Conservación poscosecha de palta (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass tratada con 1 metilciclopropeno proveniente de árboles con distintos portainjertos
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Parodi Macedo, Guillermo José
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El objetivo de la investigación fue estudiar la respuesta en poscosecha de frutos de palta cv. Hass por efecto de la interacción entre distintas dosis de 1 metilciclopropeno y las variedades portainjerto de los árboles de donde procedieron los frutos. Para ello se utilizaron frutos del cv. Hass de árboles de 8 años de edad cuyos portainjertos, propagados clonalmente; fueron Dusa y Zutano. Los frutos de ‘Hass’ antes de almacenarse en frío a 6.5 ± 1.3 ºC por 40 días fueron tratados con 0, 1 y 2 ppm de 1 metilciclopropeno (1 MCP). Culminado el almacenaje los frutos de ‘Hass’ presentaron diferencias en la pérdida de peso por efecto de la interacción dosis de 1 MCP y portainjerto, encontrándose que los frutos tomados de árboles con portainjerto Zutano perdieron más peso aspecto que se apreció más cuando no recibieron 1 MCP. Así mismo estos frutos mostraron menor índice de color L* en comparación con los procedentes de árboles con portainjerto Dusa. Por otro lado, los frutos tratados con 1ppm y 2 ppm de 1 MCP presentaron valores de C*, hº y firmeza, ligeramente mayores. La evaluación de los frutos 9 días después de retirados del almacenaje mostraron que los tratados con 1 y 2 ppm de 1 MCP tuvieron menor acumulación de materia seca y aceite y una mejor firmeza de pulpa. Esta respuesta fue más notoria en los frutos tratados con 2 ppm de 1 MCP. Así mismo la tasa respiratoria de los frutos evaluada tras su salida de almacenaje en frío descendió, siendo notorio en aquellos que no recibieron 1 MCP mientras que los tratados con 1 y 2 ppm de 1 MCP incrementaron su tasa respiratoria al entre el cuarto y quinto día respectivamente. Posteriormente los niveles de las tasas respiratorias descendieron en todos los tratamientos.
The objective of the research was to study the postharvest response of avocado fruits cv. Hass coming from avocado trees with different rootstock to the effect of different doses of 1-methylcyclopropene. Avocado fruits cv. Hass from 8-year-old trees whose rootstocks, clonally propagated; were Dusa and Zutano. 'Hass' fruits, before being stored at 6.5 ± 1.3 ºC for 40 days, were treated with 0, 1 and 2 ppm of 1 methylcyclopropene (1 MCP). After storage period was completed, avocado fruits showed differences in weight loss due to the interaction between doses of 1 MCP and rootstock, finding that fruits taken from trees with Zutano rootstock lost more weight, a result that was more appreciated when fruits did not receive 1 MCP. Likewise, these fruits showed a lower L* color index compared to those fruits coming from trees with Dusa rootstock. On the other hand, fruits treated with 1 and 2 ppm of 1 MCP presented slightly higher C*, hº and firmness values. The evaluation of the fruits 9 days after removal from storage showed that those treated with 1 and 2 ppm of 1 MCP had less accumulation of dry matter and oil and better pulp firmness. This response was more noticeable in fruits treated with 2 ppm of 1 MCP. Moreover, the respiratory rate of the fruits evaluated after leaving storage decreased, being noticeable in those that did not receive 1 MCP while those treated with 1 and 2 ppm of 1 MCP increased their respiratory rate on the fourth and fifth day respectively. Therefore, respiratory rate levels decreased in all treatments.
The objective of the research was to study the postharvest response of avocado fruits cv. Hass coming from avocado trees with different rootstock to the effect of different doses of 1-methylcyclopropene. Avocado fruits cv. Hass from 8-year-old trees whose rootstocks, clonally propagated; were Dusa and Zutano. 'Hass' fruits, before being stored at 6.5 ± 1.3 ºC for 40 days, were treated with 0, 1 and 2 ppm of 1 methylcyclopropene (1 MCP). After storage period was completed, avocado fruits showed differences in weight loss due to the interaction between doses of 1 MCP and rootstock, finding that fruits taken from trees with Zutano rootstock lost more weight, a result that was more appreciated when fruits did not receive 1 MCP. Likewise, these fruits showed a lower L* color index compared to those fruits coming from trees with Dusa rootstock. On the other hand, fruits treated with 1 and 2 ppm of 1 MCP presented slightly higher C*, hº and firmness values. The evaluation of the fruits 9 days after removal from storage showed that those treated with 1 and 2 ppm of 1 MCP had less accumulation of dry matter and oil and better pulp firmness. This response was more noticeable in fruits treated with 2 ppm of 1 MCP. Moreover, the respiratory rate of the fruits evaluated after leaving storage decreased, being noticeable in those that did not receive 1 MCP while those treated with 1 and 2 ppm of 1 MCP increased their respiratory rate on the fourth and fifth day respectively. Therefore, respiratory rate levels decreased in all treatments.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Producción Agrícola
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