Anatomía y propiedades físicas de la madera de Pinus maximinoi de diecinueve años en Oxapampa, Perú
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Cuno Común, María Elizabeth
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El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo la caracterización anatómica y la evaluación de las propiedades físicas de la especie Pinus maximinoi de 19 años de edad de Oxapampa, Perú. La madera es de color amarillo, grano recto y textura gruesa. Presenta traqueidas de longitud mediana (3604 µm); radios uniseriados y ocasionalmente fusiformes. Los radios poseen traqueidas radiales dentadas con puntuaciones tipo pinoide. Axialmente, la longitud de traqueidas aumenta desde la base hasta el ápice mientras que el diámetro total y del lumen, disminuyen. Radialmente, aumentan desde la médula hacia la corteza. La densidad básica promedio es de 0,41 g/cm³, clasificada como madera de baja densidad. En tanto, las contracciones (tangencial: 6,52%; radial: 3,28%) y relación T/R (2,08) poseen valores medios. Se encontró que la densidad básica, las contracciones volumétricas, tangenciales y radiales son significativamente mayores en la base de los árboles y menores en la zona apical; contrario a la variable T/R, la cual disminuye en el sentido del ápice a la base.
The objective of the present study was the anatomical characterization and evaluation of the physical properties of the 19-year-old Pinus maximinoi species from Oxapampa, Peru. The wood is yellow in color, straight grained and thick in texture. It has tracheids of medium length (3604 µm); rays uniseriate and occasionally fusiform. The rays have toothed radial tracheids with pinoid-like points. Axially, the length of tracheids increases from the base to the apex while the total and lumen diameter decrease. Radially, they increase from the medulla toward the cortex. The average basic density is 0,41 g/cm³, classified as low density wood. Meanwhile, the contractions (tangential: 6,52%;radial: 3,28%) and T/R ratio (2,08) have average values. It was found that the basic density, volumetric, tangential and radial contractions are significantly higher at the base of the trees and lower in the apical zone; contrary to the T/R variable, which decreases in the direction from the apex to the base.
The objective of the present study was the anatomical characterization and evaluation of the physical properties of the 19-year-old Pinus maximinoi species from Oxapampa, Peru. The wood is yellow in color, straight grained and thick in texture. It has tracheids of medium length (3604 µm); rays uniseriate and occasionally fusiform. The rays have toothed radial tracheids with pinoid-like points. Axially, the length of tracheids increases from the base to the apex while the total and lumen diameter decrease. Radially, they increase from the medulla toward the cortex. The average basic density is 0,41 g/cm³, classified as low density wood. Meanwhile, the contractions (tangential: 6,52%;radial: 3,28%) and T/R ratio (2,08) have average values. It was found that the basic density, volumetric, tangential and radial contractions are significantly higher at the base of the trees and lower in the apical zone; contrary to the T/R variable, which decreases in the direction from the apex to the base.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales. Departamento Académico de Industrias Forestales
Pinus maximinoi
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