Ensayo de extracción periódica de nutrientes con las tuberosas andinas mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum R. et P.) y oca (Oxalis tuberosa Mol.) en un suelo del valle del Mantaro (Huayao 3,350 msnm)
Guerrero Lazaro, Juan Miguel
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Con el propósito de evaluar la absorción de los nutrientes N, P, K, Ca, Mg, y así elaborar las curvas de absorción de éstos elementos, se condujeron dos experimentos con dos tuberosas andinas: mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum R. et P.) clon "Jerguita", y oca (Oxalis tuberosa Molina) clon "Amarilla". Los tratamientos en estudio fueron: 1) estiércol (5 ton/ha), 2) fertilización mineral 120N — 120 P205— 80K20 (kg/ha), y 3) testigo. Los experimentos se condujeron en la localidad de Huayao, valle del Mantaro, Junín (3,350 msnm), durante la campaña agricola 1994-1995. Los tratamientos se evaluaron estadísticamente según el diseño de bloques completos al azar (DBCA) con tres repeticiones para cada cultivo, con valores de probabilidad de 5%. Las muestras periódicas de las plantas enteras se realizaron a intervalos de 15 días, correspondiendo 12 para la mashua y 11 para la oca. La acumulación de materia seca total para la mashua estuvo influenciada por las condiciones climáticas (180 días) razón por la cual altera el promedio para tal fecha. No sucede lo mismo con la acumulación de materia seca para la oca que demuestra un crecimiento sostenido hasta la fecha de la cosecha (195 días). La absorción de los nutrientes N, P, K, Mg en la mashua son un reflejo directo de la acumulación de la materia seca total, la absorción de Ca muestra una disminución general en todos los tratamientos hacia la fecha de cosecha (213 días). La absorción de nutrientes NPK en la oca están influenciados directamente por la acumulación de la materia seca total mientras que el Ca y Mg no están influenciados directamente por tal acumulación a partir de los 124 días hasta la cosecha (195 días). La mayor absorción de nutrientes se dio para los tratamientos con NPK para ambos cultivos, continuando en orden descendente los tratamientos con estiércol y los testigos. Todos los nutrientes considerados comienzan a absorberse en cantidades crecientes a partir de los 110 días de instalado el cultivo, explicándose esta manifestación por el inicio y posterior desarrollo de la tuberización. Si bien el tratamiento con NPK muestra mayor rendimiento para ambos cultivos, no lo es estadísticamente con respecto a los tratamientos con estiércol y testigos lo cual sugiere que sus comportamientos son semejantes. La secuencia de absorción de nutrientes observada en este estudio para ambos cultivos fue: K>N>Ca>P>Mg, siendo el elemento mayor P extraído en concentraciones bajas. Los rendimientos estimados de tubérculos para la mashua fluctuaron entre las 40 ton/ha (tratamiento con estiércol) y las 30 ton/ha (testigo). En tanto que para la oca fluctuaron entre las 14 ton/ha (tratamiento con NPK) y las 9 ton/ha (testigo). La extracción de los elementos considerados en el estudio para producir una tonelada de tubérculo por hectárea según tratamiento (unidades de los elementos N, P, K, Ca, Mg en kg/ha) fueron en promedio: 1.66, 0.43, 2.11, 1.12 y 0.14 para el cultivo de la mashua, y de 1.95, 0.25, 2.58, 0.48 y 0.15 para el cultivo de la oca respectivamente.
With the purpose of evaluating the absorption of nutrients N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and thus developing absorption curves for these elements, two experiments were conducted with two Andean tuberous plants: mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum R. et P.) clone "Jerguita," and oca (Oxalis tuberosa Molina) clone "Amarilla." The treatments studied were: 1) manure (5 tons/ha), 2) mineral fertilization 120N — 120 P205— 80K20 (kg/ha), and 3) control. The experiments were conducted in the locality of Huayao, Mantaro Valley, Junín (3,350 meters above sea level), during the 1994-1995 agricultural season. The treatments were statistically evaluated according to a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications for each crop, with a probability value of 5%. Periodic samples of the entire plants were taken at 15-day intervals, totaling 12 for mashua and 11 for oca. The total dry matter accumulation for mashua was influenced by climatic conditions (180 days), which alters the average for that date. This is not the case for oca's dry matter accumulation, which shows sustained growth until the harvest date (195 days). The absorption of nutrients N, P, K, Mg in mashua is a direct reflection of the total dry matter accumulation, while the absorption of Ca shows a general decrease in all treatments toward the harvest date (213 days). The absorption of NPK nutrients in oca is directly influenced by the total dry matter accumulation, while Ca and Mg are not directly influenced by such accumulation from 124 days until harvest (195 days). The highest nutrient absorption occurred for the NPK treatments for both crops, followed by manure treatments and controls. All considered nutrients begin to be absorbed in increasing amounts from 110 days after crop establishment, explained by the initiation and subsequent tuberization development. While the NPK treatment shows higher yield for both crops, it is not statistically different from manure treatments and controls, suggesting their behaviors are similar. The nutrient absorption sequence observed in this study for both crops was: K>N>Ca>P>Mg, with phosphorus being the highest element extracted in low concentrations. Estimated tuber yields for mashua ranged from 40 tons/ha (manure treatment) to 30 tons/ha (control), while for oca, they ranged from 14 tons/ha (NPK treatment) to 9 tons/ha (control). The extraction of the elements considered in the study to produce one ton of tuber per hectare according to treatment (units of elements N, P, K, Ca, Mg in kg/ha) averaged: 1.66, 0.43, 2.11, 1.12, and 0.14 for mashua, and 1.95, 0.25, 2.58, 0.48, and 0.15 for oca, respectively.
With the purpose of evaluating the absorption of nutrients N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and thus developing absorption curves for these elements, two experiments were conducted with two Andean tuberous plants: mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum R. et P.) clone "Jerguita," and oca (Oxalis tuberosa Molina) clone "Amarilla." The treatments studied were: 1) manure (5 tons/ha), 2) mineral fertilization 120N — 120 P205— 80K20 (kg/ha), and 3) control. The experiments were conducted in the locality of Huayao, Mantaro Valley, Junín (3,350 meters above sea level), during the 1994-1995 agricultural season. The treatments were statistically evaluated according to a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications for each crop, with a probability value of 5%. Periodic samples of the entire plants were taken at 15-day intervals, totaling 12 for mashua and 11 for oca. The total dry matter accumulation for mashua was influenced by climatic conditions (180 days), which alters the average for that date. This is not the case for oca's dry matter accumulation, which shows sustained growth until the harvest date (195 days). The absorption of nutrients N, P, K, Mg in mashua is a direct reflection of the total dry matter accumulation, while the absorption of Ca shows a general decrease in all treatments toward the harvest date (213 days). The absorption of NPK nutrients in oca is directly influenced by the total dry matter accumulation, while Ca and Mg are not directly influenced by such accumulation from 124 days until harvest (195 days). The highest nutrient absorption occurred for the NPK treatments for both crops, followed by manure treatments and controls. All considered nutrients begin to be absorbed in increasing amounts from 110 days after crop establishment, explained by the initiation and subsequent tuberization development. While the NPK treatment shows higher yield for both crops, it is not statistically different from manure treatments and controls, suggesting their behaviors are similar. The nutrient absorption sequence observed in this study for both crops was: K>N>Ca>P>Mg, with phosphorus being the highest element extracted in low concentrations. Estimated tuber yields for mashua ranged from 40 tons/ha (manure treatment) to 30 tons/ha (control), while for oca, they ranged from 14 tons/ha (NPK treatment) to 9 tons/ha (control). The extraction of the elements considered in the study to produce one ton of tuber per hectare according to treatment (units of elements N, P, K, Ca, Mg in kg/ha) averaged: 1.66, 0.43, 2.11, 1.12, and 0.14 for mashua, and 1.95, 0.25, 2.58, 0.48, and 0.15 for oca, respectively.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Académico de Suelos
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