Optimización del encapsulamiento semiautomatizado de harina de maca (Lepidium peruvianum) que maximiza la producción de cápsulas con peso estándar
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Pezua Cruz, Luz Mery
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La maca (Lepidium peruvianum) es una planta que contiene abundantes proteínas; ácidos grasos insaturados, minerales entre otros; cultivada para consumo y usada para propósitos medicinales. A nivel de producción industrial, la maca es producida en diferentes presentaciones tales como harina, cápsulas, dulces, cereales entre otros. La empresa al querer ser más competitiva en el mercado; dando un mayor valor agregado a sus productos; optó por incursionar en el rubro de las cápsulas naturales, sin embargo, se tuvieron inconvenientes con determinar los parámetros de producción de cápsulas de harina de maca. Por lo cual, el objetivo del estudio fue determinar los parámetros que maximizan la producción de cápsulas de harina de maca con peso estándar empleando la metodología de superficie de respuesta (MSR). Se realizó en primera instancia un screening bajo un diseño Factorial de 2n (n=3), el cual fue aplicado para evaluar los efectos potenciales de diferentes factores sobre la producción de cápsulas de harina de maca con peso estándar (Y (%)) siendo los factores: velocidad de inyección (inserción de cápsulas), velocidad de dispersión (tornillo sin fin) y la velocidad de dosificación (plato receptor). Dos de los factores: velocidad de dispersión (tornillo sin fin) y velocidad de dosificación (plato receptor), fueron seleccionados en esta primera etapa. Posteriormente, para la maximización se aplicó un diseño 32 por el que se generó un modelo de segundo orden, logrando un buen ajuste entre los valores experimentales y calculados por el software (R2 = 0.8391). Bajo este modelo se determinó los parámetros que maximizaron la producción de cápsulas de harina de maca (tamaño de partícula D80 = 0.180 mm) con peso estándar, los cuales fueron: 40 RPM de velocidad de inyección (inserción de cápsulas), 50 RPM de velocidad de dispersión (tornillo sin fin) y 12 RPM de velocidad de dosificación (plato receptor); resultando un rendimiento en la producción del 90.4 ± 2.55 por ciento; valor cercano a lo calculado por el software, 88.4 por ciento. Estos resultados ayudaron a la optimización del encapsulamiento semi-automatizado de la harina de maca con peso estándar.
The maca (Lepidium peruvianum) is a plant that contains abundant proteins; unsaturated fatty acids, minerals among others; cultivated for consumption and used for medicinal purposes. At the industrial production level, maca is produced in different presentations such as flour, capsules, candies, cereals among others. The company wanted to be more competitive in the market; giving a higher added value to its products; it decided to enter the natural capsules market; however, there were problems with determining the production parameters of maca flour capsules. Therefore, the objective of the study was to determine the parameters that maximize the production of maca flour capsules with standard weight using the response surface methodology (RSM). Firstly, a screening was carried out under a 2n factorial design (n=3), which was applied to evaluate the potential effects of different factors on the production of maca flour capsules with standard weight (Y (%)), the factors being: injection speed (capsule insertion), dispersion speed (worm screw) and dosing speed (receiver plate). Two of the factors: dispersion speed (worm screw) and dosing speed (receiver plate), were selected in this first stage. Posteriorly, for the maximization a 32 design was applied for which a second order model is generated, achieving a good fit between the experimental values and those calculated by the software (R2 = 0.8391). Under this model, the parameters that maximized the production of maca flour capsules (particle size D80 = 0.180 mm) with standard weight were determined, which were: 40 RPM of injection speed (capsule insertion), 50 RPM of dispersion speed (worm screw) and 12 RPM of dosing speed (receiver plate); resulting in a production performance of 90.4 ± 2.55 percent; a value close to that calculated by the software, 88.4 percent. These results helped to optimize the semi automated encapsulation of maca flour with standard weight.
The maca (Lepidium peruvianum) is a plant that contains abundant proteins; unsaturated fatty acids, minerals among others; cultivated for consumption and used for medicinal purposes. At the industrial production level, maca is produced in different presentations such as flour, capsules, candies, cereals among others. The company wanted to be more competitive in the market; giving a higher added value to its products; it decided to enter the natural capsules market; however, there were problems with determining the production parameters of maca flour capsules. Therefore, the objective of the study was to determine the parameters that maximize the production of maca flour capsules with standard weight using the response surface methodology (RSM). Firstly, a screening was carried out under a 2n factorial design (n=3), which was applied to evaluate the potential effects of different factors on the production of maca flour capsules with standard weight (Y (%)), the factors being: injection speed (capsule insertion), dispersion speed (worm screw) and dosing speed (receiver plate). Two of the factors: dispersion speed (worm screw) and dosing speed (receiver plate), were selected in this first stage. Posteriorly, for the maximization a 32 design was applied for which a second order model is generated, achieving a good fit between the experimental values and those calculated by the software (R2 = 0.8391). Under this model, the parameters that maximized the production of maca flour capsules (particle size D80 = 0.180 mm) with standard weight were determined, which were: 40 RPM of injection speed (capsule insertion), 50 RPM of dispersion speed (worm screw) and 12 RPM of dosing speed (receiver plate); resulting in a production performance of 90.4 ± 2.55 percent; a value close to that calculated by the software, 88.4 percent. These results helped to optimize the semi automated encapsulation of maca flour with standard weight.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Industrias Alimentarias. Departamento Académico de Ingeniería de Alimentos y Productos Agropecuarios
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