Anatomía y propiedades físicas de la madera de Simarouba amara de 9 años en Ucayali - Perú
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Cáceres Huashuayo, Daniel Jeanpierre
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La presente investigación evalúa la variación de los elementos anatómicos en tres niveles axiales y radiales, y la variación de las propiedades físicas en el eje axial, de la madera de Simarouba amara de una plantación de 9 años en Ucayali, Perú. La caracterización anatómica se realizó según IAWA (1989) y la norma IBAMA (1991). Las propiedades físicas, contenido de humedad, densidad y contracción, se determinaron según la normativa peruana. Los resultados mostraron que la especie posee fibras de longitud mediana (1067,87 µm), diámetros medianos (27,89 µm), de paredes delgadas (2,02 µm) y vasos de longitud mediana (395,76 µm). Las propiedades físicas como densidad básica fueron de 0,35 g/cm3 . Las contracciones tangenciales 5,55%; radial 2,51% y volumétrica 7,67%, así como también relación T/R 2,24; permiten clasificar las propiedades físicas como bajas. En dirección axial, la longitud de vasos, diámetro de poros y longitud de fibras mostró una tendencia de aumento desde la base a la zona media y luego disminuye a la zona apical. Por su parte, el diámetro de fibras y espesor de pared, presentan una tendencia decreciente desde la base hasta el ápice. En dirección radial, la longitud de vasos, el diámetro de poros y espesor de pared presentan una tendencia creciente, de la médula a la corteza, la longitud de fibras y diámetro de fibras no presentan tendencia definida. En las propiedades físicas se encontró una tendencia creciente en dirección basal-apical para la densidad básica, contracción volumétrica y radial.
This research evaluates the variation of anatomical elements at three axial and radial levels, as well as the variation of physical properties along the axial axis, of Simarouba amara wood from a 9-year-old plantation in Ucayali, Peru. Anatomical characterization was carried out according to IAWA (1989) and IBAMA standards (1991). Physical properties such as moisture content, density, and shrinkage were determined according to Peruvian regulations. The results showed that the species has medium-length fibers (1067.87 µm), medium diameters (27.89 µm), thin walls (2.02 µm), and medium-length vessels (395.76 µm). Physical properties such as basic density were 0.35 g/cm3. Tangential shrinkage was 5.55%; radial shrinkage, 2.51%; and volumetric shrinkage, 7.67%. The T/R ratio was 2.24, indicating low physical properties. Along the axial direction, vessel length, pore diameter, and fiber length showed an increasing trend from the base to the middle zone and then decreased towards the apical zone. Fiber diameter and wall thickness, on the other hand, showed a decreasing trend from the base to the apex. In the radial direction, vessel length, pore diameter, and wall thickness showed an increasing trend from the pith to the bark, while fiber length and diameter did not show a defined trend. Physical properties exhibited an increasing trend from base to apex for basic density, volumetric, and radial shrinkage.
This research evaluates the variation of anatomical elements at three axial and radial levels, as well as the variation of physical properties along the axial axis, of Simarouba amara wood from a 9-year-old plantation in Ucayali, Peru. Anatomical characterization was carried out according to IAWA (1989) and IBAMA standards (1991). Physical properties such as moisture content, density, and shrinkage were determined according to Peruvian regulations. The results showed that the species has medium-length fibers (1067.87 µm), medium diameters (27.89 µm), thin walls (2.02 µm), and medium-length vessels (395.76 µm). Physical properties such as basic density were 0.35 g/cm3. Tangential shrinkage was 5.55%; radial shrinkage, 2.51%; and volumetric shrinkage, 7.67%. The T/R ratio was 2.24, indicating low physical properties. Along the axial direction, vessel length, pore diameter, and fiber length showed an increasing trend from the base to the middle zone and then decreased towards the apical zone. Fiber diameter and wall thickness, on the other hand, showed a decreasing trend from the base to the apex. In the radial direction, vessel length, pore diameter, and wall thickness showed an increasing trend from the pith to the bark, while fiber length and diameter did not show a defined trend. Physical properties exhibited an increasing trend from base to apex for basic density, volumetric, and radial shrinkage.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales. Departamento Académico de Industrias Forestales
Análisis de datos; Anatomía de la madera; Árboles forestales; Composición química; Contenido de humedad; Edad; Especies; Evaluación; Marupa; Perú; Propiedades de la madera; Propiedades fisicoquímicas; Propiedades mecánicas; Propiedades técnicas; Simarouba amara
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