Contribución de la agrobiodiversidad de las Quenopodiaceas a la seguridad alimentaria de los productores en Puno - Perú
Reyes Mandujano, Ivonne Fanny
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Tres cuartas partes de los pobres del mundo son agricultores, y viven en zonas rurales sujetos a riesgos ambientales y a pérdida de la agrobiodiversidad. Estos aspectos, aparentemente, vulneran la seguridad alimentaria local y global, acentuando la desnutrición, las enfermedades crónicas y los problemas de salud ocupacional, los cuales, a su vez, reducen el rendimiento laboral, la productividad, los ingresos y perpetúan la pobreza. En este contexto, herramientas holísticas como los modelos bioeconómicos, podrían ayudarnos a comprender el impacto que tendría la implementación de una política de conservación de la agrobiodiversidad en la producción y seguridad alimentaria; sin embargo, no se han encontrado modelos que consideren la agrobiodiversidad, el comportamiento económico de los agricultores de subsistencia y la seguridad alimentaria, simultáneamente. Por este motivo, este estudio se propuso como objetivo evaluar el impacto de la conservación de la agrobiodiversidad de las quenopodiáceas sobre la producción y seguridad alimentaria de los productores de quinua de Puno a través de la identificación, adaptación y aplicación de un Modelo Bioeconómico de Hogar Agrícola (MBHA). Para ello; i) se aplicaron 461 encuestas a una muestra representativa de Hogares Agrícolas de Subsistencia (HA_Subs) que producen quinua en Puno-Perú, ii) los HA_Subs fueron clasificados en términos de seguridad alimentaria y agrobiodiversidad, y luego se determinó la asociación estadística entre estos grupos y su distribución regional; y iii) Se identificó, adaptó y aplicó un MBHA. Para identificar el modelo se realizó una revisión sistemática de literatura. Para la adaptación, se propuso e integró un modelo conceptual de agrobiodiversidad. Finalmente, se simularon escenarios de conservación de la agrobiodiversidad y los impactos sobre indicadores de producción (oferta), seguridad alimentaria (autoconsumo, demanda e ingresos) y pobreza. Los resultados evidencian impactos positivos de conservación de la agrobiodiversidad sobre dimensiones económicas (producción), sociales (seguridad alimentaria), ecológicas (biodiversidad natural); aunque, estas dependen de las características de la agrobiodiversidad basal de las fincas, de las prácticas agrícolas, el nivel de autoconsumo y la organización de la finca. Por lo tanto, los resultados permiten identificar las provincias donde la implementación de una política de conservación de la agrobiodiversidad generaría impactos positivos sobre la seguridad alimentaria local y global y capitalizar las oportunidades de su conservación. La propuesta busca delimitar los alcances en la implementación de esta política en el departamento de Puno-Perú para hacerla viable, eficiente y costo-efectiva, y así contribuir con los problemas que se plantean en los ODS 1 (pobreza), ODS 2 (seguridad alimentaria) y los ODS 15 (protección de la biodiversidad) de la Agenda 2030.
Three-quarters of the poor of the world are farmers and live in rural areas subject to environmental risks and loss of agrobiodiversity. These aspects violate local and global food security, accentuating malnutrition, chronic diseases and occupational health problems, which, in turn, reduce job performance, productivity, income and perpetuate poverty. In this context, holistic tools such as bioeconomic models could help us understand the impact that the implementation of an agrobiodiversity conservation policy would have on production and food security; however, no models have been found that consider agrobiodiversity, the economic behavior of subsistence farmers and food security simultaneously. For this reason, this study set out to evaluate the impact of the conservation of the agrobiodiversity of the quenopodeáceas on the production and food security of the quinoa producers of Puno-Perú, through the identification, adaptation and application of a Farm Household Bioeconomic Model (FHBM). For this, i) 461 surveys were applied to a representative sample of Subsistence Farmer Households (HA_Subs) that produce quinoa in Puno-Peru, ii) HA_Subs were classified in terms of food security and agrobiodiversity indicators, and then the statistical association between these groups was determined and its regional distribution, iii) An FHBM was identified, adapted and applied. To identify the model, a systematic literature review was carried out. For adaptation, a conceptual model of agrobiodiversity was proposed and integrated. Finally, food scenarios were simulated for the conservation of agrobiodiversity and the impacts on indicators of production (supply), security (selfconsumption, demand and income) and poverty. The results show positive impacts of agrobiodiversity conservation on economic (production), social (food security), and ecological (natural biodiversity) dimensions; although, these depend on the characteristics of the basal agrobiodiversity of the farms, the agricultural practices, the level of selfconsumption and the organization of the farm. Therefore, the results allow us to identify the provinces where the implementation of an agrobiodiversity conservation policy would generate positive impacts on local and global food security and capitalize on the opportunities for their conservation. The proposal seeks to define the scope of the implementation of this policy in the Department of Puno-Peru to make it viable, efficient and cost-effective, and thus contribute to the problems that arise in SDGs 1 (poverty), SDGs 2 (security food) and SDGs 15 (protection of biodiversity) of the 2030 Agenda.
Three-quarters of the poor of the world are farmers and live in rural areas subject to environmental risks and loss of agrobiodiversity. These aspects violate local and global food security, accentuating malnutrition, chronic diseases and occupational health problems, which, in turn, reduce job performance, productivity, income and perpetuate poverty. In this context, holistic tools such as bioeconomic models could help us understand the impact that the implementation of an agrobiodiversity conservation policy would have on production and food security; however, no models have been found that consider agrobiodiversity, the economic behavior of subsistence farmers and food security simultaneously. For this reason, this study set out to evaluate the impact of the conservation of the agrobiodiversity of the quenopodeáceas on the production and food security of the quinoa producers of Puno-Perú, through the identification, adaptation and application of a Farm Household Bioeconomic Model (FHBM). For this, i) 461 surveys were applied to a representative sample of Subsistence Farmer Households (HA_Subs) that produce quinoa in Puno-Peru, ii) HA_Subs were classified in terms of food security and agrobiodiversity indicators, and then the statistical association between these groups was determined and its regional distribution, iii) An FHBM was identified, adapted and applied. To identify the model, a systematic literature review was carried out. For adaptation, a conceptual model of agrobiodiversity was proposed and integrated. Finally, food scenarios were simulated for the conservation of agrobiodiversity and the impacts on indicators of production (supply), security (selfconsumption, demand and income) and poverty. The results show positive impacts of agrobiodiversity conservation on economic (production), social (food security), and ecological (natural biodiversity) dimensions; although, these depend on the characteristics of the basal agrobiodiversity of the farms, the agricultural practices, the level of selfconsumption and the organization of the farm. Therefore, the results allow us to identify the provinces where the implementation of an agrobiodiversity conservation policy would generate positive impacts on local and global food security and capitalize on the opportunities for their conservation. The proposal seeks to define the scope of the implementation of this policy in the Department of Puno-Peru to make it viable, efficient and cost-effective, and thus contribute to the problems that arise in SDGs 1 (poverty), SDGs 2 (security food) and SDGs 15 (protection of biodiversity) of the 2030 Agenda.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Doctorado en Economía de los Recursos Naturales y el Desarrollo Sustentable
Chenopodiaceae; Agrobiodiversidad; Producción; Seguridad alimentaria; Sistemas de alimentación; Evaluación; Perú; Puno (dpto)
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