Mejora de los procesos administrativos del área de operaciones de una constructora aplicando la metodología PDCA
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Barzola Gómez, Tatiana Lariza
El presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional se fundamenta en la experiencia profesional adquirida en la empresa JCB MINING SAC, una empresa contratista minera dedicada a la ejecución de proyectos y obras civiles. Se enfoca en el proyecto de Recrecimiento del depósito de relaves de la Unidad Minera Sierra Antapite ubicada en el distrito de Ocoyo, provincia de Huaytará, departamento de Huancavelica, con el propósito de implementar mejoras en el proceso de reclutamiento y selección de personal. Esta necesidad surgió a raíz de un alto índice de rotación de personal que estaba impactando negativamente el cumplimiento del programa mensual del proyecto, resultando en multas significativas para la empresa. Para abordar esta problemática, se llevó a cabo un análisis exhaustivo del proceso durante los primeros seis meses de operación. Se identificaron las principales causas de la rotación de personal, que incluían la ausencia de un departamento especializado en reclutamiento y selección, la carencia de un procedimiento formal y la falta de alineación entre los perfiles de los puestos y las necesidades operativas. Con el objetivo de mejorar esta situación, se aplicó la metodología PDCA (Planificar, Hacer, Verificar, Actuar). Este enfoque permitió reducir significativamente el índice de rotación, pasando del 42 % al 1.2 %, y, además, se logró cumplir con el avance mensual programado, evitando multas adicionales. Este trabajo demuestra cómo la implementación de procesos estructurados y la aplicación de metodologías efectivas pueden tener un impacto positivo en la gestión de recursos humanos y en el cumplimiento de los objetivos empresariales.
This monographic work is based on the professional experience acquired in the company JCB MINING SAC, a mining contracting company dedicated to the execution of projects and civil works. It focuses on the Regrowth project of the tailings deposit of the Sierra Antapite Mining Unit located in the district of Ocoyo, province of Huaytará, department of Huancavelica, with the purpose of implementing improvements in the personnel recruitment and selection process. This need arose as a result of a high rate of staff turnover that was negatively impacting compliance with the project's monthly schedule, resulting in significant fines for the company. To address this issue, an exhaustive analysis of the process was carried out during the first six months of operation. The main causes of staff turnover were identified, which included the absence of a specialized recruitment and selection department, the lack of a formal procedure and the lack of alignment between job profiles and operational needs. With the aim of improving this situation, the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) methodology was applied. This approach allowed the turnover rate to be significantly reduced, going from 42% to 1.2%, and, in addition, the scheduled monthly progress was met, avoiding additional fines. This work demonstrates how the implementation of structured processes and the application of effective methodologies can have a positive impact on human resources management and the fulfillment of business objectives.
This monographic work is based on the professional experience acquired in the company JCB MINING SAC, a mining contracting company dedicated to the execution of projects and civil works. It focuses on the Regrowth project of the tailings deposit of the Sierra Antapite Mining Unit located in the district of Ocoyo, province of Huaytará, department of Huancavelica, with the purpose of implementing improvements in the personnel recruitment and selection process. This need arose as a result of a high rate of staff turnover that was negatively impacting compliance with the project's monthly schedule, resulting in significant fines for the company. To address this issue, an exhaustive analysis of the process was carried out during the first six months of operation. The main causes of staff turnover were identified, which included the absence of a specialized recruitment and selection department, the lack of a formal procedure and the lack of alignment between job profiles and operational needs. With the aim of improving this situation, the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) methodology was applied. This approach allowed the turnover rate to be significantly reduced, going from 42% to 1.2%, and, in addition, the scheduled monthly progress was met, avoiding additional fines. This work demonstrates how the implementation of structured processes and the application of effective methodologies can have a positive impact on human resources management and the fulfillment of business objectives.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Economía y Planificación. Departamento Académico de Gestión Empresarial
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