Análisis climático y determinación del patrón sinóptico favorable para la formación de nieblas en el aeropuerto de Tacna
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Terreros Escobedo Lissette Joana
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En base a la información histórica de once años desde el 2008 al 2018 del aeropuerto de Tacna, se ha determinado que es afectado por nieblas en mayor frecuencia en la estación de invierno, entre los meses de julio a setiembre. Con las observaciones aeronáuticas in-situ se identificó un total de 117 eventos nieblas con una duración entre 1 a 14 horas, siendo más frecuentes con duración de 1 a 2 horas con el 64.1 % del total de eventos nieblas. Se seleccionó los eventos nieblas con duración iguales o mayores a 3 horas, obteniéndose 42 casos y en base al análisis sinóptico con datos de reanálisis de Era-Interim de la tropósfera alta, media y baja fueron agrupados los eventos con similares configuraciones sinópticas, se determinó un patrón sinóptico, que explica el 48% del total de casos (20 casos), el cual se basa en la incursión de una intensa vaguada frontal que abarca desde niveles altos hasta superficie, provocando desplazamiento del centro del Anticiclón hacia el SW (suroeste), dando paso a una dorsal confinada entre la vaguada frontal y el continente desde la costa central de Chile hasta la costa sur de Perú, favoreciendo la advección cálida sobre las aguas frías frente a las zonas costeras, aumentando el potencial de ocurrencias de nieblas en el aeropuerto de Tacna.
Based on historical information for eleven years from 2008 to 2018 at the Tacna airport, it has been determined that it is affected by fog more frequently in the winter season, between the months of July to September. With in-situ aeronautical observations, a total of 117 fog events were identified with a duration between 1 to 14 hours, with durations of 1 to 2 hours being more frequent with 64.1% of the total fog events. Fog events with a duration equal to or greater than 3 hours were selected, obtaining 42 cases, and based on the synoptic analysis with Era-Interim reanalysis data of the upper, middle and lower troposphere, the events with similar synoptic configurations were grouped, determined a synoptic pattern, which explains 48% of the total cases (20 cases) and based on the incursion of an intense frontal trough that extends from high levels to the surface, causing displacement of the center of the Anticyclone to move the SW (southwest), giving way to a ridge between the frontal trough and the continent from the central coast of Chile to the southern coast of Peru, favoring warm advection and thickening of the boundary layer over the cold waters off the coastal areas, increasing the potential for occurrences of fog at the Tacna airport.
Based on historical information for eleven years from 2008 to 2018 at the Tacna airport, it has been determined that it is affected by fog more frequently in the winter season, between the months of July to September. With in-situ aeronautical observations, a total of 117 fog events were identified with a duration between 1 to 14 hours, with durations of 1 to 2 hours being more frequent with 64.1% of the total fog events. Fog events with a duration equal to or greater than 3 hours were selected, obtaining 42 cases, and based on the synoptic analysis with Era-Interim reanalysis data of the upper, middle and lower troposphere, the events with similar synoptic configurations were grouped, determined a synoptic pattern, which explains 48% of the total cases (20 cases) and based on the incursion of an intense frontal trough that extends from high levels to the surface, causing displacement of the center of the Anticyclone to move the SW (southwest), giving way to a ridge between the frontal trough and the continent from the central coast of Chile to the southern coast of Peru, favoring warm advection and thickening of the boundary layer over the cold waters off the coastal areas, increasing the potential for occurrences of fog at the Tacna airport.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento
Académico de Ingeniería Ambiental, Física y Meteorología
Patrón sinóptico
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