Resistencia al cizallamiento de línea de cola, en paneles de Dendrocalamus asper, encolados lateralmente con la resina emulsión polímero isocianato
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Ramirez Perez, Esthell Jessica
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En el Perú hay un creciente interés en el bambú debido a sus potenciales usos debido a sus excelentes propiedades y características, pues específicamente con D. asper, los estudios sobre esta especie son muy escasos en nuestro país, en ese contexto, el objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la resistencia al cizallamiento de muestras de D. asper encoladas lateralmente con la resina emulsión polímero isocianato (EPI). Se evaluaron culmos de 6.0 m de longitud de D. asper provenientes de Villa Rica (Pasco – Perú). La preparación de las probetas y los ensayos realizados se ejecutaron en el Taller del Centro de Investigación de Bambú y en el Laboratorio de Ensayos Tecnológicos de la Madera en la Universidad Nacional. Se utilizó un diseño DCA trifactorial 2Ax2Bx2C, la variable evaluada fue la resistencia al cizallamiento. Se encontraron diferencias significativas respecto a la resistencia al cizallamiento cuando se utiliza diferentes partes del culmo, el gramaje del pegamento y el ambiente en el cual fue tratado, por ello se podría establecer que D. asper presenta factibilidad técnica para ser utilizado en la fabricación de paneles encolados lateralmente.
In Perú there is a growing interest in bamboo due to its potential uses due to its excellent properties and characteristics, since specifically with D. asper, studies on this species are very scarce in our country, in that context, the objective of this research is to analyze the shear resistance of D. asper samples laterally glued with the isocyanate polymer emulsion resin (EPI). Culms of 6.0 m in length of D. asper from Villa Rica (Pasco – Perú) were evaluated. The preparation of the specimens and the tests carried out were carried out in the Workshop of the Bamboo Research Center and in the Wood Technological Testing Laboratory at the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. A 2Ax2Bx2C three-factor DCA design was used, the variable evaluated was shear resistance. Significant differences were found regarding shear resistance when using different parts of the culm, the weight of the glue and the environment in which it was treated, therefore it could be established that D. asper presents technical feasibility to be used in the manufacture of laterally glued panels.
In Perú there is a growing interest in bamboo due to its potential uses due to its excellent properties and characteristics, since specifically with D. asper, studies on this species are very scarce in our country, in that context, the objective of this research is to analyze the shear resistance of D. asper samples laterally glued with the isocyanate polymer emulsion resin (EPI). Culms of 6.0 m in length of D. asper from Villa Rica (Pasco – Perú) were evaluated. The preparation of the specimens and the tests carried out were carried out in the Workshop of the Bamboo Research Center and in the Wood Technological Testing Laboratory at the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. A 2Ax2Bx2C three-factor DCA design was used, the variable evaluated was shear resistance. Significant differences were found regarding shear resistance when using different parts of the culm, the weight of the glue and the environment in which it was treated, therefore it could be established that D. asper presents technical feasibility to be used in the manufacture of laterally glued panels.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales. Departamento Académico de Industrias Forestales
Dendrocalamus asper
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