Implementación de cámaras de fermentación controlada para eliminar el turno nocturno en una panadería
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Baigorrea Prado, Henry Paul
El presente trabajo se realizó en una panadería del distrito Carmen de la Legua en la provincia constitucional del Callao durante el año 2019 y utilizando su data actual y su proyección de crecimiento hacia el 2021, aquí se implementaron dos cámaras de fermentación controladas con el fin de eliminar el turno nocturno de la panadería. La implementación se realizó analizando e identificando que capacidad de cámaras de fermentación controlada necesita la panadería para producir el total de su producción diaria centrándose en la producción de pan francés y pan ciabatta. Se realizó una adecuada preinstalación de las cámaras de fermentación controladas identificando y cumpliendo los prerrequisitos para que los equipos puedan ser instalados correctamente y con un adecuado funcionamiento; además se realizó una redistribución de los equipos del taller de panadería para obtener un correcto flujo de operaciones, seguidamente se validaron los parámetros del proceso de fermentación como la temperatura, humedad relativa y el tiempo, todo dentro de la cámara de fermentación controlada. La metodología experimental aplicada fue de la siguiente manera: Análisis de la empresa, elaboración del diseño de distribución de equipos, preinstalación de las cámaras de fermentación controlada, verificación del buen funcionamiento de las cámaras de fermentación controlada y validación de las características organolépticas de los productos terminados (Pan francés y pan ciabatta) a través de un análisis sensorial. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron concluir que la implementación de las dos cámaras de fermentación controlada logró eliminar el turno nocturno de la panadería.
The present work was carried out in a bakery in the Carmen de la Legua district in the constitutional province of Callao during the year 2019 and using its current data and its growth projection towards 2021, here two controlled fermentation chambers were implemented in order to eliminate the night shift in the bakery. The implementation was done by analysing and identifying what capacity of controlled fermentation chambers the bakery needs to produce the total of its daily production focusing on the production of French bread and ciabatta bread. An adequate pre-installation of the controlled fermentation chambers was carried out by identifying and complying with the prerequisites so that the equipment could be installed correctly and with an adequate operation; in addition, a redistribution of the equipment of the bakery workshop was carried out to obtain a correct flow of operations, then the parameters of the fermentation process were validated, such as temperature, relative humidity and time, all within the controlled fermentation chamber. The experimental methodology applied was as follows: analysis of the company, elaboration of the equipment distribution design, preinstallation of the controlled fermentation chambers, verification of the proper functioning of the controlled fermentation chambers and validation of the organoleptic characteristics of the finished products (French bread and ciabatta bread) through sensory analysis. The results obtained led to the conclusion that the implementation of the two controlled fermentation chambers eliminated the night shift.
The present work was carried out in a bakery in the Carmen de la Legua district in the constitutional province of Callao during the year 2019 and using its current data and its growth projection towards 2021, here two controlled fermentation chambers were implemented in order to eliminate the night shift in the bakery. The implementation was done by analysing and identifying what capacity of controlled fermentation chambers the bakery needs to produce the total of its daily production focusing on the production of French bread and ciabatta bread. An adequate pre-installation of the controlled fermentation chambers was carried out by identifying and complying with the prerequisites so that the equipment could be installed correctly and with an adequate operation; in addition, a redistribution of the equipment of the bakery workshop was carried out to obtain a correct flow of operations, then the parameters of the fermentation process were validated, such as temperature, relative humidity and time, all within the controlled fermentation chamber. The experimental methodology applied was as follows: analysis of the company, elaboration of the equipment distribution design, preinstallation of the controlled fermentation chambers, verification of the proper functioning of the controlled fermentation chambers and validation of the organoleptic characteristics of the finished products (French bread and ciabatta bread) through sensory analysis. The results obtained led to the conclusion that the implementation of the two controlled fermentation chambers eliminated the night shift.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Industrias Alimentarias. Departamento Académico de Tecnología de Alimentos y Productos Agropecuarios
Empresas privadas; Fermnentación; Masa de panadería; Métodos; Pan; Panificación; Perú; Tecnología apropiada
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