Impacto de los fertilizantes foliares y bioestimulantes en la producción de cultivos
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Hurtado Escobar, Alvaro Fernando
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El presente trabajo monográfico se basa en los conocimientos profesionales adquiridos en el área de Desarrollo y Marketing en la empresa Comercial Química Masso Perú S.A.C., empresa española que produce, importa y distribuye productos fertilizantes foliares y bioestimulantes. Dentro de las principales funciones que se ejercen en el área de Desarrollo y Marketing, son las de llevar a cabo ensayos con los diversos productos que ofrece la empresa en diferentes campos agrícolas, ya sean pequeños agricultores o grandes empresas agroexportadoras, con el fin de definir su eficiencia y eficacia en los diferentes ambientes que se encuentran en el Perú. Para asegurar el éxito de los ensayos, se debe primero conocer los antecedentes del campo, como su localidad, climatología, perfil edáfico, análisis foliares previos, la variedad del cultivo entre otros. Luego, se estudia la problemática del cultivo, viendo así cuáles son sus deficiencias o fisiopatías a las que se enfrenta el productor. Una vez se haya obtenido esta información, se plantea un protocolo de ensayo con la posible solución con los diferentes productos de la empresa. De llevarse a cabo el ensayo, se procede a realizar las aplicaciones de los productos siguiendo el protocolo, con la supervisión del encargado de campo. Finalmente, luego de las aplicaciones respectivas, se evalúa el campo en diferentes parámetros previamente establecidos en el protocolo, para definir si los productos ofrecidos por la empresa cumplieron con los objetivos planteados. En este sentido, el presente trabajo monográfico se presenta detalladamente algunos de los ensayos realizados con los principales productos ofrecidos por la empresa, demostrando así su importancia en los diferentes cultivos.
This monographic work is based on the professional knowledge acquired in the area of Development and Marketing in the company Comercial Química Masso Peru S.A.C., a Spanish company that produces, imports and distributes foliar fertilizer and biostimulant products. Among the main functions carried out in the Development and Marketing area are those of carrying out tests with the various products offered by the company in different agricultural fields, whether small farmers or large agro-export companies, in order to define their efficiency and effectiveness in the different environments found in Peru. To ensure the success of the trials, we must first know the background of the field, such as its location, climatology, soil profile, previous foliar analysis, crop variety, among others. Then, the problems of the crop are studied, thus seeing what deficiencies or physiopathies the producer faces. Once this information has been obtained, a test protocol is proposed with the possible solution with the company's different products. If the test is carried out, the applications of the products are carried out following the protocol, with the supervision of the field manager. Finally, after the respective applications, the field is evaluated in different parameters previously established in the protocol, to define whether the products offered by the company met the stated objectives. In this sense, this monographic work presents in detail some of the tests carried out with the main products offered by the company, thus demonstrating their importance in different crops.
This monographic work is based on the professional knowledge acquired in the area of Development and Marketing in the company Comercial Química Masso Peru S.A.C., a Spanish company that produces, imports and distributes foliar fertilizer and biostimulant products. Among the main functions carried out in the Development and Marketing area are those of carrying out tests with the various products offered by the company in different agricultural fields, whether small farmers or large agro-export companies, in order to define their efficiency and effectiveness in the different environments found in Peru. To ensure the success of the trials, we must first know the background of the field, such as its location, climatology, soil profile, previous foliar analysis, crop variety, among others. Then, the problems of the crop are studied, thus seeing what deficiencies or physiopathies the producer faces. Once this information has been obtained, a test protocol is proposed with the possible solution with the company's different products. If the test is carried out, the applications of the products are carried out following the protocol, with the supervision of the field manager. Finally, after the respective applications, the field is evaluated in different parameters previously established in the protocol, to define whether the products offered by the company met the stated objectives. In this sense, this monographic work presents in detail some of the tests carried out with the main products offered by the company, thus demonstrating their importance in different crops.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Académico de Suelos
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