Protección de información e implicancia en el proceso de registro de plaguicidas químicos de uso agrícola sin antecedentes de registro
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Castro Medina, Paula Leonor
En nuestro país, para formular, importar, distribuir y comercializar Plaguicidas Químicos de Uso Agrícola (PQUA) es necesario contar con una autorización, este tipo de productos requieren de registro, otorgado por la Autoridad Nacional Competente en materia de plaguicidas, es decir el Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria (SENASA) y evaluado en base a la normativa que rige actualmente en el país. A lo largo del tiempo, la normativa ha ido modificándose e incrementando los requisitos con la finalidad de armonizar y realizar una evaluación que asegure que el producto no va a generar efectos adversos al ambiente y a la salud humana si es empleado de manera adecuada. Es así como, actualmente cuando registramos un PQUA nos basamos en los lineamientos de la Decisión 804: “Norma Andina para el Registro y Control de Plaguicidas Químicos de Uso Agrícola” y la Resolución 2075 (agosto 2019) que adopta el “Manual Técnico Andino para el Registro y Control de Plaguicidas Químicos de Uso Agrícola”. La información proporcionada a la autoridad en base a los requisitos estipulados en la normativa es muy detallada, se ha incurrido en altos costos de tiempo y dinero para generarla y por ello posee gran valor económico para quien la tenga en su poder, por esta razón se cuenta con el Sistema de Propiedad Intelectual como un mecanismo que protege la información regulatoria y garantiza que la protección sea eficaz al mantenerla secreta y evitando así la competencia desleal, este tipo de protección puede ser de forma limitada o ilimitada dependiendo del caso, es decir mediante protección de datos de prueba o confidencialidad respectivamente. Las compañías agroquímicas para ampliar su portafolio de productos requieren de un responsable de registros y asuntos regulatorios, capaz de ejecutar los procesos de obtención de registros y protección de la información regulatoria de manera exitosa.
In our country, to formulate, import, distribute and commercialize Chemical Pesticides for Agricultural Use (PQUA) it is necessary to have an authorization; this type of products require registration, granted by the Competent National Authority in matters of pesticides, that is, Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria (SENASA) and evaluated based on the regulations that currently govern the country. Over time, the regulations have been modified and increased requirements in order to harmonize and carry out an evaluation that ensures that the product will not generate adverse effects on the environment and human health if it is used appropriately. This is how, currently when we register a PQUA we base ourselves on the guidelines of Decision 804: “Andean Standard for the Registration and Control of Chemical Pesticides for Agricultural Use” and Resolution 2075 (August 2019) that adopts the “Andean Technical Manual for “Registration and Control of Chemical Pesticides for Agricultural Use”. The information provided to the authority based on the requirements stipulated in the regulations is very detailed, high costs of time and money have been incurred to generate it and therefore it has great economic value for whoever has it in their possession, for this reason it is has the Intellectual Property System as a mechanism that protects regulatory information and guarantees that the protection is effective by keeping it secret and thus avoiding unfair competition. This type of protection can be limited or unlimited depending on the case, that is, through test data protection or confidentiality respectively. To expand their product portfolio, agrochemical companies require a person responsible for registration and regulatory affairs, capable of executing the processes of obtaining registrations and protecting regulatory information successfully.
In our country, to formulate, import, distribute and commercialize Chemical Pesticides for Agricultural Use (PQUA) it is necessary to have an authorization; this type of products require registration, granted by the Competent National Authority in matters of pesticides, that is, Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria (SENASA) and evaluated based on the regulations that currently govern the country. Over time, the regulations have been modified and increased requirements in order to harmonize and carry out an evaluation that ensures that the product will not generate adverse effects on the environment and human health if it is used appropriately. This is how, currently when we register a PQUA we base ourselves on the guidelines of Decision 804: “Andean Standard for the Registration and Control of Chemical Pesticides for Agricultural Use” and Resolution 2075 (August 2019) that adopts the “Andean Technical Manual for “Registration and Control of Chemical Pesticides for Agricultural Use”. The information provided to the authority based on the requirements stipulated in the regulations is very detailed, high costs of time and money have been incurred to generate it and therefore it has great economic value for whoever has it in their possession, for this reason it is has the Intellectual Property System as a mechanism that protects regulatory information and guarantees that the protection is effective by keeping it secret and thus avoiding unfair competition. This type of protection can be limited or unlimited depending on the case, that is, through test data protection or confidentiality respectively. To expand their product portfolio, agrochemical companies require a person responsible for registration and regulatory affairs, capable of executing the processes of obtaining registrations and protecting regulatory information successfully.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Académico de Fitopatología
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