Leonardita y extractos húmicos como fuentes orgánicas para la agricultura
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Eustaquio Salvatierra, Fidel Tobias
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Esta investigación se realizó en un campo experimental en el centro poblado de Luvio, Irrigación Santa rosa, Huaura – Huacho. La Textura del sustrato fue determinada por el uso principalmente de turba, fibra de coco y cascarilla de arroz en bolsas negras con agujeros para una mejor aireación. Los objetivos fueron: aportar conocimiento sobre el origen de los ácidos húmicos y fúlvicos derivados de Leonardita, sus procesos de extracción y su uso en la agricultura. Así como también evaluar la aplicación de los ácidos húmicos como alternativa a las fuentes tradicionales de materia orgánica aplicado a suelo en base a nuestra experiencia. Para explicar el procedimiento seleccionaron dos líneas de 280 plantas cada una, se marcaron dichas hileras y se realizó la aplicación del producto en evaluación. La dosis recomendada por la compañía fue de 5 L/ha, y la dosis para el ensayo se obtuvo de manera proporcional a la cantidad de plantas considerando un total de 10000 plantas/ha. El número de plantas a tratar fue de 280, por lo que se utilizó un volumen de 140 ml de producto para esa cantidad. Debido a la distancia del tanque de fertilización a la zona de ensayo, se realizó la inyección vía jeringas y directamente a la línea de riego. Así se observó el efecto favorable de los ácidos húmicos en la generación de nuevas raíces, y en cuanto al testigo, se pudo notar que la actividad radicular aún seguía sin mayores diferencias; de la misma forma observamos el desarrollo de brotes axilares en la planta tratada con Fertiactyl gz, así como en el testigo se pudo apreciar la dormancia de estos brotes a causa de la baja actividad de la planta. La fecha de instalación fue el día 23/07/2015, fecha de aplicación el día 23/07/2015 y la fecha de evaluación el día 30/07/2015.
This research was carried out in an experimental field in the town center of Luvio, Santa Rosa Irrigation, Huaura – Huacho. The Texture of the substrate was determined by the use mainly of peat, coconut fiber and rice husk in black bags with holes for better aeration. The objectives were: to provide knowledge about the origin of humic and fulvic acids derived from Leonardite, their extraction processes and their use in agriculture. As well as evaluate the application of humic acids as an alternative to traditional sources of organic matter applied to soil based on our experience. To explain the procedure, two lines of 280 plants each were selected, these rows were marked and the application of the product under evaluation was carried out. The dose recommended by the company was 5 L/ha, and the dose for the trial was obtained in proportion to the number of plants considering a total of 10,000 plants/ha. The number of plants to be treated was 280, so a volume of 140 ml of product was used for that quantity. Due to the distance of the fertilization tank from the test area, the injection was carried out via syringes and directly into the irrigation line. Thus, the favorable effect of humic acids on the generation of new roots was observed, and as for the control, it was noted that root activity still continued without major differences; In the same way we observed the development of axillary shoots in the plant treated with Fertiactyl gz, as well as in the control the dormancy of these shoots could be seen due to the low activity of the plant. The installation date was 07/23/2015, the application date was 07/23/2015 and the evaluation date was 07/30/2015.
This research was carried out in an experimental field in the town center of Luvio, Santa Rosa Irrigation, Huaura – Huacho. The Texture of the substrate was determined by the use mainly of peat, coconut fiber and rice husk in black bags with holes for better aeration. The objectives were: to provide knowledge about the origin of humic and fulvic acids derived from Leonardite, their extraction processes and their use in agriculture. As well as evaluate the application of humic acids as an alternative to traditional sources of organic matter applied to soil based on our experience. To explain the procedure, two lines of 280 plants each were selected, these rows were marked and the application of the product under evaluation was carried out. The dose recommended by the company was 5 L/ha, and the dose for the trial was obtained in proportion to the number of plants considering a total of 10,000 plants/ha. The number of plants to be treated was 280, so a volume of 140 ml of product was used for that quantity. Due to the distance of the fertilization tank from the test area, the injection was carried out via syringes and directly into the irrigation line. Thus, the favorable effect of humic acids on the generation of new roots was observed, and as for the control, it was noted that root activity still continued without major differences; In the same way we observed the development of axillary shoots in the plant treated with Fertiactyl gz, as well as in the control the dormancy of these shoots could be seen due to the low activity of the plant. The installation date was 07/23/2015, the application date was 07/23/2015 and the evaluation date was 07/30/2015.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Académico de Suelos
Extractos húmicos
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