 54.68 Km/GJ, being the fuel with the lowest energy performance.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento Académico de Ingeniería Ambiental, Física y Meteorología
Emisiones de gases de efecto Invernadero
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