Análisis silvicultural de dos tipos de bosque húmedo de bajura en la vertiente atlántica de Costa Rica
Manta Nolasco, María Isabel
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El análisis de especies valiosas fue realizado en una superficie de 26,6 ha, donde se desarrollan bosques secundarios (1,6 ha) y bosques aprovechados (25 ha= de bajura, en la Virgen de Sarapiqui, Costa Rica. El bosque clasificado como primario finalmente no fue encontrado. El objetivo del estudio fue desarrollar lineamientos generales de tratamientos silviculturales, que mejoren los bosques secundarios y aprovechados estudiados desde el punto de vista productivo. Dichos lineamientos se elaboraron en base a características ecológicas, estructurales y silviculturales, de cada tipo de bosque. Este trabajo constituye un primer paso hacia el manejo forestal rentable y sostenible de estos bosques.
The silvicultural analysis of valuable species was carried out in 26.6 ha, including 1.6 ha of secondary forest and 25 ha of logged primary forest, in La Virgen de Sarapiqui, Costa Rica. Unlogged primary forest was not found at the study site. The objective of study was to developed general guidelines for silvicultural treatments for the improvement "of the forest types studied from the productive point of view. These guidelines were developed on the basis of the ecological, structural and silvicultural characteristics of each forest type. The work constitutes a first step towards profitable, sustainable, use of these forest.
The silvicultural analysis of valuable species was carried out in 26.6 ha, including 1.6 ha of secondary forest and 25 ha of logged primary forest, in La Virgen de Sarapiqui, Costa Rica. Unlogged primary forest was not found at the study site. The objective of study was to developed general guidelines for silvicultural treatments for the improvement "of the forest types studied from the productive point of view. These guidelines were developed on the basis of the ecological, structural and silvicultural characteristics of each forest type. The work constitutes a first step towards profitable, sustainable, use of these forest.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales. Departamento Académico de Manejo Forestal
Regeneración natural; Organización; Composición; Bosques intervenidos; Bosques secundarios; Bosques aprovechados; Tratamiento silvicultural
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