Mitigación del estrés hídrico mediante la aplicación de enmiendas al suelo en el cultivo de maíz (Zea mays L.)
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Adrianzén Sánchez, Maria Alejandra
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El estrés hídrico afecta el desarrollo de la producción agrícola, siendo la disponibilidad del recurso hídrico, una problemática mundial. El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar el potencial de enmiendas del suelo como hidrogel, vermicompost y Water Retainer en mitigar el estrés hídrico en el cultivo de maíz (Zea mays L.). Fueron propuestos 11 tratamientos, Water Retainer (1.0 ml m-2; 2.0 ml m-2), hidrogel (0.3 % peso/peso) y vermicompost (2 % peso/peso), con una limitación del riego en 15 y 30 % del tratamiento control (100 % riego), además de controles con restricción hídrica, pero sin enmiendas, con 4 repeticiones cada uno. Se usó un diseño completo al azar, cuyos datos fueron procesados mediante un análisis de varianza y luego se llevó a cabo una comparación de medias con la prueba Duncan. Se evaluó variables como altura de planta, diámetro de tallo, biomasa seca total, color (medido con un colorímetro), intercambio gaseoso (CIRAS-3), área foliar de la hoja bandera. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que el uso del Water Retainer en dosis de 1.0 ml m-2, demostró un impacto positivo en la altura con limitación hídrica del 15 y 30 %. En el diámetro del tallo y eficiencia de uso de agua, se evidenció una tendencia en los tratamientos con enmiendas agrícolas y disminución de 30 % del riego, a presentar diámetros superiores, destacando el uso de 2.0 ml m-2 de Water Retainer. En la producción de la biomasa seca total, hidrogel, vermicompost y Water Retainer (2.0 ml m-2) mostraron resultados mayores en comparación de Water Retainer con dosis de 1.0 ml m-2. El vermicompost destacó en valores de área foliar de la hoja bandera en condiciones de disminución del riego en 30 % y el tratamiento control (100 % riego). El uso de enmiendas aplicadas al suelo puede mitigar el efecto negativo del estrés hídrico en el crecimiento de las plantas.
Water stress affects crop growth and development, and the availability of water resources will be a worldwide problem. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of soil amendments such as hydrogel, vermicompost and Water Retainer in mitigating water stress in maize (Zea mays L.). Eleven treatments were proposed, Water Retainer (1.0 ml m-2; 2.0 ml m-2), hydrogel (0.3 % wt/wt) and vermicompost (2 % wt/wt), with an irrigation limitation of 15 and 30 % of the control treatment (100 % irrigation), in addition to controls with water restriction, but without amendments, with 4 replications each. A complete randomized design was used, whose data were processed by analysis of variance and then a comparison of means was performed with the Duncan test. Variables such as plant height, stem diameter, total dry biomass, color (measured with a colorimeter), gas exchange (CIRAS-3), and leaf area of the flag leaf were evaluated. The results obtained showed that the use of Water Retainer at a dose of 1.0 ml m-2, showed a positive impact on height with water limitation of 15 and 30%. In stem diameter and water use efficiency, there was a tendency for the treatments with agricultural amendments and a 30% decrease in irrigation to present larger diameters, with the use of 2.0 ml m-2 of Water Retainer standing out. In the production of total dry biomass, hydrogel, vermicompost and Water Retainer (2.0 ml m-2) showed higher results compared to Water Retainer with a dose of 1.0 ml m-2. The vermicompost was superior to the control treatment (100% irrigation) in terms of leaf area of the flag leaf when irrigation was reduced by 30 %. The use of soil amendments can mitigate the negative effect of water stress on plant growth.
Water stress affects crop growth and development, and the availability of water resources will be a worldwide problem. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of soil amendments such as hydrogel, vermicompost and Water Retainer in mitigating water stress in maize (Zea mays L.). Eleven treatments were proposed, Water Retainer (1.0 ml m-2; 2.0 ml m-2), hydrogel (0.3 % wt/wt) and vermicompost (2 % wt/wt), with an irrigation limitation of 15 and 30 % of the control treatment (100 % irrigation), in addition to controls with water restriction, but without amendments, with 4 replications each. A complete randomized design was used, whose data were processed by analysis of variance and then a comparison of means was performed with the Duncan test. Variables such as plant height, stem diameter, total dry biomass, color (measured with a colorimeter), gas exchange (CIRAS-3), and leaf area of the flag leaf were evaluated. The results obtained showed that the use of Water Retainer at a dose of 1.0 ml m-2, showed a positive impact on height with water limitation of 15 and 30%. In stem diameter and water use efficiency, there was a tendency for the treatments with agricultural amendments and a 30% decrease in irrigation to present larger diameters, with the use of 2.0 ml m-2 of Water Retainer standing out. In the production of total dry biomass, hydrogel, vermicompost and Water Retainer (2.0 ml m-2) showed higher results compared to Water Retainer with a dose of 1.0 ml m-2. The vermicompost was superior to the control treatment (100% irrigation) in terms of leaf area of the flag leaf when irrigation was reduced by 30 %. The use of soil amendments can mitigate the negative effect of water stress on plant growth.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento
Académico de Suelos
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