Utilización de residuos sólidos y líquidos de un sistema biofloc como medio de cultivo para la producción Descenedesmus sp
Arroyo Sosa, Bruno Leite
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La presente investigación evaluó el uso del efluente del cultivo de tilapias en sistemas biofloc como medio de cultivo para la producción de la microalga Scenedesmus sp. El efluente fue separado en residuo sólido (RS) y residuo líquido (RL); y con ambos se prepararon los medios de cultivo. Se realizaron 3 bioensayos: bioensayo I, dilución en agua estéril; bioensayo II, sustitución por un medio de cultivo comercial; y bioensayo III, sustitución por un medio comercial y enriquecimiento con metales y vitaminas. Los tratamientos para los medios con RL consistieron en 3 niveles de inclusión: T1 (50% RL), T2 (75% RL) y T3 (100% RL); mientras que para los medios con RS fueron 4 niveles de inclusión T1 (25% RS), T2 (50% RS), T3 (75% RS) y T4 (100% RS); empleando como control al medio f/2 Guillard (f/2). La velocidad de crecimiento (µ) y tiempo de duplicación (TD) mostraron diferencias significativas (p<0.05) entre los medios de RL y el control f/2 en todos los bioensayos, observándose que las mayores µ y menores TDestuvieron presentes en los medios de RL durante el bioensayo III.En cambio, en los medios de RS solo se observaron diferencias durante el bioensayo I (p<0.05),entre el tratamiento control f/2 y los tratamientos T1 y T2; en los bioensayos II y III, no se reportaron diferencias (p>0.05). La densidad celular máxima (DCM) en los medios de RS mostraron diferencias (p<0.05) entre el tratamiento T4 y el control f/2 en todos los bioensayos; mientras que en los medios de RL; solo durante el bioensayo II se encontraron diferencias (p<0.05) entre T1 y el control f/2. Por lo que se puede concluir que solo el RL del efluente de biofloc puede ser utilizado para la producción de la microalga Scenedesmus sp.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of effluent of tilapia culture in biofloc systems as culture medium for production of Scenedesmus sp. The effluent was separated into solid waste (RS) and liquid waste (RL); and with both culture media were prepared. 3 bioassays were performed: bioassay I, dilution in sterile water; bioassay II, replacement of a commercial culture medium; and bioassay III, replacement of a commercial culture medium and enrichment with metals and vitamins. Treatments for RL media consisted of 3 levels of inclusion: T1 (50% RL), T2 (75% RL) and T3 (100% RL); while for RS media were four T1 (25% RS), T2 (50% RS), T3 (75% RS) and T4 (RS 100%); using as a control f/2 medium Guillard (f/2). The growth rate (μ) and doubling time (TD) showed significant differences (p <0.05) between the RL media and control f/2 in all biossays, noting that the largest μ and lower TD were present in the RL medium in thebioassay III. While, in RS media only were observed differences during the bioassay I (p<0.05)between control f/2 and treatments T1 and T2; in bioassays II and III, no differences (p> 0.05)were reported. The maximum cell density (DCM) in RS media showed differences (p<0.05)between treatment T4 and f/2 control in all bioassays; while for RL media; only weew fund differences during the bioassay II(p <0.05)between T1 and control f/2. It can be concluded that only the RL media from biofloc effluent can be used for the production of microalgae Scenedesmus sp.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of effluent of tilapia culture in biofloc systems as culture medium for production of Scenedesmus sp. The effluent was separated into solid waste (RS) and liquid waste (RL); and with both culture media were prepared. 3 bioassays were performed: bioassay I, dilution in sterile water; bioassay II, replacement of a commercial culture medium; and bioassay III, replacement of a commercial culture medium and enrichment with metals and vitamins. Treatments for RL media consisted of 3 levels of inclusion: T1 (50% RL), T2 (75% RL) and T3 (100% RL); while for RS media were four T1 (25% RS), T2 (50% RS), T3 (75% RS) and T4 (RS 100%); using as a control f/2 medium Guillard (f/2). The growth rate (μ) and doubling time (TD) showed significant differences (p <0.05) between the RL media and control f/2 in all biossays, noting that the largest μ and lower TD were present in the RL medium in thebioassay III. While, in RS media only were observed differences during the bioassay I (p<0.05)between control f/2 and treatments T1 and T2; in bioassays II and III, no differences (p> 0.05)were reported. The maximum cell density (DCM) in RS media showed differences (p<0.05)between treatment T4 and f/2 control in all bioassays; while for RL media; only weew fund differences during the bioassay II(p <0.05)between T1 and control f/2. It can be concluded that only the RL media from biofloc effluent can be used for the production of microalgae Scenedesmus sp.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Acuicultura
Scenedesmus; Cyanobacteria; Substratos de cultivo; Desechos sólidos; Desechos líquidos; Aguas residuales; Estanques piscícolas; Indice de crecimiento; Propagación vegetativa; Evaluación; Perú; Residuos sólidos; Residuos líquidos; Sistema biofloc
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