Exportación de harina de plátano de la empresa "Molinera Manta" de la ciudad de Portoviejo al mercado estadounidense
Ortega Pintado, Luis Enrique
La investigación presenta una propuesta para generar valor agregado con rentabilidad por medio de la exportación de la harina de plátano, uno de los productos secundarios de la empresa Molinera Manta S.A, el lugar de destino será la ciudad de Miami, estado de la Florida, Estados Unidos de América siendo el objetivo del trabajo de tesis evaluar si la exportación de harina de plátano al mercado estadounidense es viable para la empresa. La metodología usada para la investigación estuvo definida por un periodo de tiempo, que permitió describir y considerar las características del mercado como son oferta, y demanda internacional, sus posibles compradores y competidores, los resultados arrojaron que es viable empezar con las operaciones de exportación debido que el análisis de mercado, técnico y económico fueron favorables, tomando en cuenta esta consideración se da a conocer un indicador financiero como es el de la rentabilidad sobre el capital que tiene el proyecto siendo de 42.91% la capacidad que tiene la empresa de retribuir el capital invertido en la misma.
The research presents a proposal to generate added value with profitability through the export of banana flour, one of the secondary products of the company Molinera Manta SA, the destination will be the city of Miami, state of Florida, United States of America, the objective of the thesis work being to evaluate whether the export of banana flour to the US market is viable for the company. The methodology used for the research was defined by a period of time, which allowed to describe and consider the characteristics of the market such as supply, and international demand, its potential buyers and competitors, the results showed that it is viable to start with the export operations due that the analysis of market, technical and economic were favorable, taking into account this consideration is disclosed a financial indicator such as the return on capital that has the project being 42.91% the ability of the company to repay the capital invested in it.
The research presents a proposal to generate added value with profitability through the export of banana flour, one of the secondary products of the company Molinera Manta SA, the destination will be the city of Miami, state of Florida, United States of America, the objective of the thesis work being to evaluate whether the export of banana flour to the US market is viable for the company. The methodology used for the research was defined by a period of time, which allowed to describe and consider the characteristics of the market such as supply, and international demand, its potential buyers and competitors, the results showed that it is viable to start with the export operations due that the analysis of market, technical and economic were favorable, taking into account this consideration is disclosed a financial indicator such as the return on capital that has the project being 42.91% the ability of the company to repay the capital invested in it.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Agronegocios
Harina de plátano; Productos procesados; Producción; Calidad; Mercadeo; Precios; Exportaciones; Perú
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