Propuesta de modelo operativo para el licenciamiento de la actividad acuícola (AMYPE) de cultivo de trucha arcoiris en Puno
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Herrera Chávez, Ana María del Carmen
El presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional tiene como objetivo proponer el modelo operativo para el licenciamiento de la actividad acuícola (AMYPE) del cultivo de trucha arcoíris en el departamento de Puno. La metodología se basa en una serie de revisión documentaria conforme a las normativas vigentes a la fecha, abordando aspectos ambientales, licencias, permisos y habilitaciones, a fin de obtener el licenciamiento de la actividad truchícula. De acuerdo con los resultados se determinaron siete (7) pasos dentro del procedimiento administrativo, así como la importancia de contar con la aprobación del instrumento de gestión ambiental DIA (Categoría I) por parte de la Dirección Regional de la Producción (DIREPRO) Puno, a fin de brindar a las personas naturales o jurídicas una guía que les permitirá iniciar sus actividades acuícolas legalmente, en un menor tiempo proyectado, sin la necesidad de incurrir en una serie de multas y/o sanciones.
The objective of this work of professional sufficiency is to propose the operational model for the licensing of the aquaculture activity (AMYPE) of rainbow trout farming in the department of Puno. The methodology is based on a series of document reviews according to current regulations, addressing environmental aspects, licenses, permits and authorizations, in order to obtain the licensing of the trout farming activity. According to the results, seven (7) steps were determined within the administrative procedure, as well as the importance of having the approval of the environmental management instrument DIA (Category I) by the Regional Directorate of Production (DIREPRO) Puno, in order to provide natural or legal persons with a guide that will allow them to start their aquaculture activities legally, in a shorter projected time, without the need to incur in a series of fines and/or penalties.
The objective of this work of professional sufficiency is to propose the operational model for the licensing of the aquaculture activity (AMYPE) of rainbow trout farming in the department of Puno. The methodology is based on a series of document reviews according to current regulations, addressing environmental aspects, licenses, permits and authorizations, in order to obtain the licensing of the trout farming activity. According to the results, seven (7) steps were determined within the administrative procedure, as well as the importance of having the approval of the environmental management instrument DIA (Category I) by the Regional Directorate of Production (DIREPRO) Puno, in order to provide natural or legal persons with a guide that will allow them to start their aquaculture activities legally, in a shorter projected time, without the need to incur in a series of fines and/or penalties.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Pesquería. Departamento Académico de Manejo Pesquero y Medio Ambiente
Modelo operativo
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