Impacto de la implementación y manejo de sistemas agroforestales en el desarrollo territorial de la comunidad campesina Chauca Callahuanca
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Serna Torres, Kaylee Milagros
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Los agricultores comúnmente presentan monocultivos en sus parcelas y estos generan una sobreexplotación del suelo que conlleva a que se vuelva pobre y erosionado, además que favorece a la proliferación de enfermedades y plagas que ponen en peligro la economía del agricultor ya que en muchos casos es su único o principal fuente de ingresos, en el presente trabajo de suficiencia laboral analizaremos el impacto de los sistemas agroforestales del proyecto “Desarrollo Agrícola Rural” los cuales se ubican en la comunidad campesina Chauca – Callahuanca; para ello describiremos paso a paso las actividades realizadas como el trabajo participativo en la comunidad, la toma de información, el asesoramiento técnico y los diagnósticos de los campos de cultivo, el plan de capacitaciones, la producción de plantones en el vivero, la implementación y manejo de sistemas agroforestales, el asesoramiento a las gerencias, el desarrollo de los planes de manejo y comercialización además de la instalación de dos puntos de venta local; los cuales impactan en el desarrollo territorial (desarrollo social, desarrollo productivo y ambiental).Se obtuvo resultados como la creación de dos mype, puestos de trabajo temporal y fijo, el empoderamiento de las minorías (mujeres y adultos de la tercera edad), la mejora en las capacidades técnicas, organizacionales y comerciales, la reactivación de la economía local por el incremento en los ingresos mediante la venta de fruta fresca y los productos con valor agregado, además del desarrollo ambiental logrando controlar la plaga la mosca de la fruta. Este trabajo busca el desarrollo territorial y la mejora continua del manejo de los campos de cultivo adecuados a las situaciones ambientales, ecológicas y socioeconómicas por las que atraviesa el país e influyen en la vida de los productores.
Farmers commonly have monocultures on their plots and these generate overexploitation of the soil that leads to it becoming poor and eroded, in addition to favoring the proliferation of diseases and pests that endanger the farmer's economy since in many cases it is their sole or main source of income, in this work on labor sufficiency we will analyze the impact of the agroforestry systems of the “Rural Agricultural Development” project which are located in the Chauca – Callahuanca peasant community; To do this, we will describe step by step the activities carried out such as participatory work in the community, information gathering, technical advice and diagnostics of the crop fields, the training plan, the production of seedlings in the nursery, the implementation and management of agroforestry systems, advice to management, development of management and marketing plans in addition to the installation of two local sales points; which impact territorial development (social development, productive and environmental development). Results were obtained such as the creation of two mype, temporary and permanent jobs, the empowerment of minorities (women and elderly adults), the improvement in technical, organizational and commercial capabilities, the reactivation of the local economy due to the increase in income through the sale of fresh fruit and value-added products, in addition to environmental development, managing to control the fruit fly pest. This work seeks territorial development and continuous improvement in the management of crop fields appropriate to the environmental, ecological and socioeconomic situations that the country is going through and influence the lives of producers.
Farmers commonly have monocultures on their plots and these generate overexploitation of the soil that leads to it becoming poor and eroded, in addition to favoring the proliferation of diseases and pests that endanger the farmer's economy since in many cases it is their sole or main source of income, in this work on labor sufficiency we will analyze the impact of the agroforestry systems of the “Rural Agricultural Development” project which are located in the Chauca – Callahuanca peasant community; To do this, we will describe step by step the activities carried out such as participatory work in the community, information gathering, technical advice and diagnostics of the crop fields, the training plan, the production of seedlings in the nursery, the implementation and management of agroforestry systems, advice to management, development of management and marketing plans in addition to the installation of two local sales points; which impact territorial development (social development, productive and environmental development). Results were obtained such as the creation of two mype, temporary and permanent jobs, the empowerment of minorities (women and elderly adults), the improvement in technical, organizational and commercial capabilities, the reactivation of the local economy due to the increase in income through the sale of fresh fruit and value-added products, in addition to environmental development, managing to control the fruit fly pest. This work seeks territorial development and continuous improvement in the management of crop fields appropriate to the environmental, ecological and socioeconomic situations that the country is going through and influence the lives of producers.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales. Departamento Académico de Manejo Forestal
Agroforestería; Calidad del suelo; Calidad; Dinámica de poblaciones; Evaluación
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