Estabilidad de rendimiento de híbridos de maíz amarillo duro (Zea mays L.) en la costa norte del Perú
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Quijano Paulino, Bartolome Milton
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El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivos determinar la estabilidad de quince híbridos de maíz amarillo duro (Zea mays L.) en siete localidades contrastantes de la costa norte del Perú e identificar los híbridos de mayor estabilidad y potencial de rendimiento a fin de recomendar el híbrido más estable para cada localidad. Se ha empleado para el análisis de estabilidad el modelo de Eberhart y Russel y el modelo AMMI, el diseño experimental utilizado fue el de Bloques Completos al Azar con cuatro repeticiones y quince híbridos en siete localidades, las variables estudiadas fueron rendimiento de grano, altura de planta y mazorca, días a floración masculina y femenina. Todas las variables estudiadas presentaron interacción genotipo con las localidades; los híbridos Exp 003 y Exp 007 de acuerdo al análisis de estabilidad de Eberhart y Russell y AMMI se considera como estables. Los mayores rendimientos se obtuvieron en las localidades de Alto Perú y Lunar bajo, destacando el híbrido P3862, DK-1596 y DK-7088 en la localidad de Alto Perú y en la localidad de Lunar bajo el híbrido DK 7088.
The present research aimed to determine the stability of fifteen hard yellow corn (Zea mays L.) hybrids in seven contrasting locations on the northern coast of Peru and identify hybrids with the greatest stability and yield potential in order to recommend the most stable hybrid for each location. The Eberhart and Russell model and the AMMI model have been used for the stability analysis. The experimental design used was a Randomized Complete Block with four replications, and fifteen hybrids in seven locations. The variables studied were grain yield, plant height, ear characteristics, and days to male and female flowering. All studied variables presented genotype interaction with the locations, the hybrids Exp. 003 and Exp. 007 according to the stability analysis of Eberhart and Russell and AMMI are considered as stable. The highest yields were obtained in the locations of Alto Perú and Lunar Bajo, highlighting hybrids P3862, DK-1596 and DK-7088 in the Alto Perú locality and in the Lunar Bajo Loclity, the hybrid DK-7088.
The present research aimed to determine the stability of fifteen hard yellow corn (Zea mays L.) hybrids in seven contrasting locations on the northern coast of Peru and identify hybrids with the greatest stability and yield potential in order to recommend the most stable hybrid for each location. The Eberhart and Russell model and the AMMI model have been used for the stability analysis. The experimental design used was a Randomized Complete Block with four replications, and fifteen hybrids in seven locations. The variables studied were grain yield, plant height, ear characteristics, and days to male and female flowering. All studied variables presented genotype interaction with the locations, the hybrids Exp. 003 and Exp. 007 according to the stability analysis of Eberhart and Russell and AMMI are considered as stable. The highest yields were obtained in the locations of Alto Perú and Lunar Bajo, highlighting hybrids P3862, DK-1596 and DK-7088 in the Alto Perú locality and in the Lunar Bajo Loclity, the hybrid DK-7088.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Producción Agrícola
Zea mays; Híbrido; Estabilidad del rendimiento; Rendimiento de cultivos; Perú; Maíz amarillo duro
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