Estado de la diversidad y composición florística arbórea y arbustiva en fragmentos de bosques andinos en el departamento de Junín
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Terreros Camac, Sara Lucia
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar la composición, la diversidad florística y el estado de conservación de fragmentos de bosques andinos en tres localidades (ACP Illish Pichacoto, CP La Punta y CP San Juan de Ranra) entre los 3200 hasta los 3800 m s.n.m. en la provincia de Tarma y Huancayo, departamento de Junín. Observaciones de imágenes satelitales y evaluaciones en campo permitieron localizar y comparar los fragmentos a diferentes altitudes en relación con su tamaño y conectividad, además de evaluar su composición florística, diversidad y estructura de la flora leñosa que alberga. Asimismo, para conocer el estado de conservación se utilizaron matrices cualitativas y entrevistas a la población local. Se evaluaron 13 fragmentos de bosques andinos, en donde se registró la flora leñosa compuesta por 49 especies, 34 géneros, 22 familias botánicas, albergando 10 especies endémicas. También se delimitaron un total de 97 parches en las tres localidades caracterizados principalmente por sus tamaños pequeños, alto grado de fragmentación, formas predominantemente irregulares a oval-redondas y conexiones en su mayoría con dos o más fragmentos. Los grupos taxonómicos más representativos fueron Escalloniaceae, Asteraceae y Rosaceae a nivel de familias; Escallonia, Baccharis y Hesperomeles a nivel de géneros; y Escallonia resinosa, E. myrtilloides y Baccharis latifolia a nivel de especies. Los resultados muestran que el CP San Juan de Ranra obtuvo un estado de conservación bueno en relación al CP La Punta y el ACP Illish Pichacoto con estado regular.
The objective of this research was to analyze the composition, floristic diversity and state of conservation of Andean forest fragments in three locations (ACP Illish Pichacoto, CP La Punta and CP San Juan de Ranra) between 3,200 and 3,800 m a.s.l. in the province of Tarma and Huancayo, department of Junín. Observations of satellite images and evaluations in the field allowed to locate and compare the fragments at different altitudes in relation to their size and connectivity, in addition to evaluating their floristic composition, diversity and structure of the woody flora that they house. Likewise, to know the state of conservation, qualitative matrices and interviews with the local population were used. 13 fragments of Andean forests were evaluated, where the woody flora composed of 49 species, 34 genera, 22 botanical families, housing 10 endemic species, was recorded. A total of 97 patches were also delimited in the three localities, characterized mainly by their small sizes, high degree of fragmentation, predominantly irregular to oval-round shapes, and mostly connections with two or more fragments. The most representative taxonomic groups were Escalloniaceae, Asteraceae and Rosaceae at the family level; Escallonia, Baccharis and Hesperomeles at the genera level; and Escallonia resinosa, E. myrtilloides and Baccharis latifolia at the species level. The results show that the San Juan de Ranra CP obtained a good conservation status in relation to the La Punta CP and the Illish Pichacoto ACP with regular status.
The objective of this research was to analyze the composition, floristic diversity and state of conservation of Andean forest fragments in three locations (ACP Illish Pichacoto, CP La Punta and CP San Juan de Ranra) between 3,200 and 3,800 m a.s.l. in the province of Tarma and Huancayo, department of Junín. Observations of satellite images and evaluations in the field allowed to locate and compare the fragments at different altitudes in relation to their size and connectivity, in addition to evaluating their floristic composition, diversity and structure of the woody flora that they house. Likewise, to know the state of conservation, qualitative matrices and interviews with the local population were used. 13 fragments of Andean forests were evaluated, where the woody flora composed of 49 species, 34 genera, 22 botanical families, housing 10 endemic species, was recorded. A total of 97 patches were also delimited in the three localities, characterized mainly by their small sizes, high degree of fragmentation, predominantly irregular to oval-round shapes, and mostly connections with two or more fragments. The most representative taxonomic groups were Escalloniaceae, Asteraceae and Rosaceae at the family level; Escallonia, Baccharis and Hesperomeles at the genera level; and Escallonia resinosa, E. myrtilloides and Baccharis latifolia at the species level. The results show that the San Juan de Ranra CP obtained a good conservation status in relation to the La Punta CP and the Illish Pichacoto ACP with regular status.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Conservación de Recursos Forestales
Arboles; Arbustos; Biodiversidad; Bosque seco; Bosques secundarios; Composición botánica; Composición florística; Animales
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