Oportunidades de la innovación comercial para la exportación de Alcachofa (Cynara escolymus) procedente de la Región Arequipa a Estados Unidos
Martínez Huacho, Jehison Nagip
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo central proponer estrategias de mejora en la comercialización de la alcachofa (Cynara scolymus) proceden de la región Arequipa en su exportación a Estados Unidos, para incrementar la rentabilidad de los productores locales. Para poder cumplir con el objetivo planteado se diseñó una investigación no experimental de corte longitudinal y paradigma cuantitativo. Como técnicas se usaron el análisis bibliográfico y las encuestas tomándose como población objetivo a los productores de alcachofa ubicados en el distrito de Majes, muestreando finalmente un numero de 73 agricultores. Para este propósito se elaboró un cuestionario el cual fue validado por expertos de la Escuela de Post Grado de la UNALM. La aplicación de las encuestas se realizó in situ, en los mismos campos de cultivo donde se produce la alcachofa en el distrito de Majes. Los resultados permitieron caracterizar tanto a la oferta de alcachofas de la región y su cadena productiva, como al mercado objetivo, el cual se conforma por los consumidores estadounidenses que cuentan con características especiales y muestran la importancia de acoplar el plan de comercialización a las tendencias actuales de alimentación saludable, comercio justo, sostenibilidad y valor de la marca de origen. En base a los resultados se pudo elaborar un plan de comercialización que resulto rentable para los productores en el 100% de escenarios posibles mediante el análisis probabilístico simulado de Monte Carlos validando así la hipótesis principal de esta investigación.
This study aims to propose market strategies to increase the commercialisation of artichoke produced in the Peruvian region of Arequipa in the United States of America improving the local groovers profits. To achieve it a non-experimental, longitudinal and quantitative research was designed. The researching tool used were both, statistical reports and bibliographic analysis and a field work applying surveys. The population used for the surveys were all the artichoke groovers in Majes – Arequipa, a final sample of 163 local producers was studied with a questionnaire validated by experts in quantitative research in the Postgraduate Institute in the UNALM. The surveys were applied in situ, by visiting local producers in their farms. The analysis of the information allowed us to characterise both, the supply of local artichoke and its chain production, and the target market in the US with its very particular characteristics. It shows the importance of include in the design of the market strategies the lasted trends, like the importance of healthy food, fare trade, sustainability and brand of origin. The conclusion of this research was that it is possible to design new market strategies and they are effective to increase the profits of local producers. Using Monte Carlo probabilistic simulation tool, one hundred per cent of possible scenarios showed a positive economic balance for artichoke commercialisation in the USA.
This study aims to propose market strategies to increase the commercialisation of artichoke produced in the Peruvian region of Arequipa in the United States of America improving the local groovers profits. To achieve it a non-experimental, longitudinal and quantitative research was designed. The researching tool used were both, statistical reports and bibliographic analysis and a field work applying surveys. The population used for the surveys were all the artichoke groovers in Majes – Arequipa, a final sample of 163 local producers was studied with a questionnaire validated by experts in quantitative research in the Postgraduate Institute in the UNALM. The surveys were applied in situ, by visiting local producers in their farms. The analysis of the information allowed us to characterise both, the supply of local artichoke and its chain production, and the target market in the US with its very particular characteristics. It shows the importance of include in the design of the market strategies the lasted trends, like the importance of healthy food, fare trade, sustainability and brand of origin. The conclusion of this research was that it is possible to design new market strategies and they are effective to increase the profits of local producers. Using Monte Carlo probabilistic simulation tool, one hundred per cent of possible scenarios showed a positive economic balance for artichoke commercialisation in the USA.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Agronegocios
Cynara escolymus; Mercado interior; Oferta y demanda; Distribución económica; Investigación de mercados; Sostenibilidad; Evaluación; Perú; Alcachofa; Oportunidades comerciales; Región Arequipa
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