Estimación de los beneficios sociales reportados por mejoras en conservación y en turismo en el área natural Choquequirao - Cusco, Perú
Ortiz de Orué Lucana, Haydeé
La intervención del Estado en políticas de conservación como en infraestructura turística pública en áreas naturales protegidas debe ser, de una u otra forma, asumida en términos financieros por los usuarios que perciben beneficios de dichas intervenciones. La ausencia de un precio de mercado y la poca conciencia de considerar a las áreas naturales protegidas-ANP como activos económicos, que suministran una gran variedad de bienes y servicios ambientales, contribuyen a que no se conozca su verdadero valor económico. Para aproximarnos a una objetiva estimación de dicho valor económico, es posible utilizar métodos de preferencias reveladas, a través de la disposición a pagar-DAP, siendo el objetivo de la presente investigación, en ese sentido, identificar y especificar políticas en mejoras de conservación y turismo en el ACR Choquequirao-CHOQ. La DAP estimada y propuesta mediante el método de Análisis Conjunto (conjoint), a través del enfoque de ordenación contingente, muestra resultados para la implementación de mejoras conjuntas en proyectos de conservación e infraestructura turística de US$ 11.50 dólares por turista y adicionando a la tarifa de ingreso, coadyuvarían al cumplimento de los objetivos estratégicos de conservación del área; beneficios económicos que se reportarían, por la preferencia conjunta de las políticas de conservación y turismo, anualmente de US$ 80,718.50 dólares.
The intervention of the Government in terms of conservation policies and public tourist infrastructure for Protected Natural Areas, must be, in one way or another, financially assumed by Users who receive benefits from such services. The absence of a market price for ecosystemic services of the protected natural areas-ANP, and little awareness of considering them as economic assets which supply a wide variety of environmental goods and services, contribute to the fact that their true economic value is not known. To approximate an objective estimate of said economic value, it is possible to use revealed preference methods, through the willingness to pay-WTP, being the objective of this research, in that sense, to identify and specify policies in conservation improvements and tourism in the ACR Choquequirao-CHOQ. The estimated and proposed WTP through the conjoint analysis method, through the contingent ranking approach, shows results for the implementation of conjoint improvements in conservation projects and tourism infrastructure of US $ 11.50 per tourist and adding to the rate of income, they would contribute to the fulfillment of the strategic objectives of conservation of the area; economic benefits that would be reported, by the conjoint preference of conservation and tourism policies, annually of US $ 80,718.50 dollars.
The intervention of the Government in terms of conservation policies and public tourist infrastructure for Protected Natural Areas, must be, in one way or another, financially assumed by Users who receive benefits from such services. The absence of a market price for ecosystemic services of the protected natural areas-ANP, and little awareness of considering them as economic assets which supply a wide variety of environmental goods and services, contribute to the fact that their true economic value is not known. To approximate an objective estimate of said economic value, it is possible to use revealed preference methods, through the willingness to pay-WTP, being the objective of this research, in that sense, to identify and specify policies in conservation improvements and tourism in the ACR Choquequirao-CHOQ. The estimated and proposed WTP through the conjoint analysis method, through the contingent ranking approach, shows results for the implementation of conjoint improvements in conservation projects and tourism infrastructure of US $ 11.50 per tourist and adding to the rate of income, they would contribute to the fulfillment of the strategic objectives of conservation of the area; economic benefits that would be reported, by the conjoint preference of conservation and tourism policies, annually of US $ 80,718.50 dollars.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Doctorado en Economía de los Recursos Naturales y el Desarrollo Sustentable
Turismo; Comunidades rurales; Desarrollo de la comunidad; Conservación de la naturaleza; Conservación de los recursos; Actividades conexas; Sostenibilidad; Calidad de vida; Perú; Ecoturismo
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