Influencia del sistema biofloc sobre la actividad enzimática digestiva y los parámetros productivos de juveniles de paiche (Arapaima gigas)
Maravi Aguilar, Rocío Milagros
Con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto del biofloc sobre la actividad enzimática digestiva y los parámetros productivos de juveniles de Arapaima gigas, se realizó un experimento con un diseño de bloques completos al azar durante 45 días, Se aplicó dos tratamientos: sistema con biofloc (SBF) con relación C: N de 15:1, utilizándose azúcar rubia como fuente de carbono (53,36 % C) y un sistema control sin biofloc con recambio diario de agua (CRA). Un total de 54 juveniles de A. gigas fueron distribuidos en 6 tanques de 300L cada uno (biomasa inicial de 6kg/m3) correspondientes a tres bloques BI (161,99±14,62 g), BII (121,09±6,90 g) y BIII (99,43±10,81 g). Los peces recibieron un alimento (46,35% de proteína) a una tasa de alimentación del 3% distribuida seis veces al día. Los valores de nitrógeno amoniacal total (NAT) fueron de 2,019 y 1,371 mg/L para SBF y CRA respectivamente, y los valores de nitrógeno en nitritos (N-NO2 –) nunca excedieron 1,82 mg/L para SBF y 0,87 mg/L para CRA. Los parámetros productivos no presentaron diferencias entre tratamientos (p>0,05). Sin embargo los días 15 y 45 del experimento, los valores de tasa de crecimiento específico (TCE) presentaron diferencias significativas (p<0,05) a favor del SBF con valores de 3,3 y 1,2 %/día respecto al CRA con 3,1 y 1,0 %/día respectivamente. Mientras que los valores de factor de conversión alimenticia (FCA) para el día 45 fueron de 2,6 para SBF y 3 para CRA. En cuanto a los parámetros enzimáticos digestivos, los juveniles de A. gigas del tratamiento, SBF presentaron valores significativamente mayores (<0,05) de actividad de amilasas y lipasas. Los resultados sugieren un aporte enzimático del biofloc y que es posible el cultivo de juveniles de A. gigas en SBF ya que no hubo alteraciones en cuanto al desempeño productivo.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of biofloc over digestive enzyme activity and growth parameters of Arapaima gigas juveniles. Randomized complete block design was performed in a period of 45 days with two treatments: a zero water exchange system or biofloc technology (BFT) with a C: N ratio of 15:1, brown sugar was used as a carbon source (53.36% C). The second was the control treatment with water exchange system (WES). A total of 54 A. gigas juveniles were distributed into 6 tanks of 300 L each (Initial biomass of 6 kg / m3) in three blocks: BI (161.99 ± 14.62 g), BII (121.09 ± 6.90 g) and BIII (99.43 ± 10.81 g). Fish were fed six times daily at 3% of their body weight with a 46.35% protein diet. Total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) values were 2.019 and 1.371 mg/L for BFT and WES, respectively, and the nitrite nitrogen (N-NO2 -) values never exceeded 1.82 for BFT and 0.87 mg/L for WES. Growth parameters did not differ among treatments (p> 0.05), However, on the experiment days 15 and 45 specific growth rate (SGR) on BFT treatment showed better performance (p <0.05) with values of 3.3 and 1.2%/day compared to 3.1 and 1.0%/day in WES treatment. At the end of the experiment feed conversion ratio (FCR) was 2.6 for BFT and 3 for WES. Respect digestive enzyme parameters, A. gigas juveniles from BFT treatment showed significant (p<0.05) increment of amilases and lipases activity in the gut. The results suggest an enzymatic contribution of biofloc on A. gigas juveniles and is posible to rear them in BFT since there were no differences in terms of growth performance.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of biofloc over digestive enzyme activity and growth parameters of Arapaima gigas juveniles. Randomized complete block design was performed in a period of 45 days with two treatments: a zero water exchange system or biofloc technology (BFT) with a C: N ratio of 15:1, brown sugar was used as a carbon source (53.36% C). The second was the control treatment with water exchange system (WES). A total of 54 A. gigas juveniles were distributed into 6 tanks of 300 L each (Initial biomass of 6 kg / m3) in three blocks: BI (161.99 ± 14.62 g), BII (121.09 ± 6.90 g) and BIII (99.43 ± 10.81 g). Fish were fed six times daily at 3% of their body weight with a 46.35% protein diet. Total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) values were 2.019 and 1.371 mg/L for BFT and WES, respectively, and the nitrite nitrogen (N-NO2 -) values never exceeded 1.82 for BFT and 0.87 mg/L for WES. Growth parameters did not differ among treatments (p> 0.05), However, on the experiment days 15 and 45 specific growth rate (SGR) on BFT treatment showed better performance (p <0.05) with values of 3.3 and 1.2%/day compared to 3.1 and 1.0%/day in WES treatment. At the end of the experiment feed conversion ratio (FCR) was 2.6 for BFT and 3 for WES. Respect digestive enzyme parameters, A. gigas juveniles from BFT treatment showed significant (p<0.05) increment of amilases and lipases activity in the gut. The results suggest an enzymatic contribution of biofloc on A. gigas juveniles and is posible to rear them in BFT since there were no differences in terms of growth performance.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Acuicultura
Arapaima gigas; Animales jóvenes; Piscicultura; Técnicas de acuicultura; Alimentación de peces; Proteasas; Actividad enzimática; Absorción digestiva; Mortalidad; Producción; Diseño experimental; Evaluación; Perú; Juveniles; Biofloc; Parámetros productivos
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