Evaluación de la Certificación ASC Salmón en la región de los Lagos, Chile, con enfoque en criterios para sedimentos
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López Ramírez, Carlos Andrés
El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo describir la aplicación de la certificación Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) salmón aplicada en dos centros comerciales de engorde de salmónidos en la Región de los Lagos en Chile. Para lo cual primero se describió el proceso de auditoría de la certificación ASC salmón, llevado a cabo por el autor del presente trabajo cumpliendo el rol de auditor para ambas auditorías, considerando los principios que aplican y los criterios evaluados durante el proceso de auditoría. Este programa de certificación se llevó a cabo el año 2022, durante los meses de mayo y julio, donde se recabo información para evaluar el cumplimiento de los requisitos de la Certificación ASC, en CE1 que produce Salmón del Atlántico (Salmo salar) y el CE2 que produce Salmón Coho (Oncorrhynchus kisutch) ubicados en el Seno de Reloncaví, Puerto Montt. En ambos procesos de certificación se evaluaron los 8 principios de ASC salmón, sin embargo, para fines del presente trabajo, se valoraron 2 principios y, particularmente, 4 criterios relacionados con el muestreo y análisis de sedimentos para determinar el cumplimiento o no con el estándar ASC salmón. El análisis de sedimentos se presenta al auditor, mediante un informe preliminar realizado por consultoras y laboratorios externos debidamente acreditados, contratados por la empresa que opta por la certificación. La información utilizada para la caracterización y valoración de los impactos se realizó en función al muestreo de sedimentos en el polígono definido como la Zona de Efectos Permitidos (Z.E.P.) y fuera de la misma. El resultado de la auditoría y posterior certificación, indican que ambos centros de engorde logran un nivel cumplimiento adecuado, por ende, se otorga la certificación ASC salmón.
The objective of this paper was to describe the application of the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) salmon certification applied in two commercial salmon farming centers in the Los Lagos Region in Chile. For which the audit process of the ASC salmon certification was first described, carried out by the author of this work fulfilling the role of auditor for both audits, considering the principles that apply and the criteria evaluated during the audit process. This certification program was carried out in May and July, 2022, where information was collected to evaluate compliance with the requirements of the ASC Certification, in CE1 that produces Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) and CE2 that produces Coho Salmon (Oncorrhynchus kisutch) located in the Seno de Reloncaví, Puerto Montt. In both certification processes, the 8 principles of ASCsalmon were evaluated; however, for the purposes of the paper, 2 principles were evaluated and, particularly, on 4 criteria that are related to sediment sampling and análisis to determine compliance or not with the standard ASC salmon. The sediment analysis is presented to the auditor, through a preliminary report carried out by duly accredited consultants and external laboratories, contracted by the company that opts for the certification. The information used for the characterization and assessment of the impacts was carried out based on the sampling of sediments in the polygon defined as the Allowable Zone of Effect (AZE) and outside of it. The result of the audit and subsequent certification indicate that both fattening centers achieve an adequate level of compliance, therefore, the ASC salmon certification is granted.
The objective of this paper was to describe the application of the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) salmon certification applied in two commercial salmon farming centers in the Los Lagos Region in Chile. For which the audit process of the ASC salmon certification was first described, carried out by the author of this work fulfilling the role of auditor for both audits, considering the principles that apply and the criteria evaluated during the audit process. This certification program was carried out in May and July, 2022, where information was collected to evaluate compliance with the requirements of the ASC Certification, in CE1 that produces Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) and CE2 that produces Coho Salmon (Oncorrhynchus kisutch) located in the Seno de Reloncaví, Puerto Montt. In both certification processes, the 8 principles of ASCsalmon were evaluated; however, for the purposes of the paper, 2 principles were evaluated and, particularly, on 4 criteria that are related to sediment sampling and análisis to determine compliance or not with the standard ASC salmon. The sediment analysis is presented to the auditor, through a preliminary report carried out by duly accredited consultants and external laboratories, contracted by the company that opts for the certification. The information used for the characterization and assessment of the impacts was carried out based on the sampling of sediments in the polygon defined as the Allowable Zone of Effect (AZE) and outside of it. The result of the audit and subsequent certification indicate that both fattening centers achieve an adequate level of compliance, therefore, the ASC salmon certification is granted.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Pesquería. Departamento Académico de Manejo Pesquero y Medio Ambiente
ASC salmón
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