Otorgamiento de créditos en pymes del distrito de Pachacámac, Lima
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Maldonado Velásquez, José
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El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo principal, demostrar que los créditos destinados a activos tienen una menor incidencia en mora en comparación con los créditos con otros destinos. Se compara las bases de datos de clientes en mora del año 2017, 2018, 2021 y 2022, encontrándose que los créditos destinados a activo tienen un porcentaje menor de incidencia en mora en comparación con los demás productos financieros. En las evaluaciones se encuentra que los clientes que invirtieron en activos mejoraron sus niveles de producción y la calidad de sus productos llegando a atender nuevos mercados obteniendo así más ingresos y más ganancias incrementando su capacidad de endeudamiento En las evaluaciones crediticias se mide el riesgo de mora con el indicador capacidad de endeudamiento el cual explica el máximo endeudamiento que la pyme puede cubrir sin inconvenientes ni atrasos. Existen otros indicadores de medición del riesgo de la mora, como también existen factores no medibles. Para las evaluaciones y aprobaciones de créditos financiera compartamos se rige en su reglamento de créditos y su catálogo de productos. La atención de los créditos destinados a activos se reglamentó con nuevos requisitos a partir del año 2018 uno de los requisitos principales era la proforma de adquisición del activo, con este documento las pymes se comprometían a cumplir con el destino del crédito lo cual se verificaría después del desembolso y se tomaría como referencias para una segunda evaluación. La metodología por usar es de tipo básico, se analizará la base de datos de financiera compartamos del año 2021 observando los créditos que inciden en la cartera morosa, se menciona que dicha base de datos es a nivel nacional pero solo se analizará los créditos colocados en la región sur en la zona de Manchay.
The main objective of this study was to demonstrate that loans destined for assets have a lower incidence of default compared to loans with other destinations. The databases of clients in arrears from 2018, 2021 and 2022 are compared, finding that loans intended for assets have a lower percentage of incidence in arrears compared to other financial products. In the evaluations it is found that the clients who invested in assets improved their production levels and the quality of their products, reaching new markets, thus obtaining more income and more profits, increasing their debt capacity. In credit evaluations, the risk of default is measured with the debt capacity indicator, which explains the maximum debt that the SME can cover without problems or delays. There are other indicators for measuring the risk of default, as well as non-measurable factors not measurable. For financial credit evaluations and approvals, we are governed by its credit regulations and its product catalogue. The attention of credits destined for assets was regulated with new requirements starting in 2018, one of the main requirements was the proforma of acquisition of the asset, with this document the pymes committed to comply with the destination of the credit which would be verified later of the disbursement and would be taken as references for a second evaluation. The methodology to be used is of a basic type, the database of Financiera Compartamos from the year 2017, 2018, 2021 and the year 2022 will be analyzed, observing the credits that affect the delinquent portfolio, it is mentioned that said database is at the national level but it will only be analyzed the credits placed in the southern region in the Manchay area.
The main objective of this study was to demonstrate that loans destined for assets have a lower incidence of default compared to loans with other destinations. The databases of clients in arrears from 2018, 2021 and 2022 are compared, finding that loans intended for assets have a lower percentage of incidence in arrears compared to other financial products. In the evaluations it is found that the clients who invested in assets improved their production levels and the quality of their products, reaching new markets, thus obtaining more income and more profits, increasing their debt capacity. In credit evaluations, the risk of default is measured with the debt capacity indicator, which explains the maximum debt that the SME can cover without problems or delays. There are other indicators for measuring the risk of default, as well as non-measurable factors not measurable. For financial credit evaluations and approvals, we are governed by its credit regulations and its product catalogue. The attention of credits destined for assets was regulated with new requirements starting in 2018, one of the main requirements was the proforma of acquisition of the asset, with this document the pymes committed to comply with the destination of the credit which would be verified later of the disbursement and would be taken as references for a second evaluation. The methodology to be used is of a basic type, the database of Financiera Compartamos from the year 2017, 2018, 2021 and the year 2022 will be analyzed, observing the credits that affect the delinquent portfolio, it is mentioned that said database is at the national level but it will only be analyzed the credits placed in the southern region in the Manchay area.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Economía y Planificación. Departamento Académico de Gestión Empresarial
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