Impactos que genera el desarrollo de la actividad turística comunitaria en el distrito de Capachica, departamento de Puno, Perú
Huatuco Soto, Guicela Iris
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo general conocer y analizar los impactos positivos y negativos de carácter económico, ambiental y sociocultural que genera el desarrollo de la actividad turística en el distrito de Capachica, provincia y departamento de Puno. Para medir dichos impactos, se tuvo en cuenta el modelo “Enfoques empleados para evaluar los efectos del turismo” Secretaría de Turismo de México (SECTUR 2007). El modelo se caracteriza porque permite conocer la percepción directa de la población y el impacto del desarrollo turístico sobre la naturaleza. Esto permite un equilibrio en las tres dimensiones: económico, ambiental y sociocultural. Los instrumentos usados para la recolección de datos fueron la observación directa, encuestas, entrevistas y talleres participativos, con un tamaño de muestra de 180 familias involucradas y no involucradas en el desarrollo de la actividad turística de los centros poblados de Llachon, Chifron, Ccotos y Siale. Se concluye que el desarrollo ambiental, económico y sociocultural en la Península de Capachica contribuyó al logro de objetivos y metas del desarrollo sostenible (ODS), ya que se han incrementado el trabajo decente e inclusivo creando nuevas oportunidades de negocio y trabajo para las familias emprendedoras y empoderando a las mujeres que cumplen un rol importante dentro de la actividad turística rural. Es importante mencionar que los resultados de los cálculos de la capacidad de manejo y de la capacidad de carga efectiva, evidencia que es indispensable cubrir las necesidades básicas de infraestructura como los servicios de agua y alcantarilla domiciliarias, además del manejo eficiente de los residuos sólidos para todos los usuarios (residentes/familias y visitantes/turistas), para evitar la contaminación del territorio, trayendo consigo consecuencias nefastas para el ambiente y la reducción de los visitantes al distrito.
The general objective of this research work is to know and analyze the positive and negative economic, environmental and sociocultural impacts generated by the development of tourist activity in the district of Capachica, province and department of Puno. To measure these impacts, the model “Approaches used to evaluate the effects of tourism” was taken into account Secretariat of Tourism of Mexico (SECTUR 2007). The model is characterized because it allows to know the direct perception of the population and the impact of tourism development on nature. This allows a balance in the three dimensions: economic, environmental and sociocultural. The instruments used for data collection were direct observation, surveys, interviews and participatory workshops, with a sample size of 180 families involved and not involved in the development of tourist activity in the populated centers of Llachon, Chifron, Ccotos and Siale. It is concluded that the environmental, economic and sociocultural development in the Capachica Peninsula contributed to the achievement of sustainable development goals and objectives (SDG), since decent and inclusive work have been increased by creating new business and work opportunities for entrepreneurial families. and empowering women who play an important role in rural tourism. In addition, should be mentioned that the results of the calculations of the handling capacity and of the effective load capacity, evidence that it is essential to cover the basic infrastructure needs such as household water and sewer services, in addition to efficient solid waste management for all users (residents / families and visitors / tourists), to avoid contamination of the territory, bringing with it dire consequences for the environment and the reduction of visitors to the district.
The general objective of this research work is to know and analyze the positive and negative economic, environmental and sociocultural impacts generated by the development of tourist activity in the district of Capachica, province and department of Puno. To measure these impacts, the model “Approaches used to evaluate the effects of tourism” was taken into account Secretariat of Tourism of Mexico (SECTUR 2007). The model is characterized because it allows to know the direct perception of the population and the impact of tourism development on nature. This allows a balance in the three dimensions: economic, environmental and sociocultural. The instruments used for data collection were direct observation, surveys, interviews and participatory workshops, with a sample size of 180 families involved and not involved in the development of tourist activity in the populated centers of Llachon, Chifron, Ccotos and Siale. It is concluded that the environmental, economic and sociocultural development in the Capachica Peninsula contributed to the achievement of sustainable development goals and objectives (SDG), since decent and inclusive work have been increased by creating new business and work opportunities for entrepreneurial families. and empowering women who play an important role in rural tourism. In addition, should be mentioned that the results of the calculations of the handling capacity and of the effective load capacity, evidence that it is essential to cover the basic infrastructure needs such as household water and sewer services, in addition to efficient solid waste management for all users (residents / families and visitors / tourists), to avoid contamination of the territory, bringing with it dire consequences for the environment and the reduction of visitors to the district.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Ecoturismo
Puno (dpto); Turismo vivencial; Productos turísticos; Turismo; Impacto; Zonas rurales; Recursos económicos; Gestión; Entorno socioeconómico; Evaluación; Perú; Desarrollo turístico
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