Patrones de actividad del venado cola blanca Odocoileus virginianus en el Coto de Caza El Angolo basado en información recogida por cámaras trampas
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Castillo Sarmiento, Germán Manuel
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El venado cola blanca (Odocoileus virginianus) es un ungulado que se distribuye en América, es una especie de cérvido mediano muy requerido en la caza por su carne y también como trofeo. Estos animales pueden presentar patrones de actividad diurnos, nocturnos y crepusculares, dependiendo del hábitat en que se encuentren y de los factores que los influencian como la velocidad del viento, temperatura, entre otros. Los objetivos de esta investigación fueron determinar los patrones de actividad del venado cola blanca sistematizando las frecuencias de actividad a partir de los resultados obtenidos mediante foto-trampeo y confrontar los mitos del imaginario popular sobre la actividad de estos ungulados en relación con los horarios crepusculares y las fases lunares. El estudio se realizó en el sector Sauce Grande del Coto de Caza El Angolo (Piura, Perú). La metodología consistió en utilizar cámaras trampa para obtener un registro fotográfico, que luego fue ingresado a una base de datos para poder determinar los patrones de actividad. El registro fotográfico obtenido por las cámaras trampa abarcó el período 2010 a 2016. Se encontró una actividad mayor durante el día, por lo general en las mañanas entre las 8:00 y las 10:00 horas, siguiendo un patrón definido en la mayoría de los años analizados y una actividad ligeramente mayor en noches con luna llena. Se concluyó que la actividad de los venados cola blanca es principalmente diurna al no presentar una actividad significativa durante las noches indiferentemente de la fase lunar
The white tail deer (Odocoileus virginianus) it is an ungulate distributed in the American Continent, it’s a kind of cervid of middle size required in hunting for their meat and as a trophy. This animal can present diurnal, night and twilight activity patterns depending on the habitat and the factors that influenced them like wind velocity, temperature, and others. The objectives of this investigation were the determination of white tail deer activity patterns by systematizing the frequencies of activity with the results obtained in photo-trapping and confront the popular myths about the activity of this ungulate in relation with the crepuscular hours and lunar phases. This investigation was realized in the Coto de Caza El Angolo, in the Sauce Grande area. The methodology consisted in the use of camera traps obtaining a photographic register and inserting that information on a data base that determined the activity patterns. The photographic information obtained covered the years in the period between 2010 and 2016. Day time was the period that present more activity, near 8:00 and 10:00 hours, following mostly a defined pattern in most of the years seen and more activity in the nights with full moon. The conclusion was that the white tail deer present a diurnal activity almost in every case and very little presence in the night with any lunar phase.
The white tail deer (Odocoileus virginianus) it is an ungulate distributed in the American Continent, it’s a kind of cervid of middle size required in hunting for their meat and as a trophy. This animal can present diurnal, night and twilight activity patterns depending on the habitat and the factors that influenced them like wind velocity, temperature, and others. The objectives of this investigation were the determination of white tail deer activity patterns by systematizing the frequencies of activity with the results obtained in photo-trapping and confront the popular myths about the activity of this ungulate in relation with the crepuscular hours and lunar phases. This investigation was realized in the Coto de Caza El Angolo, in the Sauce Grande area. The methodology consisted in the use of camera traps obtaining a photographic register and inserting that information on a data base that determined the activity patterns. The photographic information obtained covered the years in the period between 2010 and 2016. Day time was the period that present more activity, near 8:00 and 10:00 hours, following mostly a defined pattern in most of the years seen and more activity in the nights with full moon. The conclusion was that the white tail deer present a diurnal activity almost in every case and very little presence in the night with any lunar phase.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales. Departamento Académico de Manejo Forestal
Odocoileus virginianus
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